Super Network Manager

Chapter 45 Pure as me

At 11:30, the Internet cafe was officially full.

This is undoubtedly a big surprise for Internet cafes that are usually full after 1:00 p.m. So in order to continue this surprise, when he went out for dinner at noon, Niu Ben asked several women, "Didn't you compare with some star teams in the Three Kingdoms game this morning? How are your results? Do you win or lose more?"

"Wins and losses are mixed!" Li Xiaoran glanced at her and said, "The key is that everyone is only running in together for the first time, so some cooperation still lacks tacit understanding. After a while, the winning rate should increase a little.

Niu Ben nodded and said, "Oh, that's good."

The apricot-eyed beauty didn't seem to be satisfied with Niu Ben's inquiry, so she leaned over and pouted and said, "I said Niu Er, are you worried that we will lose to the temporarily formed team near the university town?"

Niu Ben immediately shook his head and said, "How can I still have deep confidence in you."

"I think so, otherwise he would not be willing to let Sister Xiaoan go to dinner with others!" Qu Yuanzi also interrupted and said, "I look at the benefits of the Internet cafes you made. If you spend 100 yuan, you can form a team to fight with us. If you win, you can have dinner with us. These are completely false gimmicks. At the current level of our team, if we are not professional players, how can we win our hopes?

Guan Tongtong, who has never been silent, also nodded and said, "Yes, he just took us to attract business."

"This is for sure." Ji Yanran saw that everyone was aiming at Niu Ben, and immediately said funnyly, "You don't think he is kind enough to provide us with free computer training, but in fact, his ultimate goal is to create a higher income in Internet cafes."

"How can you say that!" Niu Ben immediately argued repeatedly, "Brother, I kindly provided you with a training ground. Don't slander me like this."

"This is not slander, this is a fact." Li Xiaoran finally added a decisive sentence, and then looked sideways at Niu Ben: "Xiao Ben, I found for the first time that you are still a piece of material for business. This hand is beautiful enough, that is, we have received your favor, and at the same time, we have also attracted more guests for your Internet cafe. It's not an exaggeration to say that this is a bird with two birds with one stone!"

"That's right!" The other women affirmed with one voice.

Among them, the apricot-eyed beauty was even more direct and said, "So, this meal at noon, please!"

"With Mao!" Niu Ben immediately shrank and said, "Brother, I will provide you with free training, which is already a great effort. You have to invite me a few times for this. Oh, no, a few days are appropriate!"

If you have to pay for it, why don't you kill me directly?

Don't you know that buddy has another nickname, which is called Money Hard to Give up Brother?

He strengthened his belief, and Niu Ben sat there motionless. No matter what the women said, he did not change at all. In the end, several women were even anxious and threatened to carry out inhumane body searches. In the face of such a situation, Niu Ben naturally had to pay the bottom. The guy shamelessly turned over all his pockets and said, "Look, buddy doesn't even have a steel jump on him. How can he get money for a treat!"

"Bah, believe you are a ghost!" The apricot-eyed beauty immediately said, "How can there be a man who goes out without money? You must have hidden there!"

"What are you talking about? Dude, there are only these pockets all over your body. Didn't I turn them over to show you?" Niu Ben spread out his hands and shrugged his shoulders, looking like you can't help me in this situation anyway.

The apricot-eyed beauty still did not let go at all and said, "Sisters, search!"

When the words fell, she flew up by herself, and the rest came to make fun, so the four women stretched out Lushan's claws and attacked him. Niu Ben was born to be itchy and dared not let these women play on themselves. It's just that the so-called two fists are hard to beat four hands, and good men can't stand many people. Even if Niu Ben thinks he is a pure man, but under the offensive of four women and eight hands, he can only be humble and show decline.

He even fell quickly and was deprived of his ability to resist.

Because the apricot-eyed beauty clamped his right arm with her legs, and the arm on the other side was firmly grasped by Ji Yanran. Of course, Niu Ben can resist, but moving his right arm is sliding into the depths of the thigh of the apricot-eyed beauty, and then moving her left hand. Ji Yanran doesn't seem to care about Niu Ben's arm at all and touches her pair of tits above C. In such a situation, even if Niu Ben has the ability to resist, he does not dare to act rashly!

Well, you should be able to see now that Niu Ben is indeed a pure and coquettish year.

"Yes, pure as me, only to be bullied!" Neiniu's face was full of howling in his heart for a while. Niu Ben was very much hoping that several women would quickly finish searching and then release himself from his predicament. Although a few pairs of small hands touched, Niu Ben was soft and crisp, and his heart was like an ant, and he couldn't help gasping occasionally, but this scene of being oppressed by a beautiful woman should never be done by a man.

