Super Network Manager

Chapter 30 World Problems

The first update came a little late. The main reason is that after getting up in the morning, the girl wanted to eat authentic beef noodles. After taking her there, she came back late. Well, it's still the third update today. Come on!


The pharmacist could only ignore the sudden help.

After all, for him, when there is still work to be done in reality, he has no time to solve the problem for everyone. So without hesitation, he put on his clothes and ran out of the house and rushed straight to the computer room in the company. And on the way, such as: 360 security guard machine room suffered a small area of paralysis. Announcements from Teng Xun, You Pants, Trousers, Sohu, Netwear and other websites cheered his spirit again and again.

Nang Xipi, difficult and challenging, I like it!

So it took 30 minutes to get back to the company. He stepped on the accelerator all the way and only took 15 minutes to get there. After entering the computer room, the pharmacist did not need the director's greeting at all, so he showed his skills to catch the virus. Yes, some viruses are very hidden. If you can't catch them, you can't fight against them or get rid of them.

Pharmacists have been immersed in the computer industry for more than ten years, and have seen thousands of strange viruses, so they can be surprised by any virus.

Only this time, the virus seems to be more powerful than he expected.

After two or three hours of hard work in the technical backbone group of the whole, the pharmacist had to report to the director Lao Qian: We have done our best, but the enemy is too cunning to find its trace so far.

Fortunately, Lao Qian was not the Taijun during the Anti-Japanese War, otherwise he would definitely shout at Bagaya Road, and then angrily scold all his men.

The teacher is also glad that Director Lao Qian did not embarrass him. After hearing the report, the executive just said a few breaths and dialed a cross-ocean phone with a helpless expression on the pharmacist's face.

Hearing the content of the phone call, the pharmacist felt a little relieved and slightly chilled in his heart.

Because Lao Qian's phone call was made to Ireland, there was a girl with a delicate voice at the end of the phone. However, when it comes to the girl's name, I believe that not only pharmacists, but also those hacker predecessors who have retired in China will also be thrilling but alarmed. Because this girl's name is Nimya, which sounds very ordinary, but in fact, this girl is recognized as the queen of viruses by all hackers in the world!

Yes, after Morris developed the worm virus, she developed and applied it to the ultimate horror genius!

When she was 13 years old, that is, in 1999, she transformed the most basic Morris worm virus into a powerful virus called a beautiful killer. Although this virus does not cause much harm, it has a far-reaching impact. Because it has caused countless world-renowned companies, even government departments, to urgently shut down their servers, causing economic losses of up to billions of dollars!

After 1999, she created panic on the Internet almost every year. The 2,000-year-old insect virus infected countless users around the world, causing economic losses of more than 10 billion. The red code virus created by something in 2011 has paralyzed many networks. The cover letter virus blocked the service provider's servers with a large number of emails, and once again suffered huge losses of more than 10 billion US dollars.

The most terrible thing is the worm king she developed in 2003. Under the global reach, it can interrupt the operation of many banks' ATM programs, * major failures in receipt and payment!

After 2003, because she was wanted, she was hidden for a period of time. However, last year, the Irish government suddenly announced that she was hired as the head of the National Computer Security Center. This transformed her from a complete terrorist hacker to a top expert in blue domain security. However, because she refused to participate in the world hacker ranking, she was not on the world hacker list, which made her unknown to the public.

Such a virus-making genius has a deep understanding of viruses, so it also has a set of remarkable capabilities for virus removal.

Lao Qian actually knows such a big man. No wonder his own skills are not good, and even the most ordinary technicians can't catch up, but he is still hired as the technical director of the company by the senior management of by unanimously.

When he heard that the virus queen decided to help, the pharmacist felt that the failure of the computer room was no longer a problem.

So after that, pharmacists and a group of technicians played various mini-games happily using undamaged phones. Because everyone believes that they only need to wait until the problem is solved and then go home from work.

But in fact, half an hour has passed, and an hour has passed...

The old money sitting in the director's office still did not come out. Everyone even checked the damaged servers and found that those servers were still paralyzed and had not improved at all.

Until an hour and a half later, Lao Qian suddenly issued a loud curse in the director's office!

