Super Network Manager

Chapter 41 Propaganda Techniques

Quick broadcast, which is the so-called QVOD.

Many people say that this thing is a good thing. As for the good thing, there is no need to elaborate here. I believe that many people who have used it know that the more people look at this thing, the faster it will be. As for some other benefits, you all know.

However, this thing may stain you with some trouble and even the system crashes in many times, even inadvertently. Moreover, the more the website with a lot of pop-up advertisements, the more likely it is to have problems. Because it is quite easy to bind some viruses and Trojans on this software.

Because of such characteristics and its large bandwidth, Kuaibo is a headache software for Internet cafes.

Even many Internet cafes will directly restrict the operation of this software due to the limited nature of their own bandwidth. Most people who like to surf the Internet in Internet cafes will have had such an experience. After you download the fast broadcast, maybe after you click on it, he just flashes and then disappears. Or it can be opened, but it is just a decoration, and it can't play movies normally like at home.

The reason is that this thing is based on BT technology and will be uploaded at the same time when downloading, which leads to the blockage of the bandwidth of the Internet cafe, so that the network speed of guests other than watching fast broadcast will slow down and even often get stuck.

Therefore, in order for most Internet users to play games or browse the web comfortably, this thing is usually limited.

However, restrictions alone will not completely solve the problem. Because in many cases, even if QvodPlayer can't play normally, if you download it to your computer, you are likely to be infected by the virus bundled with it, thus affecting the security of the whole Internet cafe. As for the problem encountered by Niu Ben now, it is another typical case, which is a kind of infiltration virus, which may be tied to the film or in the fast broadcast. When you play the video, it is silently downloaded to the computer.

Virtual beauty obviously uses such a method, so he was inadvertently tricked, which forced him to start cleaning up the system again. Fortunately, virtual beauties only use ordinary viruses, so after cooking for a while, Niu Ben has solved the problem.

At this point, today's training and learning have achieved their goals. When Niu Ben exited the virtual space and opened the computer room and went out for a walk, he personally began to do some work for Li Xiaolan's team. With such a level of beautiful team stationed in the Internet cafe, Niu Ben will naturally not wait for people to find it, and then improve the passenger flow of the Internet cafe according to other people's word of mouth.

What he wants is to publicize it so that all students near the university town know that there is such a thing at the first time.

So after turning around, he drafted a promotional document, then copied it to a USB flash drive, and went to a nearby print store to print as many as 500 copies of this promotional material. Later, because the Internet cafe was a little tight, he did not intend to arrange people to distribute leaflets. Instead, he went straight to buy a few brushes and a few bottles of paste, and prepared to invite a few small network managements to post them everywhere to create urban psoriasis when there were few people at night.

Yes, it is the kind of small advertisement that is often seen in stations, streets, toilets and communities.

Although it is very speechless to do this kind of thing, it is believed that this method is the most effective in Niu Ben's thinking. Because a leaflet was sent to say that people could not be thrown into the trash can, but posting psoriasis could work for a long time. According to this idea, Niu Ben first gathered the little network management who didn't sleep in the Internet cafe to have a barbecue, and then waited until there were fewer pedestrians after 12 o'clock at night, so he distributed brushes and paste to them. Everyone dispersed and posted them by piece.

When doing this kind of thing for the first time, even with Niu Ben's face, he will feel somewhat embarrassed, because when posting psoriasis, pedestrians occasionally pass by and cast a slightly surprised look at him, and he will always be subconsciously embarrassed. I even subconsciously thought that this guy suspected that I posted a small advertisement for the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. I'll go. I really want to rush to explain to him.

Of course, this emotion only appears for a while. With the number of postings, Niu Ben has been able to ignore everyone's eyes. Sometimes a beautiful woman even looks at him, and the man can show a sunny smile and wave to others.

In this way, Niu Ben's post is getting faster and faster, and it didn't take long to finish almost half of it.

However, when he continued to work, something he encountered almost made him want to run away. This is Niu Ben moving his position and walking in the other direction with the paste, suddenly a fat man with hemorrhoids on his nose came over and asked in a low voice, "Brother, let me ask you if the medicine you treat is reliable. If you can, give me two copies to try, okay?"


Niu Ben really wants to get up and directly pooh this fat man with a black face.

If you don't bring such a burying person, buddy clearly posted an advertisement to promote Internet cafes. Why did he become a drug seller? Son of a bitch, are you blind? Could you please go to the advertising list and talk to me again?!

He scolded anly in his heart, but Niu Ben hummed and said, "Nonsense, what am I posting everywhere if it's unreliable!"

After a pause, he saw that the fat man seemed to be a little moved, and then asked in a low voice, "But you have to tell me what kind of disease you have, and I also need to recommend the right medicine for you according to your condition!"

