Super Network Manager

Chapter 3 is really stingy

After nagging several times, Niu Ben took off his guilt, and then turned his attention back to work.

At this time, Fatty Zhang happened to finish watching the movie and walked out of the computer room and began to conduct a routine inspection every half day. After working in an Internet cafe for a year, Niu Ben knew that at this time, Fatty Zhang would find out and deal with various problems on the client's machine like an ordinary network manager. So when he saw this guy come out, he hurriedly followed him so that he could learn some practical means and solutions when dealing with problems.

As a small network manager, when Niu Ben first came to work in the Internet cafe, he was even unfamiliar with changing the mouse and keyboard. After staying for a year, he learned to install games, update game patches, and use the Ghost backup that comes with the Internet cafe to restore the system.

Let's call it technology, at least to the extent that it was almost equivalent to electric white before, these things can already be called technology.

Of course, it is more than enough to be a small network manager, but it is still far from the technical supervisor. Therefore, for a person who aspires to become a technical supervisor, every time Fatty Zhang solves problems, it becomes the best time for him to learn knowledge. Although you can't learn new things every time you follow Zhang Pangzi, as long as you follow yourself, you can constantly enrich yourself.

Just like today, when Niu Ben thought he would not gain anything, Fatty Zhang's rhythmic walking pace suddenly stopped.

He hurried up, and Niu Ben found that this was an open computer. However, after the computer starts up, the display is full of letters, and it is stuck there and does not enter the system normally.

As a guy born in the countryside who barely received nine years of compulsory education and didn't learn English at all when he was studying, Niu Ben naturally doesn't know what those letters on the monitor mean. Moreover, in the year since he came to the Internet cafe, he had not encountered such a problem before, so when Niu Ben saw this situation, he just blinked blankly and did not know how to solve it.

Zhang Pangzi didn't know whether he was in a good mood in the afternoon or Gu Nian to help him get the beautiful QQ number. Now he saw Niu Ben looking at him and explained to Niu Ben for the first time: "Xiao, the simplest solution to this problem is to press F1 directly."

With that, he gently clicked on the F1 key of the keyboard.

Niu Ben was immediately surprised to find that there was an immediate data response on the display that was originally stuck, and with the process of reading various programs, the computer quickly entered the system as smoothly as normal.

Niu Ben stared: "In this case, you just need to press F1?"

"Of course not." Zhang Pangzi shook his head and said, "PRESSING F1 is just a temporary solution. If the computer is restarted, this problem still exists. If you don't believe it, you can restart it."

Niu Ben answered and squatted down to fiddle with the computer a few times. Sure enough, he found that the computer would get stuck every time it started. He needed to press the F1 key to enter the system normally. He couldn't help muttering, "Every time you need to press F1, which is too troublesome. If the computer you use at home is nothing, but if the guests don't understand it in the Internet cafe, you have to call it every time you come. It's a big trouble to be a network manager.

"So, when you encounter this problem, you need to completely solve it." Fatty Zhang quickly restarted the computer and said, "In this case, it is generally caused by BIOS, which is often referred to as improper CMOS settings. According to F1, it is confirmed to enter the system with this incorrect boot. Although this will not have any impact on the system itself, it cannot fundamentally solve the problem of getting stuck without starting up.

Niu Ben licked his lips and said, "Well, how can we solve it fundamentally?"

"Generally, press the Delete key to modify the CMOS settings." Zhang Pangzi pressed the Del key while speaking, and Niu Ben immediately found that a row of letters with white letters on a blue background was displayed on the computer screen.

Then, Fatty Zhang pointed to the StandardCMOSFeatures item in the first row and said, "In this case, most of them will press the Del key to enter the CMOS setting, which will enter the first basic setting and change the option after floopy to Disa. Bel, and modify the 1.44M that appears in the option after driveA to None, and then press F10 to exit and save. The system will restart automatically, and the problem can be fundamentally solved.

"Power on, Del, enter to select the first item, and then change the option behind Floopy to Disabel. The 1.44M that appears in the option behind driveA is modified to None. Exit and save. Meet, I wrote it down." Niu Ben repeated Zhang Pangzi's words, confirmed that he had written down every step, and then asked, "Then why did you choose to modify this CMOS option?"

"Because this is the setting of the floppy disk floppy drive, computers rarely use these things, so they choose to turn them off so that the system can read them in the correct boot way." Fatty Zhang patted Niu Ben on the shoulder and said earnestly, "Xiao, it's simple to say that the computer is simple. If it is difficult, the things in it are extremely profound. Even the first-class computer master dare not say that he can solve all the problems."

"Learn slowly, I don't want to become a first-class master." Niu Ben touched his nose and smiled, and was not scared by Fatty Zhang's words at all.

Seeing that he didn't care, Zhang Pangzi could only curl his lips and mutter that he had no ambition, so he continued his daily cruise. However, Niu Ben did not keep up after that, because he found that the time had arrived at 4:20 p.m.

At this time, the silly girl should have started to walk up from the bar on the first floor.

Sure enough, when Niu Ben turned his head and looked at the stairway, he saw Mo Xiang Siting coming out of the corner of the corridor. Seeing Niu Ben looking at herself, the girl immediately stretched out Bai Shengsheng's little hand and waved a few times, and said excitedly, "Niu Er, here."

"I want to call you Brother Niu, you know!" Niu Ben greeted him and said helplessly, "How many times have I told you? Why don't you change your words?"

"Isn't it all called habit?" Mo Xiangsi curled his lips and retorted, "Isn't the name just a generation? You call me a silly girl all day long. Didn't I promise the same? How dare you to talk about me?"

"Uh...okay." Niu Ben spread out his hands helplessly and said, "I really don't know if I'm a cow or a second."

"You are a second cow." The silly girl pursed her lips and smiled several times, and then handed over a convenient bag: "Are you hungry? Here, the thousand-layer cake I bought at the door after work. You are dealing with something to cushion your stomach."

"It's a waste of money again, and the meal will start in an hour and a half." Niu Ben complained a few words, but the movement of his hand was not slow at all. When he took the convenient bag and opened his mouth, he swallowed it. Although it has only been more than four hours since lunch, the food in the Internet cafe is enough, but there is little oil and water. There are only two big bowls eaten by Niu Ben at noon, and they haven't been digested anywhere until now.