Super Network Manager

Chapter 13 Fire at me

Well, the virtual beauty obviously didn't understand what Niu Ben meant.

She was just stunned when she heard Niu Ben's words, and then started closed learning training. Niu Ben was a little sad when he heard that he wanted to learn English. But when he heard that the next course was the security defense of the Internet cafe, he was shocked and his whole face glowed.

What is defense? To put it bluntly, it is to resist other people's attacks!

I believe that there is no need to explain the attack launched from the computer. A well-sighted person can think of those who belong to the legend, but will really exist in the dark corners of the network.

Yes, they are hackers!

I believe that every guy who is interested in computers will feel excited when he hears that he can contact these people. Niu Ben was not surprised at all, especially after hearing the virtual beauty say that he wanted to attract some attacks on the Internet to exercise Niu Ben's security protection ability, he was even more excited to have access to this mysterious field.

When he came to the virtual computer in the small room, Niu Ben asked, "Beauty, tell me, what's wrong with this learning task?"

"I have connected the virtual computer you are using to the real network." Lin Zhiling said with a straight face, "I will first demonstrate the offensive and defensive battle between hackers. Well, I know you are interested in this. So in the offensive and defensive war, I will explain in detail to you various arrangements, means, and how to resolve other people's attacks and so on.

After a pause, she said, "Because this subject is different from others and there are no vivid examples, it is difficult for beginners to make great progress. Especially if you haven't learned the computer knowledge of the system yourself, so for a long time, I will lead you to the primary level of this subject by teaching one-on-one.

"So, how do we start?" Niu Ben asked weakly. In fact, as the virtual beauty said, although he was extremely excited about his exposure to this thing, he also knew that he was a layman at all. As he knows, security and defense are just installing an anti-virus software and then using the firewall of the killing software itself for passive defense.

This level is naturally not safe.

After all, his knowledge is limited, so Niu Ben doesn't even know how to start a battle between hackers.

The virtual beauty was obviously speechless when asked such a question by him. She stroked her forehead helplessly. She said angrily, "If you want to provoke other people's attacks, you don't need me to teach me what to do!"

"Well, that's true." Niu Ben answered weakly and said, "Well, look at me."

After saying that, he sat in front of the computer and knocked on the keyboard with his eyebrows.


Although the name of the rookie park is very low-key, it is actually a gathering place for the top hackers in China. The founders of this forum are very special guys. Unlike many hackers who use English for their online names, they are very oriental and give themselves "Di Yao, King Shun, Yuhuang, Rice Soup".

So that under their influence, most people in this forum have given themselves a Chinese name, such as Tianshi, Xuanyuan and so on.

Although Mi Tang is the youngest of the four founders, he is now 27 years old. Skinny and pale, he is cruising today. Looking at *, I found that the traffic of the forum has increased slightly during this period. He immediately smiled with satisfaction: "It seems that the number of first-class hackers in China is increasing. According to this trend, we will eventually surpass Western countries one day."

After seeing the flow of *, he was in a good mood and prepared to go to the forum water area.

There is an iron rule in domestic forums, that is, whether you are a food forum, a tourism forum, or a reading forum, anyway, as long as it is a forum, the section with the largest number of people must be a water area.

Shenma gossip and battles mostly originated here.

However, rice soup found that today's water area seems to be very calm. Recently, there have been no incidents in China, such as a certain Kang employee jumping off a building, dyeing steamed buns, and Clenbuterol. Therefore, the whole situation is harmonious. And rice soup was also not interested in events such as Shenma singing legends in the detention center or ** killing, so he turned around and found that it was not fun, so he was ready to move his position.

However, before he clicked to close the section, he suddenly found a post with the title "You are all scum".

The author of this post is still a new user who has just registered, and his name is also "shoot at me". When I clicked on this post, Mi Tang found that the title of the post and the author's ID were relatively arrogant than the content.