When the pharmacist and everyone rushed over, they only saw Lao Qian sitting in front of the computer, and on his communication tool, there was a cute girl icon talking to him. The content of the dialogue is as follows:

Nimya: Unfortunately, this virus is beyond my ability!

Old Qian: No, Miss Nimya, Queen Nimya, your ability is recognized by the world.

Nimya: The world recognizes that it is not good, dear money, because this virus, both algorithm and core technology, has exceeded the current world level for more than ten years. And I can only lead the world for about five years.

When the dialogue came here, Lao Qian had stopped asking. The pharmacist and others looked at the time and found that after Nimya said this, it should be the moment when Lao Qian cursed loudly in the office. Of course, as technicians, the focus of pharmacists and others is not on the result, but when they find that Nimya can actually find the virus, some of them are suddenly a little ready to move.

Finally, under everyone's consent, the pharmacist took over Lao Qian's position and continued to talk to Nimya.

"Miss Nimya, have you caught a specimen of this virus?"


"Then please allow me to make a very rude request to send me a copy of this virus specimen, okay?"

"No problem."

After agreeing, Nimya quickly sent a encrypted compressed file, and then she also told the pharmacist a special method of decrypting the file, and repeatedly told the pharmacist not to release the virus until it had developed a removal method or special killing program to prevent the virus from spreading. Since coming, it has caused great impact and damage to the world economy and the network at the same time.

The so-called buttocks determine the head. After Nimya became a security expert, his thoughts obviously changed dramatically.

Of course, I didn't say anything about these pharmacists and others. After receiving the compressed file, everyone copied one copy, and then began to use different means and methods to study and decipher the virus in the sealing program.

However, when everyone opened this virus specimen, they cursed in a low voice at the same time, "Your sister, so cruel!"

Because when the virus is opened, four big words are printed into everyone's eyes: kill and cripple!

This ironic name of the virus is probably the most individual and outrageous code name in the history of virus development. Even the beautiful killer developed successively by Nimya, the red code, the worm king and other virus names are just like a shy girl who can only speak softly and blush at any time.

Yes, those names are all scum!

Everyone laughed bitterly for a while, and then began to study seriously one by one. However, as Nimya said, this virus is really more than today's computer level. No matter what means everyone takes, it feels like facing a mountain. Even if it is full of strength, it can't be moved at all. Only those who are as strong as pharmacists can feel some vague concepts.

is just a vague concept!

Half an hour later, after everyone had no choice but to put down their work, they had to announce that there was no progress in the research on the virus.

However, at this time, the old money bought a midnight snack for everyone and told everyone very seriously and solemnly: the senior management of the company has known about this matter, so everyone must get rid of this virus tonight, otherwise everyone will have no good fruit to eat. But if the result comes out tonight, everyone's bonus this month will be doubled, and you can take a week's vacation at any time.

Pharmacists have not experienced this situation once or twice, so it is not surprising.

When eating supper, the pharmacist felt that he was idle anyway, so he opened the communication tool and wanted to tell Di Yao about the progress of the current situation. Since so many companies have been infected, it must be that Diyao is also looking for solutions. Let's exchange our experience and say that there will be no new progress.

The fact is just as expected by the pharmacist. Di Yao was also extremely anxious at this time. Hearing that the pharmacist said that Nimya had not deal with the virus, he immediately sighed and said, "It's not only Nimya who can't solve it, but also foreign aids from several big companies such as Tengxun, trousers, slippery, Sohu and net clothes, all of which were also broken and sank into the sand. The virus is coming up. Now it can be said that the eyes of the world's hacker community have been concentrated, but no one can come up with a solution yet.

"It seems that this matter is difficult!" The pharmacist replied with a sigh and said, "Two people haven't appeared yet, right?"

"Yes, Zero still hasn't shown any tracks. As for shooting at me, I don't know if his technology is likely to solve this virus. Di Yao replied a little hesitantly. Just as the pharmacist thought that the dialogue between the two was coming to an end, he didn't expect that Di Yao suddenly shouted excitedly: "Come to the rookie park and shoot him at me. He's online!"

is online?!

The pharmacist was stunned at first, and then ignored the surprised eyes around him at the same time. He directly threw away the night snack and rushed to the rookie park forum in a hurry.