Brothers want to be real men, brothers want to be iron-blooded men, beautiful women... Er!

Before the continuous wailing in his heart fell to the ground, Niu Ben suddenly snorted, and then the legendary tiger body shook and trembled. He quickly lowered his head and looked at it. He suddenly found with tears in his eyes that his only and irreplaceable part was being held by Guan Tongtong's little hand. And this quiet and pure girl, with smiling eyes, gently stroked back and forth with her little hand a few times.

Oh, God, this girl is not that kind of simple child, how, how...

How did you inflict such inhuman torture on your buddy? You know, in today's society, the majority of netizens usually only say that I have made soy sauce or passed by. Dude, this situation has probably become the first "being masturbed" in history!

The first in history, this thing is sometimes synonymous with awesomeness, but sometimes it is a huge coffee table!

After a few self-pity muttering, Niu Ben found that several women finally let go of themselves after a carpet-style search of their bodies. After not finding any results, the apricot-eyed beauty immediately said unpleasantly, "I've never seen a man like you, and he doesn't take money when he goes out. If you have something to do, won't you be stupid!"

Niu Ben shrugged his shoulders indifferently and said, "What can I do?"

The apricot-eyed beauty gave him a white look and said, "If you ride a bicycle and the tire is punctured when you walk, do you still have to push it back!"

"Definite it can't be pushed!" Niu Ben touched his nose and felt that if his buddy rode 20 or 30 miles away and pushed back, wouldn't it be fatal? Of course, buddy has to find a place to mend the tires and then ride back. As for where the money comes from, hey, you beautiful women really look beautiful, but the means of searching for money are really not good. Dude is rich, and he does put it on his body.

As for where to install, hey... Before my buddy left the village, my mother had a pocket in the position of every panties and buttocks.

You women, don't you know how to turn your buddies over and then touch them?!

He was secretly happy that his secret weapon of walking in the world was not found by several women. Niu Ben laughed twice and no longer responded to the apricot-eyed beauty's topic in this regard. At this time, the food ordered by Li Xiaoan had come up, so everyone began to immerse themselves in greeting the food. Several women had a training task, so they hurriedly finished eating and left. Only Niu Ben saw almost half of the table of the dishes...

So, he asked for three bottles of cold beer alone and ate it leisurely for an hour before finishing it.

After burping back to the Internet cafe, Niu Ben looked at the cash register showing that all the computers were full, he immediately climbed up to the second floor very proudly and hummed in his heart: "Animals in the university town, come and queue up to surf the Internet. Anyway, whether you spend one hundred or three hundred, you are playing games. You can't win the beauty team. As for the right to have dinner with beautiful women, buddy will enjoy it for all of you!"

With a treacherous smile, Niu Ben saw that everything was fine in the Internet cafe, so he decided to lie down and take a nap for a while.

I didn't go to bed until two o'clock yesterday, and rushed to the southern suburbs branch early in the morning. In addition, I drank so much wine. Although there is no problem, a good night's sleep is the greatest enjoyment at present!

However, it is probably Niu Ben's series of obsceneness and shamelessness that caused anger, or he was infected with bad luck by the apricot-eyed beauty in the morning. He just lay down and was thinking about whether he was going to flirt with Zhou Gong's daughter or to catch up with Zhou Gong's old immortal guy. The door of the computer room was knocked. After he opened the door, he saw Zhao Tuozi's anxious expression.

rubbing his eyes, Niu Ben muttered with the unpleasant mood of being disturbed by the good dream, "What's the matter? It's so flustered."

"Lao Niu, there is something wrong." Zhao Tuozi didn't know whether he was busy for a while and a little panicked, or whether this man's physical fitness was already poor. After gasping several times at the door, he stammered, "There is another difficult virus in the Internet cafe!"

"Whenma, is there a virus?!" Niu Ben woke up in an instant and repeatedly urged Zhao Tuozi to take him to see what was going on.

A moment later, after the two came to the first floor to check several computers that Zhao Tuozi found something wrong, Niu Ben suddenly felt that it was two big. When he first reacted to use the Ghost that came with the system for recovery and backup, he found that the various options that should have existed actually turned into a pile. Not to mention the unrecognizable garbled code, and when operating with the impression, it is impossible to enter the system backup normally.

Niang Xipi, has this virus even destroyed the system backup?!

If so, I'm afraid it will be really difficult!