Super Network Manager

Chapter 39 Two-pronged

"Don't, don't mind!"

shouted in panic, and the black fat man found a bath towel around his waist, and then rushed out of bed and said to Ding Gu repeatedly, "Director Ding, you see that we have no grievances in the past. You can let your brother go. In the evening, I and my brother-in-law Qiu Liren will set a table to invite you, okay?"

"Are you Captain Qiu's brother-in-law?" Ding Gu was slightly stunned, and then looked up and down several times, as if he wanted to find some appearance characteristics similar to the wife of the deputy captain of the municipal criminal police brigade from the black fat man. As a person who mixes in the system, although Ding Gu and Qiu Liren have no friendship, they are still familiar with each other. I have also heard that Qiu Liren has a brother-in-law working in the Cultural Bureau.

It's just that he didn't expect that Qiu Liren's brother-in-law was this guy.

"Yes. My name is Song Chunfeng, and my sister's name is Song Chunyu. As soon as the black fat man saw Ding Gu, he seemed to have scruples, and suddenly the soft snake began to make friends with the stick. After all, in his opinion, what his brother-in-law said is also a leader in the municipal bureau. Although Ding Gu holds the real power, if everyone eats in a system, he has to sell more or less affection. After all, this divine horse was caught whoring is just a small matter.

However, to surprise, Ding Gu's face turned dark and said, "Don't fall in love with me. Who doesn't know that Ding is strict with the law and self-denial. If you want to follow personal affairs with me, you are in the wrong place!"

After a pause, Ding Gu said impatiently, "Put on your clothes and follow us quickly, or I will directly chop you up!"

What he said made the black fat man's heart suddenly beat. Although he is only a small section chief of an unimportant unit, he is very familiar with Taoism in officialdom. Seeing that he raised his brother-in-law's name, it didn't work, and he already knew that someone was deliberately rectifying himself. Now that a branch director has been directly dispatched to act as a vanguard, it seems that the energy of those who want to rectify themselves is extraordinary.

These things were quickly passed through his head, and there was more cold sweat on the black fat man's forehead.

However, at this time, he knew that he could never sit back and wait for his death. If he was really convicted of being a prostitute, it would be very difficult to get rid of it. So when he was getting dressed, he said to Ding Gu, "Mr. Ding, can I make a call?"

"Call?!" Ding Gu was stunned and then said, "Then hurry up. We won't give you too much time."

Although Ding Gu said this with a straight face, the black fat man's heart suddenly eased a little. Since the other party can let himself call for fate, it means that there is still a little room left. At least from his own point of view, Ding Gu sold more or less Qiu Liren's face. So the black fat man got dressed and began to call his brother-in-law to explain the situation at this moment and ask for help.

But obviously, under such circumstances, Qiu Liren will not go out directly and hang up the phone after knowing it.

In this way, the black fat man was brought back to the bureau by Ding Gu soon after. As for the police in the southern suburbs, Ding Gu naturally would not be embarrassed by them, so he let them go after a few words. After arriving at the police station, Ding Gu was not too embarrassed by the black fat man. After talking to Wan Zhong, he ordered his men to start interrogating the black fat man.

Of course, there is no torture to extract confessions, but a very formal interrogation.

First of all, the two policemen sat behind the table opposite the black fat man, and then began to ask, "Say, in the principle of frankness, lenient resistance and strictness, as long as you tell everything you have done before, we will naturally treat you with leniency."

For this routine inquiry, the black fat man naturally just curled his lips disdainfully. As a public employee and sitting in the position of section chief, he naturally understands that the most important thing at this time is to grit his teeth, and even if the other party uses means, he must not reveal half a word. Otherwise, once the charges are confirmed, even if the people behind him have thousands of means, they can only watch others execute impartially.

However, the two policemen obviously had to be explained by Ding Gu. Seeing this, they immediately lost their pens and said, "Well, since you are unwilling to cooperate, we will inform Director Wan of the Cultural Bureau to come to lead people."

"Don't, don't mind!" The black fat man panicked as soon as he heard this. Although it is only a section chief position, now because the Cultural Bureau gradually has some real power, it can get a lot of benefits from places such as Internet cafes, bars, teahouses, * and so on. Therefore, even if the head of this section is not big, the black fat man took a lot of effort to sit on it at that time. If something really happens to him, I believe that many people are willing to fall into the well and trample on himself by the way.

