Super Network Manager

Chapter 10 Shoot me on

This is really a trap!

A few hours later, Niu Ben woke up from a trance and couldn't help howling again.

Because in the first few hours, he found that, like the protagonists in many fantasy novels, after a period of unfamiliar to skilled exploration, he finally mastered this auxiliary system called the ultimate network administrator.

There is no doubt that as told in most novels, this system is equipped with an extremely advanced intelligent housekeeper. In the future, all the learning and other matters that enter the virtual space of the auxiliary system will be arranged and handled by him. It sounds like this is still a powerful assistant dominated by Niu Ben, and there is no reason for Niu Ben to shout for cheating.

But in fact, after introducing the basic functions in a voice sweeter than Britney Spears, the system housekeeper also made a special explanation: "This system is an auxiliary program for network administrators, aiming to enhance the quality of network management practitioners. Therefore, after the system penetrates into the human body, the host opens the growth task system. If the host task score is less than zero, it will be directly erased by the system!!

Get an intelligent auxiliary program, which is absolutely an artifact in any novel, but the words such as the killing of the divine horse make Niu Ben feel scared while understanding its meaning.

Especially when I inquired and learned that my current system points are zero, Niu Ben can only shout at the top of his voice: Don't give start-up funds, which is definitely a trap!

Of course, after the scolding, Niu Ben naturally has to ask whether the system task is Shenma Dongdong.

The answer given by Britney's voice is: Combined with the current actual situation of the host, the first task of this system is to require the host to build the Star Moon Internet Cafe into the smoothest, strongest protection, the highest attendance and the most satisfactory Internet cafe in Binhai City within three months. In addition, the host is required to fully master the initial skills of network administrators within a month.

This series of "most" makes Niu Ben a little dizzy and unspeakable.

According to Niu Ben's understanding, first of all, to make the Internet cafe into the smoothest place, first of all, we need strong bandwidth support, and secondly, we need the top configuration of the Internet cafe industry. After taking these two into account, network administrators also need to maintain the service system to the most perfect state, so that the three are combined It seems that we can barely guarantee to meet the requirements of this system.

And even if this is done, we still have to consider whether Binhai has opened a new Internet cafe.

Because, in general, the speed of new Internet cafes will fully meet the standard of fluency when it is first used.

In addition, there is the strongest protection. As the name implies, this requires the security defense measures of Internet cafes to reach a very high standard. But looking at the current main servers in this Internet cafe, there is only a set of cracked Rising antivirus software. Niu Ben found that unless he can become a master in computer security, it is probably not much more difficult to do this than flying to the sky.

As for the highest attendance rate mentioned later, it is easy to achieve. As long as you can guarantee the first two, it is difficult to think that the attendance rate is not high.

As for the last guest who is most satisfied, Niu Ben feels that it is a tricky task. Because this not only involves the advantages of computer hardware and software, but also requires all the staff in the Internet cafe to do a good job in service.

Think about it, Niu Ben can only make a pitfalling evaluation of this system.

Of course, Niu Ben's so-called cheating is only a special reference to system tasks. If the system task is removed, this network administrator auxiliary system is really as powerful as the so-called artifact of the public.

First of all, this system is indeed a set of tutorials to assist the growth of network administrators as Zero has experienced for him. Although there are many limitations in this set of tutorials, the following courses cannot be opened if they do not reach a certain level. But it is only the content of its first lesson, "Commandatory for Internet Cafe Managers", if you really master it completely, you will be absolutely qualified for the position of technical supervisor no matter if you go to any Internet cafe or even an enterprise in China.

Because of these small subjects, such as LAN construction, server and router strategy mastery, MCSE2000 training, and hardware fault diagnosis and maintenance, almost include the knowledge that a network administrator needs to contact and master.

Yes, although being a network manager, especially a small network manager in Internet cafes, it looks extremely simple for most people, and it is even enough to change the keyboard and mouse and run errands. But if you want to have excellent quality and technology, so as to advance to technical supervisors and higher-level fields, what you need to learn, if you really want to print it into words and fall on paper, the thickness may make quite a lot of people look down.

Because of the four cores of network management's work: bandwidth, resources, security and convenience, it seems that there are only a few words, but each item really needs to be deeply explored, and some people may not be able to fully learn the content in their lifetime.

Therefore, network management is actually a profession that requires high technical ability.

But the good thing is that the first lesson of this system is just to let Niu Ben master or understand some of the most basic content. If you really want to study hard, in Niu Ben's opinion, he only needs a month, and he should be able to master it.

I forgot to say something here. Britney's voice is also Britney's housekeeper, telling the passage of time in the virtual space of the Niu Ben system, which is 12 to 1 compared with reality.

That is to say, every 12 hours in the virtual space of the system, it is only one hour in reality.

With twelve times the time available, Niu Ben naturally feels that no matter how stupid he is, his basic knowledge is weak. Presumably, in the system housekeeper's teaching, one-on-one intuitive teaching, it can definitely meet the requirements of the system.

Thinking this way, Niu Ben's fear of being erased by the system has been slightly relieved.

After all, it seems that the tasks released by the system are not completely impossible to complete. At least, she gave herself two months of real time. In two months, sometimes a lot of things can be done.


In this way, after the first contact with the system and Niu Ben changed his mind, his mood suddenly became much clearer.

Although, he still muttered a little that this system was not delivered when he came out of the village. Otherwise, how can I still work hard as a small network manager for a year, and how can I encounter so many involuntarily things? So from this point of view, Niu Ben feels that it is more cool to be crooked in online novels. At least they have gained the ability from the first chapter, thus starting their own very awesome life path.

In contrast, compared with the protagonists of those novels, he is simply a scum. Because he didn't dare to think about whether he could become a awesome figure. The only thing he prayed for was not to be erased by the system without enjoying life.

So, the final conclusion is that Niu Ben feels that he is still just a bitter rural child...