Super Network Manager

Chapter 31 Be reserved Next

I crossed my legs and waited in front of the computer for a while. Sure enough, many executives of large companies came to ask Niu Ben for help.

"I'm the CTO of Mr. Fire at me. I hope you can inherit the chivalrous spirit and draw a knife to help me at this critical time!"

"I'm CBO from You Pants Network, and I would like to invite you to join our company!"

"I'm CHO. I sincerely invite you to join me. You can tell me the annual salary."

"CAO of my XX network..."


"Shrimp?!" Seeing this message, Niu Ben couldn't help staring again and said, "I wipe, don't think I don't know that CAO is a shrimp thing. How dare you scold me, CAO, hurry up and play with mud!"

Of course, Niu Ben also knows that others will not come to joke with him at this time. So I took him to Baidu and searched for "CAO", a Chinese pinyin that is basically known to everyone. However, I found the results, especially when I saw Baidu Encyclopedia explaining that CAO generally refers to the chief administrative officer of the enterprise, that is, the so-called administrative director, and Niu Ben immediately grin...

Well, I suddenly felt an incomparable pain!

Who arranges this title? It's so fucking. Especially when you want to popularize science for people who don't know this abbreviation, and want to write "CAO Administrative Director" like this, I guess anyone who reads it will have two eyes. Of course, the person sitting in this position is even more painful in the feeling of Niu Ben, because whoever wants to greet him through the Internet may be like this in the first sentence: "CAO, how are you!"

Oh, there is a mistake here. If people remember to use punctuation marks, it should be like this: CAO, how are you?

Anyway, how do you feel awkward when you look at it? How do you feel extremely painful? However, Niu Ben became interested in this title. He didn't even pay attention to the conversation applications that came from various places one after another, but directly opened the dialog box of CAO of that network, crackled on the keyboard and replied, "You are just a CAO. How can you be responsible for the technical aspects? CAO, you can't , change someone!"

Niu Ben doesn't know if it will hurt others to read such a reply. In short, he feels very happy when he looks at it horizontally and vertically.

It's just joy. Niu Ben found that Diyao did not know when he temporarily opened part of the authority of the forum. After allowing executives of major well-known domestic companies to come in, this rookie park has now gathered hundreds of senior gold collars, and Niu Ben suddenly became more silent. It's not that he continues to be reserved, but that he suddenly finds that any one of these gold-collar workers may not be able to save a year's salary for a lifetime.

Nima, under the cover of these gold-collar people, even compared with that CAO, how can I feel that I am often frustrated!

With this feeling, Niu Ben felt more and more unbalanced. You guys come out of the car and beautiful women one by one, and enter the mansion building. You are so embarrassed to come to find your brother one by one for such a special killing tool!

Well, if it hadn't been for the loss of your companies, I would have to release your blood today.

"What's the matter? I hate the rich and hate you rich guys!" After muttering for a long time, Niu Ben's heart was so unhappy that there was no end to it. He even changed his mind. Yes, he said before that as long as you beg your brother, he would contribute special killing tools for free, but now, hum, I want to beat you, and I have to beat you one by one!

Just thinking about it, Niu Ben saw that those well-known Internet companies have basically come. After the number of registrations of the Cainiao Paradise Forum was reduced to the usual level, he registered a new QQ number and was heartbroken. After he rushed ten yuan to apply for membership and set up a group, he posted a post on the forum and said, "To kill the virus solution, you want to join the group."

The executives of those major enterprises obviously stare at the forum all the time.

However, when they saw the penguin group number on the forum, everyone was dumbfounded: At least you are a super hacker who fired at me. You don't want to mess with the Nima Shenma penguin group like this. We are all big names of Internet enterprises. Most of the time we use communication tools made by internal software masters. Who It's okay to use pain tools as often as ordinary people.

Of course, since I used this communication software, others naturally have to start applying for the Penguin number in a hurry before communicating with it.

In this way, more than ten minutes after Niu Ben's post was published, the penguin began to keep ringing the news of applying to join the group. As the creator of the group, Niu Ben naturally has the only audit authority. So first of all, all those who apply to join the group, who do not fill in the name of their own company, do not fill in their positions, or say their names, are all set by him on the rejection option.