In the post, he sprayed a lot of saliva on me. Generally speaking, you guys, don't think that you have learned a few tricks of three-legged cat computer technology and think you are the legendary hacker. I heard that those guys called Shenma Yao and Shunyu Tang still call themselves the supreme existence in the hacker world. Come on, don't talk about it. Just like you, you'd better go home and play with mud.

Also, the guys who come to this forum to learn, have you been kicked in the head by yourself? They are all stupid. They are very scum!

When he comes up, he makes a lot of nonsense. It's difficult for such a guy not to become a favorite. So just as Mi Tang watched the post, many guys wandering in the water area began to post and reply. Even some grumpy guys began to engage in ginseng roosters directly. However, the guy who called to shoot at me seemed to post just complain. After posting, he neither replied to others nor participated in the battle at all.

"Is this guy just here to scold?"

After muttering in his heart, Mi Tang then shook his head again, guessing that things should not be so simple. Because to register in this forum, you must first pass the test set by him and Yao Shunyu. And those who can pass the test can definitely be regarded as first-class in China. Such a person is definitely a talent scrambled for by enterprises in society. How can he do such a low-level thing?

The same is true. When the people's anger in the water area was about to reach its peak and everyone asked Banzhu to open the IP address to me, this guy posted another post.

Mi Tang looked at it and found that this post was also very arrogant. He said that he was ready to give me an IP address, and said arrogantly, you scum in the forum, don't make yourself like a scold bitch all day long. If you have the guts to take down this IP, I will apologize to everyone, and from now on, I will never appear again. If you can't take it down, hey...

After that, there is a series of ellipsis. I don't know whether it's because I didn't finish speaking to me or deliberately leave a suspense for everyone.

The version of the pet will always attract people to watch, and it still makes such a contemptuous post.

So in just a few tens of seconds, all the replies were asking to fire at me and immediately give me the IP address.

Even, some people said angrily, "Don't be so ink. Give me the address quickly. If I can't break your defense, I will immediately kowtow to you. From now on, you will definitely be the first.

Such remarks, as if talking about everyone's voice, soon won the support of nearly 30 people.

Thirty people!

You should know that the number of users of the whole forum can only reach three digits. In addition, I didn't come today. It can be said that the number of replies from the withdrawal of the world a few years ago is already the number of people online at the forum. When Mi Tang saw such a post, he was also a little surprised why he was so confident that he fired at me. One or two of the top security experts in China were also in the forum.

Even they dare not say that the system that provides security protection for themselves can make everyone in the forum helpless.

So, where does this guy's self-confidence come from?

Think about it carefully, rice soup didn't come up with any reason. Even if you don't know that forum registration requires a solid technical level and pass the test, you can successfully apply for an account. Rice soup will think that this is the best where it comes from, and it is a spoof event purely to attract other people's attention under boredom.

Of course, when his mind turned his mind, Mi Tang was also a little indignant. He thought that he would shoot at me. If he really gave me an IP address, he would immediately use means to smash him up, so that he could know that modesty is the virtue of the Chinese nation, and let them understand that there are people outside the sky. This is a common saying in the hacker world forever, no, in all circles.

Obviously, there are many people in the forum with such an idea, so after a strong request, everyone is looking forward to how long it will take to give me an IP address.

Mostly, when I saw that there were not many replies to the big post, the third post that fired at me was soon published.

In this post, he did not say anything, but gave an IP address directly, and as if he was kindly cheering for everyone, with an encouragement: Hurry up and use the tools you wrote to fight, Sao Nian!

There is no doubt that although this sentence seems to be encouraging, anyone can see that it has a very strong contempt and ridicule. So there was no need to say hello at all. The hackers immediately exerted their strength and began to launch the most violent attack on this IP address. Rice soup is no exception. Seeing this very ordinary home IP, he decided to try the level of firing at me without thinking about it.

However, when he first used general attack methods to test the water, he found that this IP was a turning link.

When the link of IP turned, Mi Tang thought that he had torn off the other party's external defenses and could start contacting the core, but found that the IP of the core seemed extremely familiar.

After a closer look, the pale face of the rice soup swelled into purple in an instant!

Nima, this address is the headquarters of the U.S. military base!