Super Network Manager

Chapter 15 Battle Upgrade

The trap set by Inouexiong is called a serial plan.

First of all, he himself took a group of younger brothers and launched a front attack on the rookie park. Without hiding his characteristics, he believes that the people of Cainiao Paradise will be able to find themselves, and because of the unique hatred and national psychology of the Chinese nation, they have a good chance of attacking their company's website, thus forcing themselves to evacuate after seeing the old nest being attacked.

Inoue Xiong studied Chinese culture and knew that they had an idiom called surrounding Wei to save Zhao.

The essence and highlights of his whole plan are also here. Wharton, the 20th Western European in the hacker world, was invited to visit the island country, and by the way, he said that he had something to do and temporarily hosted the company's server security for a period of time. Then he arranged for someone to invite Wharton out today to try a women's dinner with island characteristics, leaving the company's server in an unguarded state of emptiness...

Of course, it's not that Inouexiong hasn't considered it. Maybe the people in the rookie park won't attack. It is also because of this consideration that he spared some spare effort in the attack of his fellow brother so that the people of Cainiao Paradise can divide their hands to do other things.

It turns out that when the pressure is not reached, some people will think about other ideas.

Inoue International Website has fallen!

The emergence of this situation makes both sides who are engaged in the offensive and defensive war at the rookie forum have the impulse to cheer.

Of course, Inoue was proud of the successful implementation of his plan. Mitang and the others felt relieved when they didn't know what was going on. They simply saw that Emperor Yu had captured the other party's old nest: Niang Xipi actually took advantage of our internal fight to pick up and dream!

Although after cheering, Mi Tang and others were wondering why Inoue's old nest was copied and did not retreat, didn't this guy worry about going on like this and he would suffer huge losses?

You should know that Inoue International is a listed company, and Rookie Park is just a small forum for everyone's entertainment and exchange. If the two are finished at the same time, it is not too much to describe the gap in losses as a world. But now Inoue prefers to attack the rookie park as if he doesn't care about the fall of the old nest. Even the next moment, his attack was unprecedentedly fierce, which made Mi Tang and others feel unbearable.

Nima, this is playing the game of hitting stones with planes. The hatred between us is just a few years ago when the hackers fought against you. There is no need for you to launch a self-harming attack.

What's more, even if you launch an attack at any cost, you can't win us!

Thinking this way, Mi Tang and others obviously found the doubts, but under the specific circumstances, they could only guess whether Inouexiong had any must-kill skills while silently resisting Inoue's attack.


When the people in the rookie park resisted Inoue, they didn't have time to shoot at me. Suddenly, all the attacks were evacuated, and the virtual beauty naturally told Niu Ben.

"What, they all retreated?" Blinking his eyes, Niu Ben was extremely surprised by this situation. In his mind, his provocation was sharp enough. It was impossible for anyone not to see it and swear to chop himself into 17 or 18 paragraphs. Although in fact, the forum also seemed to be indignant and vowed to arrest and kill himself 100 times.

But why did the thunder and rain suddenly disappear after only a few minutes of the attack?

This situation reminded Niu Ben of the general war in the Three Kingdoms. One side was full of energy, but the other side shook a few shots and directly flashed people. This punch is in an empty situation that makes people unable to work hard, no one can feel good!

So the next moment, Niu Ben was angry after being suffothed for a while!

Well, since you are going to be a shrinking turtle, I will harass you in an all-round way like a scolding in a novel. I don't believe that all the people in your forum are all turtles. They can never stick out after shrinking their heads!

Post bombing can basically blow up the deep diving people in the forum. Because if there is a battle, it will be popular.

But today, this move can be said to be a must-kill skill for almost all forums, but it has failed in the rookie park. Even if Niu Ben suddenly sprayed all the people who had replied to him in the post, there was still no movement in the whole forum water area.

However, while looking through the forum, Niu Ben found that the browsing speed had slowed down a lot. Suddenly, he was shocked and hurriedly asked the virtual beauty, "What's the matter? Who quietly hung up the Trojan horse for us?"

"Hang us a Trojan horse, joke." The virtual beauty operated on the computer, and then smiled and exhaled, "It's okay. Someone is attacking the forum."

"Attack the forum?!" Niu Ben blinked and said, "Is it possible that these guys suddenly gave up their attack on us because someone put a cold gun behind their back, so they hurriedly withdrew and fought with them?"

The virtual beauty nodded and said, "It should be like this."

