Super Network Manager

Chapter 17 Domineering Side Leak

"The forum defense conversion has been completed, please choose the defense mode."

At the critical moment, Niu Ben finally found that the picture on the computer monitoring software turned into a row of data and code that others could not see clearly. Fortunately, after hearing the inquiry from the virtual beauty, he finally understood that the rookie forum was in his own hands!

It's just that this defense mode is Shenma Dongdong?!

Looking sideways, he wanted to ask the virtual beauty what was going on, but the latter just pointed to his computer screen and did not give a clear answer. Niu Ben had no choice but to look back and found that a simple multiple choice question appeared on the computer screen.

Host, please choose defense mode: 1. Passive defense. 2. Active defense. 3. Manual defense.

Niu Ben didn't understand the difference between these three defense strategies, but after looking at the screen carefully, he found that there were detailed instructions under these three options. For example, passive defense is to let the other party attack, and I don't move. Active defense means that in the process of defense, you can use the software provided by the virtual system to sweep away the invading enemy.

The first two are also the defense of system automation.

As for the so-called manual defense, as the name implies, it refers to the enemy that needs to use its own technology to resist invasion.

In the latter one, Niu Ben naturally does not need to consider it. According to his current technology, let alone resisting the enemy, it is a slightly more complex virus that occasionally appears in Internet cafes, which is a tricky thing for him. What a joke, manual defense, it's better to just let me stand under their whip and see how they ** brother came more happily!

"Should I choose this active defense?" After thinking about it, Niu Ben wanted to choose this strategy that looked like a defensive counterattack, but the mouse turned around and he clicked the arrow to the first option.

Mom, there are some things that need to be done slowly. It's Gameover at once. No one will be happy!

Well, please keep a pure mind, although when the cow turns this idea in its head, its eyes cruise on the almost perfect body of the virtual beauty curve. But he can guarantee that he is definitely not thinking about men and women, otherwise he will curse his ability to become a hundred times stronger in that field!

Of course, I chose the first Niu Ben to feel that this is more in line with my willingness to name and shoot at me. Otherwise, if you want to attack, you will not shoot at me, but bombard each other. That bloody scene will not make him feel excited. Instead, he armed himself like a space fortress, allowing the enemy to smoke from the top of his head and sores under his feet, and he could leisurely drink tea and watch his opponent go crazy for a long time and spit blood to death...

This is a joyful scene!

I have to admit that Niu Ben has always had a strong interest in some aspects. And after choosing the first passive defense, he directly asked the virtual beauty to temporarily close the data of the forum and turn the appearance of the whole forum into a blank web page.

Then, he carefully drew a crooked skull on the blank web page with some bloody big words: "Rookies, it's an honor to tell you that through three hours of study, I learned to be a hacker today. This forum became the first place for this hacker to hack. So this hacker deliberately left footprints to prove that this hacker has visited here.

At the end, the signature of the Yaya font he downloaded from the Internet: shoot at me!


Such a move is undoubtedly full of domineering in Niu Ben's eyes, because these words can despise all the hackers outside the forum!

They are fine with rice soup who know some situations, but those who don't know the situation, such as the domestic hackers who later participated, as well as the sunset and island coalition forces under Inoue and Wharton, all of them all looked at each other.

"Nima, after learning hacking technology for three hours, you dare to come here to show off your power. I don't know if what you are facing are all elites in the hacking world, or even super masters within the top 100 in the world's hacker ranking!" Many people can't wait to rush up directly and slap the boy a few times, so that he can know that hackers should respect their predecessors and keep a low profile. Don't think that if you learn two-handed three-legged cat skills, you can install big-tailed wolves everywhere.

At this time, many people have ignored the fact that they could not enter the forum just now because of anger. Grumpy people, even directly copied their various tools and guys, and attacked the forum again. At the beginning of this attack, all those who launched the operation found that they could easily attack the forum, and it seemed that the defense system of the forum was easy to break.

"Nani?!" Hearing such a report from Inoue, who was in the computer research center, immediately stretched out his head in surprise. Then he ordered his subordinates around him to attack and try, and he also found that the current defense system of this forum was completely different from the defense set by Di Yao and others before... Yes, it was simply unreliable. Any one or two overflow attacks can easily break through several of them.

