Super Network Manager

Chapter 22 Get on the thief ship

Suddenly, I found that the black ticket had broken 100. I went and cursed that there was no little JJ.


Back to the Internet cafe again, Niu Ben thought that Li Xiaoan would be busy with her own affairs.

Unexpectedly, things deviated from his expectations. When the hot girl saw the cashier coming to talk to Niu Ben, she quickly came over without hesitation. An expression of fear that Niu Ben would be seduced by other women.

Although Niu Ben felt a little big for her behavior, it was hard to say anything. He nodded and asked Xia Yan, the cashier on duty today, "What's wrong, Xiaoxia? Is there anything to deal with if I'm not here in the morning?"

Xia Yan is 19 years old. Although she looks about the same age as a child, she is quite steady in doing things. At this time, she was holding a folder. Seeing Niu Ben asking, she said directly, "Supervisor, you should settle the business income of the Internet cafe with me. In the past, it was settled every three days, otherwise the business income for a few days would be piled up with me, and I can't afford to lose it.

"Wow, this is done." Niu Ben patted his forehead and said, "I just took over. Many things have not been straightened out. I'm really sorry!"

Indeed, in the past, when Zhang Pangzi was a supervisor in an Internet cafe, he checked the operating income every three days, and then paid the bill with the boss at the end of the month. Naturally, Niu Ben knew about this, but he just took the position of supervisor and was busy taking care of many things. He couldn't remember it for a moment. Of course, this is just a habitual problem. After his supervisor has done it for a long time, he will naturally adapt to the role quickly.

The only concern is that Niu Ben has never been in charge of posting, and he is afraid that he can't do it well.

And his concern soon became a reality.

When Xia Yan took him to the cash register and gradually reconciled with him and reviewed the income of one item, he looked at Linlin's total dozens of income and expenditure bills and felt a little blocked. Especially the non-staple food drinks sold at the cashier of the Internet cafe, and the purchase expenditure and income statistics listed on each food made Niu Ben dizzy, and he did not count a fine and accurate data for a long time.

Finally, he had to sum up a truth: he is really not the material for accounting!

"Let me help you." In the end, Li Xiaoan, who was on the side, was really inconceivable. He came to drive Niu Ben up and gradually checked the accounts for him. At this time, Niu Ben remembered that Li Xiaoan said that she was an assistant at Li Laogen and was very good at dealing with some tedious things.

"Okay, give it to her. Anyway, she lives nearby and has nothing to do. Why don't you come and help? With such a mutter in his heart, Niu Ben found an excuse for doing bad accounts. In fact, it was indeed a wise decision to ask Li Xiaolant to help with this. Because after sorting out the accounts, Xia Yan proposed that the non-staple food inventory in the Internet cafe was already low, and Li Xiaoan volunteered to drive a car to buy goods.

Everything was arranged, and Niu Ben went to the bank to deposit money for the general account and a few days of business income.

It was at this time that he knew that the Internet cafe of these 300 computers usually had more than 6,000 yuan in terms of daily Internet income and non-staple food income. Saturday and Sunday are more because students have more time, and they can earn more than 10,000 yuan every day!

The gross income is 50,000 a week, which is more than 200,000 a month!

It is now said that Internet cafes are already a sunset industry, but this income level does not seem to be worse than doing anything else. Especially when this Internet cafe was opened, it only needed to pay a fixed monthly electricity fee of 10,000 yuan. Then calculate other expenses such as Internet fees, various taxes and employee meals for about 10,000 yuan a month. In these aspects, this Internet cafe seems to only spend about 20,000 yuan a month!

Looking at the stock of non-staple food, Niu Ben is a little dumbfounded.

Because looking at the comparison between purchase expenditure and income, Niu Ben found that the profit of non-staple food was actually one-third. The amount of non-staple food purchased in the previous week was about 10,000. Then remove 40,000 yuan in a month, and then remove the total salary of 13 employees in the Internet cafe, totaling 13,000...

Nima, 13 months of employees only get 132 a month. This labor cost is really outrageously low relative to income.

Okay, after calculating the general ledger and excluding the remaining two or three days of the month and the fraction of all aspects, then the total expenditure is 20,000 plus 40,000 plus 10,000, a total of 70,000 yuan.

200,000 minus 70,000...

Nima, the boss's net income per month is 130,000 yuan!

In this way, he quietly calculated the accounts in his heart. Niu Ben was a bang and his eyes glowed green. Because of his early analysis of the investment in this Internet cafe, it is calculated that the investment of the whole Internet cafe is about 2 million.

The monthly income is 130,000 yuan. According to the four months of leave of the university every year, the annual income is 1004,000 yuan.

As for some other expenses and expenses, they are all included in the four-month holiday, and the Internet cafe is only open to the profit of the first floor. Generally speaking, such an Internet cafe has invested two million yuan, and the return time is two years?!

"Well, there seems to be something wrong!" Finally, with such a return time, Niu Ben suddenly scratched his scalp with some worry. Because according to the standardized statement of the Internet cafe industry, the time for an Internet cafe to recover the capital is one year, up to a year and a half. This still refers to those Internet cafes that do not have so many fixed customers in the city, but the business of this Internet cafe in the university town is so hot...

Why is the return time longer than other places?!

Only in the end, Niu Ben probably guessed that this may be related to the four-month school holiday, but the Internet cafe still has to pay the corresponding expenses. Because other Internet cafes will have better business than before after the students have a holiday, so they have reduced the time compared with the university town. And if everyone returns, the Internet cafes in the university town will undoubtedly make more money than other places.

Niu Ben has read a post posted by the owner of an Internet cafe in the same city, which is probably said that he has 160 machines, and his monthly net profit is only about 40,000.

Think about it this way, the business of this Internet cafe in the university town is undoubtedly much more than that in other places!

Moreover, according to Zhang Pangzi, Xingyue Internet Cafe has been open for five years. Although it sold all the old computers at the beginning of last year and cost nearly 800,000 yuan to buy 300 new computers after conversion, there is no doubt that the total investment of 27.8 million yuan in the whole Internet cafe in the past five years has not only recovered the capital. Moreover, the boss's other pure earned money has almost the same number.

Coupled with the boss turning over the Internet cafe some time ago, he sold at least two million.

So, in five years, the owner of this Internet cafe can earn nearly one million yuan a year with two million investment!

After careful calculation for a while, Niu Ben suddenly felt that if he chose the right place to open an Internet cafe, it was indeed very suitable for people who had spare money but did not know what to do. It was an industrial investment direction to consider!

Well, although it can't be said that you can't make endless money for several lifetimes to set up an Internet cafe, how can you calculate that getting the money you earn in any first-tier city is enough to live a well-off life and can even be called a rich standard of living. And this industry can be played, and even as long as you have 450,000 yuan, you can enjoy the good life of sitting and collecting money from an early age.