"I wipe it, what are you waiting for?" As soon as Niu Ben heard this, he suddenly jumped three feet high and said happily, "There are battles and battles. I like to move stools to watch the fun and sell drinks and melon seeds by the way. Tut, come on, beauty, let's go to the theater and make soy sauce.

I don't know how high the computer technology of virtual beauty is. Anyway, it looks at least as tall as ten floors in Niu Ben. Although Niu Ben himself does not know much about hacking technology, he can still judge that the world's most awesome hacker may not be as good as her in computer technology. Therefore, Niu Ben thought it was not difficult to achieve her request to go to the theater.

The same is true. The beautiful woman just crackled on the keyboard for a while, then tapped back and said, "Okay!"

As her voice landed, Niu Ben saw that the monitoring software on the computer screen had changed. Even extremely amazing, this monitoring software also uses red and green colors to visually give the power and current state of the attacking two sides.

Red represents the attacker, and green represents those who are in the rookie forum.

A red or green line, point, obviously represents the range and quantity of broilers controlled by both sides. Niu Ben didn't know how the virtual beauty detected the situation so finely in just about a minute, and even the changes in the number or decrease of lines on both sides of red and green were presented on the monitoring software. To do this, I'm afraid it's more difficult than directly taking both sides of the war.

Of course, Niu Ben just wondered about this problem for a while, and then watched the battle happily.

Although the two sides have been in a state of stalemate at this stage, no one has taken any of them. But this is only in general, just like during the Anti-Japanese War, although no one has won the final victory in a long eight years, the local war has never stopped.

When Niu Ben saw the situation clearly, there was a mobile-scale battle between the red and the green. This is a siege and purge launched by the Red side against the flank forces of the Green side. Countless red lines rushed towards the green side, and immediately wiped out about one-tenth of the total number of green light groups, and then the red forces increased a lot in an instant because they occupied this area.

This battle mode seems to be quite like greedy snakes and swallowing obstacles to strengthen their own taste,

In fact, in the battle scene made by virtual beauties, the red and green are really like two greedy snakes. They constantly want to make themselves more powerful by devouring the enemy's territory.

It's a pity that if you bite me, I will bite back. After all, it will only be maintained within a certain balance range.

Niu Ben originally thought that the two sides would have been deadlocked like this, but when he took time to look at the forum of Cainiao Paradise, he suddenly found a problem, because not only there were some new posts in the water area, but also the content of the posts was all saying that he had been chased out of the battlefield. After careful counting, Niu Ben unexpectedly found that he had been driven out of the battlefield, and there were as many as six people who complained in the forum.

In other words, the green side does not seem to have reduced their territory and power, but the number of people participating in the war has been reduced by nearly one fifth!

This estimate made Niu Ben feel a little secret. It seems that the Red side's attack is very strong. If the situation continues to develop like this, the Green Party's Cainiao Paradise Forum may not be guaranteed in the end!

However, Niu Ben was not worried about the rookie paradise, because he found that those who were expelled from the battlefield were not in a hurry to go back to the war again, but left a message on the forum saying that they would immediately gather friends and acquaintances, and let each other take a good look. At this time, Niu Ben posted a post to inquire, but unfortunately, these guys didn't seem to have replied to him.

Nang Xipi, does my brother have such no sense of existence? He is actually ignored by everyone.

This discovery stunned Niu Ben for a long time, and then he was very upset. But before he could vent his unhappy emotions, he heard the virtual beauty whisper.

Turning his head and looking, Niu Ben was about to throw away his unhatement. Because on the monitoring software, he suddenly found that a large number of new forces poured in from the periphery, and then the red side launched an attack at any cost, like heroes who died with the Eastern devils during the Anti-Japanese War. Obviously, the Red side did not expect that the Green side could increase so much power in a short period of time, so it was caught off guard and immediately suffered a lot of losses.

Niu Ben thought that the green side's power had increased greatly and fought against it with this kind of life-like attack, which should drive the red side away.

But the truth once again surprised him.

A powerful force suddenly appeared on the side of the red side. And this force seemed to be very angry. When it rushed up, it regularly swept away the scattered forces that the Green side increased later.

And it is amazing that the seemingly large but loose forces of the green side are not the enemies of this later force at all, but in a moment, they have been cleaned up more than half of them.

And the later increased force of the red side did not stop after achieving such a big result. He even replaced the original red side force and launched a powerful tidal wave-like attack on the core forces of the Cainiao Paradise Forum itself.

As soon as he saw that the situation had undergone a series of changes in a very short period of time, Niu Ben couldn't help staring: Shenma situation, battle, upgraded?!