"Yoxi, it seems that he should be a rookie. Fortunately, he knew the loopholes we didn't understand, so he took the forum while everyone didn't pay attention." He gave a definition of this situation, and Inoue also thought that the front was his own dazzled. In addition, he tried it himself and found that the current defense was simply vulnerable under his own. He immediately ordered again: "Take the forum in three minutes. Then, if anyone is free, teach this dead rookie a lesson by the way!"

"Hi!" Many echoes sounded, and Inoue's computer research center soon showed a busy scene again.


Unlike Inoue, the rice soup has been connected with the four people of Diyao.

Mi Tang first dissuaded Di Yao from recaptling the forum. Then he told the three people about the situation when he stayed behind tonight. And after attaching his judgment, he said solemnly, "For such a super master, I think we'd better wait and see for the time being. God knows what he is going to do. In case we offend him, the consequences will be quite serious!"

Although Mitang is the youngest of the four, everyone knows that he never lies. After his talk, Di Yao and the others suddenly believed 90%. I even know that the technology used to shoot at me also contains the essence of my ancestors. Emperor Yu couldn't help patting his thigh and said, "Lao Si, do you think this guy is a new master in our country? Otherwise, how can he study the things of our ancestors?"

"I think the eight achievements are." King Shun touched his chin and said, "And his name is firing at me, which is also in line with the characteristics of domestic netizens naming. People from Western Europe and the United States will definitely not take such a distinctive name.

"Well, that's it." Mi Tang smiled and echoed, "And look at this boy. After seizing the control of the forum, he pretended to be a rookie who has only learned hacking technology for three hours. This method of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger can only be expressed by our domestic netizens at this stage in such a straightforward way. Tut-tut, how does this boy look like me in those years!"

Di Yao and the other two suddenly nodded in agreement and said with one voice, "Well, it's obscene!"


While Inoue and Diyao were acting separately, those grassroots hackers in China were making trouble in the hacker concentration camp. Some people speculate that this is a rookie who accidentally got a back door or loophole and ran out to pretend. Some people say that this is a super invincible hacker pretending to be a pig tiger, and some people say that some people think that the hacker world has been silent for too long and invite the hackers of the Three Kingdoms to act in order to refresh their popularity.

Believe it or not, I believe it anyway!

Because the ID of "fire at me" from today can be regarded as a well-known figure in the hacker industry.


Anyway, in the eyes of the grassroots, he can guess thousands of hypothetical truths for you. However, no matter what kind of conclusion, no one can convince anyone before the truth is revealed, so in the end, everyone is not convinced and unanimously asked that Xiao Luo, who is powerful in the legend, no matter what class of battle, can appear and exchange the truth for everyone.

Xiao Luo never fell behind, so he quickly replied to everyone: I'll try to communicate with the "fire at me".

So, the next moment, Xiao Luo used his slobby skills to come to the rookie park forum, holding the banner of a war correspondent, demanding that he shoot at me so that he hang in the core position, broadcast the whole battle live, and interviewing the new celebrity who "fires at me".

Things went smoothly. It was almost until Xiao Luo made this request. Less than half a minute later, he fired at me and let him in alone. As a live reporter, Xiao Luo was also very dedicated. He came in and asked, "Mr. Gun to me, how did you gain control of the forum under people's eyes?"

"Because they are all rookies!" The answer to me was concise and straightforward.

Seeing him like this, Xiao Luo could only continue to ask, "Mr. Gun at me, what kind of defense do you use? Why can't so many people attack?"

The words fired at me are still very domineering: "Because they are all rookies!!"

"Excuse me, what do you think of those opponents outside?"

"They are all rookies!"

"They are all masters, with world rankings!"

"It's still a rookie!"


A series of questions, and Xiao Luo's answers are all concise and direct answers. Although in his opinion, the reply of this tone does have the characteristics and arrogance that a master should have. But when he thought about it, he couldn't help asking himself angrily: Can you talk more? The watch is always so domineering!