Super Network Manager

Chapter 4 This stupid girl

"Men are too preoccupied and not good."

After dinner, the two walked to the square in front of the university town to eat. Blowing the cool breeze at night at the intersection of spring and summer, Mo Xiangsi suddenly stopped and blinked her eyes and put forward a suggestion to Niu Ben.

It's just that Niu Ben obviously didn't pay attention to this suggestion. He pointed to the lawn in front of him. After the two found a clean place to sit down together, the guy actually looked up at the starry sky with a very deep expression and muttered, "If I have a million, then I will open an Internet cafe. After having income every day, we like to eat. Sichuan seafood and hot pot are up to you, but the problem is that I don't have it.

Mo Xiangsi turned his head and looked at Niu Ben: "Opening an Internet cafe is your ultimate dream?!"

"People are poor and short-sighted, and horses are thin and long-haired!" Niu Ben sighed for a moment, and then said happily, "Of course, this is not sure. Maybe I really have a million. The first thought I thought of was to keep you up!"

"Bah!" Mo Xiangsi took a sip and said, "It's beautiful. I'll take care of you!"

As soon as Niu Ben heard this, he immediately pretended to be a pig brother and came to Mo Xiangsi: "That's good, beauty, please take care of!"

"Rougan!" Mo Xiangsi was so scared that she rushed up and fled far away in panic. Then she turned her head and stamped her feet and said, "Bah, who wants to take care of you? You are not tall, not strong, and not stronger than others. You eat like a hungry wolf. What can you do heavy work?"

"What?!" Niu Ben stood up and smiled gerociously, "I will be the same - warm the bed!"

After saying that, he opened his teeth and claws and rushed to Mo Xiangsi. However, the silly girl had expected that Niu Ben had made a move, so she giggled and fled to another place, and let Niu Ben chase after her.

Of course, this silly girl in a skirt is designated to be unable to run, so Mo Xiangsi will be caught after a moment.

Niu Ben also thinks so. He even wants to catch the stupid girl and flirt with her. But things often don't take people's will as the direction of development. Just as he was about to catch up with Mo Xiangsi, he heard the stupid girl suddenly scream. Looking past, Niu Ben found a group of guys who were obviously not good people coming towards him. Looking at the stupid girl like this, I'm afraid he will bump into them.

In a hurry, Niu Ben quickly grabbed the stupid girl's arm and suddenly took advantage of her body's inertia. Only then did the two of them pass by the opposite guy. When they stabilized, a very frivolous voice sounded in their ears: "Oh, there are still people juggling on this dark night!"

Niu Ben didn't see who these people were clearly before, but when the sound sounded, he turned his head and immediately knew that he knew the guys in front of him. Because he had seen it more than once, the speaker followed Lin Qiang to the Internet cafe to collect the so-called security salary. Zhang Pangzi has also told himself that this man's nickname is Brother Ji, and he is also Lin Qiang's right-hand man, who is called Brother Ba.

In this area of the university town, this group of guys is undoubtedly an arrogant and domineering group. People with no status have provoked them, and I haven't heard of anyone who can have a good end.

Niu Ben naturally doesn't want to provoke these guys. So although listening to Brother Ji's words was mocking, he didn't say a word at all. He just grabbed Mo Xiangsi and was ready to drag her away. If you can't afford to provoke her, then hide.

It is said that these guys have been wandering around the university town for a long time. Even if they can't know most people, they can still identify who is familiar. In fact, some of them also recognized Niu Ben, so they didn't mean to be embarrassed when they saw that he didn't say anything after laughing. However, Mo Xiangsi didn't understand this. After being laughed at, she immediately said angrily, "What's none of your business!"

When she said this, Niu Ben's heart immediately beat and secretly shouted that it was terrible.

The truth is the same. When those hoodlums heard this, their faces suddenly converbed with a smile. However, when they saw Mo Xiangsi's appearance, their faces immediately became rich again, especially the brother with a numb face, who hit the head, shouted with his eyes shining: "Oh, this beautiful woman doesn't seem to be from the university town. Come on, girl, tell me where you came from."

"Who is your sister, get out of here!" Mo Xiangsi's face turned cold, and his tone was quite bad.

Niu Ben pulled her and wanted to pull her behind so that he could deal with the things in front of him. But Mo Xiangsi is stubborn at this time and has no intention to obey the cow as before.

Even, she said again with great disdain, "They are all ruffians. We don't have to give them a good look."

"Hey~!" After Mo Xiangsi said this, he immediately angered the gangsters led by Brother Ji. Originally, these guys who came out to fish for society usually focused on a face, but now they are despised by a little girl in front of them, which is how they can stand it. So Brother Ji immediately waved his hand and said, "I don't want to fool around, brothers, slap me twice this little network manager, and then take this girl away."

As soon as Niu Ben saw this, he didn't care what Mo Xiangsi had. He vigorously pulled the stupid girl behind. He urgently ordered Mo Xiangsi, "I'll stop these people. Go back to the Internet cafe quickly. They can't do anything to me." After saying that, he turned his head to Brother Ji and said, "Brothers, we are from Xingyue Internet Cafe and work for Brother Yu. Let's talk about it if we have something to say.

"Fight, say nothing." Brother Ji immediately scolded and said, "Brother Yu is Brother Yu. You are you. Don't take a chicken feather as an arrow."

Of course, although Niu Ben's words obviously made Brother Ji more or less afraid. So after a pause, he still told his younger brother beside him, "B son of a bitch, I still want to play heroes to save the beauty. Set up this boy for me and incite him 20 times. Let him know that there is no good end to fight against us!"

"Brother Ji, this girl is very good. Didn't Brother Qiang just dump the woman surnamed Sun recently? Why don't we..." Brother Ji has a gangster with a plane head. At this time, he came to the ear of the former and didn't know what advice he quietly put forward to Brother Ji.

"This idea is not bad." I don't know what the head of the plane said. After hearing this, the brother also kept touching his chin obscenely. It seemed that he somewhat agreed with the suggestion of the head of the plane.

Although Niu Ben didn't know what the head of the plane said, he also knew from the expressions of the two that they were not a good idea. So at this time, he could only urge Mo Xiangsi to leave quickly. As long as Mo Xiangsi leaves, he has a choice whether he fights or escapes. And even if they are caught, they are a big man, Brother Ji and they can never do anything to themselves.

But helplessly, Mo Xiangsi didn't seem to have the intention of leaving at all. On the contrary, looking at her eyes, it seemed that she was ready to fight side by side with Niu.

Her state made Niu Ben sigh helplessly in his heart: "Oh, this stupid girl!"