So in this case, the black fat man was most afraid of the police, so he stood up repeatedly and said, "Six people, what do you want to ask? I will definitely cooperate fully. Let's talk about it and talk about it."

The two policemen looked at each other and said, "Then you can start to tell us one by one!"

So, a report full of all kinds of bad deeds of the black fat man soon appeared in front of Ding Gu. Although Ding Gu is absolutely sure that these are actually carefully selected by black fat people, but when he saw the above events such as receiving gifts from Internet cafes in a certain month of a certain year, accepting invitations from Internet cafe owners one day, and gifts from certain *, Ding Gu still smiled and then called Wan Zhong to take it away. A report.

With such a real handle, Wan Zhong was ready to start an action to coerce the black fat man to submit.

However, at this time, a phone call from Niu Ben explained the situation on the Internet, which made Wan Zhong have to stop moving. Because now this matter is obviously causing a lot of trouble. Maybe at this time, the People's Procuratorate of Binhai City has launched a joint action. And it is impossible for these departments representing the law to take action and Wan Zhong want to carry out private revenge.

Speaking of this, Wan Zhong patted Niu Ben on the shoulder with some regret and said, "Brother, I could have let that boy cry and shout to send the business license to us obediently, but now, I'm afraid I can't get what I want!"

"That's it!" Niu Ben scratched his head, smiled naively and said, "It's not necessarily!"

Wan Zhong immediately turned his head and asked, "What do you say?"

Niu Ben smiled and said, "That black fat man hasn't been released yet. In this case, you can call Director Ding to sit down together. By the way, let him ignore the affairs in the bureau for the time being, which will definitely work.

"Oh?!" Wan Zhong turned his eyes doubtfully, then grinned and said, "Ok, just do it!"

In a short time, Ding Gu, who was invited by Wanzhong for dinner, came to the Wendu Hotel. Although it is only after four o'clock now, under the arrangement of Wanzhong, the three of them first drank something in the cafe, and then went to eat a whole lamb meal until about six o'clock.

That is, when the three people started, Ding Gu's phone suddenly rang. When Niu Ben and Wan Zhong looked at each other and smiled secretly, Ding Gu looked at each other and said, "Hello, Director of the Palace", and then reported his position. That is, shortly after he said his location, two people suddenly appeared in the restaurant, one was naturally a black fat man, and the other was a middle-aged man who looked very burly.

The two quickly found Niu Ben's position, and then the burly middle-aged man greeted Ding Gu with a smile from afar: "Ding Bureau, you make it easy for me to find!"

"Captain Qiu, what a coincidence. You also come here for dinner?" Ding Gu turned around and saw the person coming. Although he was slightly stunned, he immediately greeted him enthusiastically as if nothing had happened: "Come on, we are just going to eat. If you don't mind, let's add two pairs of chopsticks together."

Qiu Liren smiled and said, "Then it's annoying!"

After saying that, he sat down with the black fat man. Although in this situation, everyone understands why they came here, but for a long time, everyone tacitly touched each other to eat and drink, looking like old friends who have only met again for many years. It was not until everyone had almost eaten that Ding Gu turned his head and asked the black fat man, "It's not difficult for me!"

"No, Ding Bureau!" The black fat man was very honest now and answered with his head down.

But when he spoke, his body suddenly shook, and it was obvious that he was kicked by Qiu Liren underneath. So the black fat man raised his head and looked around at everyone for a long time before he said with a sad face, "Ding Ju, Brother Ding, brother, I have no eyes and should not offend your friends. Brother Ding, please give me a high hand for my brother-in-law's face. As long as you let your brother go, brother, I will definitely prepare a generous reward afterwards.

Ding Gu looked at Wan Zhong and saw that he was unmoved. He immediately curled his mouth and said, "Master Song, I'm not in charge of this matter."

After he said this, it was undoubtedly clear that the black fat man immediately knew what to do. In fact, when he entered the restaurant and saw Niu Ben and Wan Zhong, he already understood what he needed to do to save the situation. However, after all, Ding Gu, the director, is a powerful figure on the scene, and he can't bypass Ding Gu anyway, so he asked Ding Gu for mercy at the beginning.

Since Ding Gu said frankly that he wanted to find the right master, the black fat man's eyes naturally turned to Wan Zhong and Niu Ben.

However, his eyes turned around Wan Zhong and Niu Ben, but he didn't know who to talk to first. At this time, in case he finds the wrong partner, in the thinking of the black fat man in the officialdom for a long time, even if he entrusts his relationship to this step, it is definitely a big cup.


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