Super Network Manager

Chapter 26 Step on a mine

When he saw this guy, Niu Ben had to stop.

After asking Ji Yanran to get the food by himself, he said to this guy, "I forgot that you are also from Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Anyway, it's not normal for you to attend this party alone!"

"How can it be!" Sun Hui squeezed his eyes at him and said, "Brother Niu, are you giving me so many penguins for nothing?"

After a pause, he waved to the distance, and Niu Ben saw a charming woman coming over. This woman looks young, but she is very mature. A bold yellow silk coat with a gray shirt and a black knee-length skirt underneath makes the color contrast very strong, especially the bright silver belt with four finger wide at her waist to make a snake waist full, which immediately makes the whole person look both eye-catching and tall and slim.

Looking at this woman, Niu Ben immediately smiled and said, "Well, isn't this girl quite ordinary? I didn't expect that after you **, no matter how can you look at it, she has a legendary style!"

"How much thanks to Brother Niu, you got someone's penguin!" Sun Hui laughed and asked the girl to get some food after asking her to call Brother Niu to Niu Ben. It was not until he saw that the girl was far away from them that Sun Hui said to Niu, "Brother Niu, you are still awesome. The girl of the Ji family is a real legendary existence. When did you get her!"

"What did you get? I just..." Niu Ben opened his mouth to explain. It could be seen that Sun Hui's expression continued to pretend. He had to change his words and laughed, "How can I get it? This girl is upside down. You don't know how much I get every month." After a pause, he pointed to his clothes and said, "Do you see this one? The girl bought it for me before coming today."

"Brother Niu, you are really awesome!" Sun Hui gave a thumbs up and said, "When can I have a beautiful woman like you?"

"Poke, the girl next to you changes twice a semester, when I don't know what to do!" Niu Ben glanced at the other party and said, "Ok, buddy, I won't talk to you much. I'm hungry. I have to find something to cushion.

"Don't mind, wait for me!" Sun Hui hurriedly followed up, as if following the prince's help in the Qing Dynasty. He smiled and said, "Brother Niu, Brother Niu, we haven't talked about business yet. I heard that you have been promoted to the director of Internet cafes now. Isn't it more convenient to operate the penguin group, so let's see if we can do it again..."

Sure enough, this guy still mentioned this matter.

Niu Ben knew how to see him, and he had to talk about it after a while. Fortunately, Niu Ben had been psychologically prepared for this situation, so he waved his hand directly and said, "I can't do it. You haven't seen anyone around me now. Wouldn't it be very tragic to die if I'm caught?"

Obviously, Ji Yanran grabbed Niu Ben as a shield, but she didn't know that she was pulled as an MT by Niu Ben first.

Sun Hui was obviously familiar with Ji Yanran, so when he heard Niu Ben say this, he couldn't help shrinking his neck. However, this guy is Tian Boguang's personality. After identifying one thing, he will never stop easily. So although he heard Niu Ben refuse, he still asked, "Don't be afraid, Brother Niu, you can do it secretly in private, so that people don't know it!"

"In private, it was found to be even worse." Niu Ben is strict and seems to adhere to the principle.

Sun Hui saw that Niu Ben didn't let go at all, so he had to say sullenly, "All right. But Brother Niu, in case you still want to do this one day, you must remember me. Otherwise, you will not be righteous. Oh, by the way, Fatty Lin and Xiao sent a platinum card to me a few days ago. I was thinking about sending it to you at night, but I didn't expect to meet you first now.

"Oh, Fatty Lin and Xiao bitch have begun to accept the family business?" Niu Ben raised his eyebrows unexpectedly. Sun Hui said that these two were also active members in the penguin group at the beginning, and relied on their family's wealth, but they coaxed many vain girls. However, as they are about to graduate, I don't know whether they are tired of playing with young girls or for other reasons, these two guys have fallen in love with mature young women.

It's the same. Niu Ben has rarely seen them talking in the group in the past few months.

However, I didn't expect that these two coastal natives still remembered themselves very righteously. After taking over part of the business of their families during the graduation internship, they could also give themselves a platinum card, which really made Niu Ben feel a little happy. After all, there are no more than 50 people in the penguin group, and only Sun Hui and these two people who Niu Ben think are worth making friends with. Among the 50 people, only these three are still principled.

You and I would never force it. This is the reason why Niu Ben thinks that although the three of them are flowers, they are not abusive.

smiled and took over the two cards handed over by Sun Hui. Niu Ben looked at it. One of them said that it was Lin's Entertainment Group, which was obviously sent by Fatty Lin. The other brilliant catering chain was naturally Xiao's card. With these two cards, he would not worry too much about entertainment and eating in the future. Niu Ben also smiled and said to Sun Hui, "Thank you for me. When are you free? Let's sit down together!"

"It's a must!" Sun Hui smiled, and then took out a card and said, "Well, these two goods have been delivered. I would be embarrassed if I don't deliver them. This is the platinum card of my store. Maybe I can use it in a few days.

"Oh, is your medicinal business going to enter Binhai?" Niu Ben took it over rudely and said, "Well, it's better to speed up the pace of your family, so that maybe I can bring something good to my family when I go back during the Spring Festival."

"If you want it, you definitely want it!" Sun Hui smiled and then said, "Then let's do this first. I'll find an empty table for four people. After you get something to eat, let's talk while eating!"

Niu Ben nodded and turned to the buffet table after he left.

"Don't wait in line. I'm taking a seat." I don't know if Ji Yanran paid attention to this side early, and Niu Ben was ready to line up behind the people, and the girl had already waved to him to pass. Seeing that there were only three people left in front of her, and behind her was the girl who followed Sun Hui, Niu Ben was no longer pretentious. He walked over and nodded to the girl behind Ji Yanran and stood directly in front of Ji Yan.

"Why are you so honest!" Unexpectedly, as soon as Ji Yanran saw him like this, she immediately glanced at him and said, "Don't plug behind me. You come out first. Yes, by the way, you have to plug in front of me to get the right way!"

Ji Yanran's words were not only stunned, but also other people around him couldn't help opening their mouths and looking at them in surprise.