"That, that..." The fat man obviously hesitated for a moment, looked around, and saw that no one paid attention to this side, and then said, "lin. Is there a way to cure the disease?

"I'll treat you!" Niu Ben cursed again in his heart, and then opened his mouth and said, "This thing is not so easy to treat. I recommend you to have an operation. Well, I'll call you. With that, Niu Ben casually reported a phone number he saw when posting an advertisement. Then he said, "Brother, you have to cure it quickly, otherwise it will be too late if the situation becomes undefeated in the East!"

The fat man was shocked and said, "Can this disease become invincible in the East?"

Seeing that Niu Ben nodded solemnly, the fat man immediately rushed up as if his buttocks had been touched. After he took out his mobile phone and wrote down the phone number mentioned by Niu Ben, he ran away gratefully.

Nang Xipi, I have to post it quickly. If I don't see it by acquaintances, I really think I'm not working in Internet cafes and change my job, then I will be very aggrieved!

This idea flashed in his heart, and Niu Ben immediately rushed to post everywhere as if his buttocks were on fire. However, I don't know whether he was a little on his back or his mind today. After continuing to work for a while, he met a girl who looked familiar and beautiful. As soon as the girl saw him, she immediately came over and said, "Aren't you the network manager of Xingyue Internet Cafe? Why did you come out to do business by yourself!"

Niu Ben couldn't remember who the girl was, so he just said perfunctorily, "What kind of business do I do?"

"Don't pretend to be garlic. It's not that I didn't see it when you posted those." The girl pointed to a few telegraph poles behind Niu Run, and then said to herself, "Can you do it? Give me one. How much is it?"

"Do*?!" Niu Ben blinked his eyes in confusion: "Why do you apply for this certificate?"

The girl stared anly: "Why do you ask so many questions? Just say how much money you can do it."

"I'm not *!" Niu Ben now realized that it was a mistake that he did not refute directly, so he hurriedly explained, "I'm really not *. If you don't believe it, look at the remaining advertisements in my hand, absolutely not *?"

"Isn't it?!" The girl looked at Niu Ben in surprise, and then saw the remaining leaflets of Niu Ben. Then she curled her lips disdainfully and said, "It's really not *. It's really boring. They all look like a *, but they don't do business.

After saying that, the girl walked away on the tall shoes.

Niu Ben has been watching the other party walk away, still standing still in place without moving an inch. Because at this time, he was full of cows and kept wailing in his heart: "Brother, at least he is also a sunny teenager. What kind of look do you look at him as that kind of obscene * person. Niang Xipi, if this work is done for a longer time, I don't know if I will have the face to see people tomorrow!"

Thinking about this, Niu Ben suddenly didn't want to do it. He thought that he had been adding a few small network managements for almost an hour. Five hundred leaflets should be posted, and it was not less than the remaining 20 or 30 copies in his hand.

In this way, Niu Ben simply threw all the brush paste and leaflets into the trash can, turned back to the crowd to start, and agreed on the meeting place after posting. When he returned there, Niu Ben found that several others had not returned except himself. So the guy was deeply gratified and thought that several small network managements were still relatively powerful and could work so hard to complete the tasks assigned by him.

Niu Ben thought that it would be very tiring for everyone to run around for an hour, so in order to reward everyone, he turned around and ordered some barbecue, and then quietly waited for the others to come back.

Five minutes later, Zhao Tuozi came back. Obviously, he did well and said that he had done everything. Seven minutes later, the other person came back, but the person who came back later was more miserable. Not only was his body stained with a lot of paste, but he also looked a little blue and swollen. Niu Ben urgently asked what had happened, and this guy told Niu Ben awkwardly that he had been beaten by several drunken people.

When this happened, Niu Ben was furious and asked who he dared to beat him in the university town. He didn't want to fool around, right?

However, the little network manager told Niu Ben that it was too dark to see who it was.

"I wipe it, your cup." As a result, Niu Ben muttered an anx, and he could only be speechless. Of course, after a pause, he asked the two, "Don't you see the handsome? Why hasn't this boy come back yet?"

Zhao Tuozi shook his head one after another and replied, "I didn't see it!"

"If you haven't come back for so long, isn't this boy lazy to find a place to sleep?" Niu Ben muttered a few words, just like calling Wang Shuai to ask about the situation. However, he picked up the phone, but the mobile phone rang first. After connecting, he only heard Wang Shuai crying on the phone: "Brother Niu, I was caught by the police. Come to the Southern Suburbs Branch to save me... Whoo-woo..."


Is there any brother who only reads books but doesn't collect it? Please collect it. Khan, this collection looks really heart-bating.