In this way, there was only one person in the first group.

This person is obviously very familiar with the rules of the penguin group. When he applied to join the group, he not only filled in the details, but also quickly modified his group business card after joining the group. Niu Ben took a look and found that his group business card was: Xiong Minghua, CTO of Xun.

Shit, it's worthy of being an executive who plays with penguins. Even entering the group is faster than others!

However, when the CTO saw that he was the only one who joined the group, he immediately thought that firing at me was the focus of caring for him. Therefore, he entered the group without saying a word, so he sent a friend application to Niu Ben's QQ number, and wrote on the application: Brother, buddy, I am optimistic about you, come to our company, and promise to give you the position of vice president of the technical department as soon as you come.

Of course, in fact, penguins can't type so many words when applying for friends. This is just a novel. Don't take it seriously.

He thought that this kind of olive branch would shoot at me. Even if he didn't catch it immediately, he would at least consider it. After all, their company is not only a vice president of a department, but also an ordinary white-collar position, and many people desperately want to squeeze in.

But in fact, Niu Ben laughed when he saw this application. At this time, he remembered a funny picture of someone. The person applying to add friends is Hu Xtao, and the verification is written as a young man. I am optimistic about you. But the person who was applied to add friends chose to refuse that item, and also replied with a sentence, as if it was called something: Sorry, Chairman, I want to work hard!

Niu Ben felt like that now. After grinning, he also replied, "I'm sorry, I want to be the CEO."

After replying, he felt that the person opposite might be dumbfounded, and then he began to gradually put in the people who kept applying to join the group. After about ten minutes, this group of business cards became beautiful and absolutely spectacular, which could break people's eyes. The rows of European group names can make any white-collar workers who are interested in developing in the workplace beat faster and their blood boil.

Niu Ben's eyes were also shining at this time, but knowing the role he is playing now, he can at least calm down.

After meditating dozens of times and calming down, he quietly put out a few words in the group that had been constantly swiping the screen for a solution: be quiet!

At this time, the role of firing at me will undoubtedly have the supreme magic.

Less than ten seconds after Niu Ben sent the message, although the whole group was full of bright penguin heads, no one jumped out half a word. Because it is related to the major interests of the company, they are all looking forward to the announcement of the solution.

However, after everyone was quiet, Niu Ben unexpectedly asked a question: "Do you know that my dream when I was a child was to do what I wanted to do when I grew up?"

Everyone in the group was stunned and stared, as if they doubted whether they had misread the words sent by Niu Ben. After confirming that this sentence was correct, many people muttered in their hearts: Damn it, what is this? At such an important time, we looked forward to the stars and the moon. Finally, we waited for a person to announce the solution to the virus, but unexpectedly shot at me and suddenly talked about his childhood dream.

This is completely a trap!

However, after being dull for a while, after everyone found that Niu Ben did not continue to speak, it was generally estimated that Niu Ben would not continue until everyone answered. After this level of cognition, someone sent a tentative message asking, "Didn't you want to be a hacker when you were a child?"

"No!" Niu Ben immediately typed two words.

Seeing the facts as expected, these people suddenly began to give answers such as scientists, teachers, actors, artists, etc. in the primary school classroom, asking what they wanted to do when they grew up.

But unfortunately, all these speculations were quickly denied by Niu Ben.

At the end, when everyone thought that Niu Ben would completely reject everyone's speculation, suddenly a person gave another answer: Do you want to be a police uncle?!

"Well, this answer is a little reliable." Niu Ben responded easily and said, "However, this dream has only half been achieved now."

Someone asked questioningly, "Why only half?"

Niu Ben knocked out a line and said, "Because I have become an uncle now, but I have not become a policeman!"


Everyone suddenly had an impulse to curse their mother.

However, when they came up with this idea, they found a prompt in the group: they uploaded a file called "killing and disabled" in the group sharing. Please come and watch as soon as possible.

After such a prompt, after making everyone collectively sluggish again for a few seconds, they all rushed to share the item with the group.