Super Network Manager

Chapter 57 Perfect Solution Next

The fourth update is over. It is said that after 12 o'clock, it will be on the list and ask for tickets.


Jia Yu's look is extremely arrogant.

However, Hu Qianqiu is obviously lazy to have common knowledge with him. Even the high-ranking man smiled at the corners of his mouth and gave Jia Yu a thumbs up before slowly sitting down, no longer in the mood to look at Jia Yu.

No one responded to the rest except Niu Ben's smile at Jia Yu.

This situation immediately made Jia Yu quite angry. He felt that Niu Ben had now become a prisoner and dared to treat himself in such an attitude. He was really gray and ignorant of current affairs. He secretly thought of himself as the Communist Party and wanted to stick to his principles after being captured by the enemy. He suddenly felt that he had to give this boy a little pain, otherwise he would not give in.

So after a pause, he shouted outside, "Team Ye, come two people and give this boy a taste!"

His words fell to the ground, and the door was immediately knocked open. Seeing that two people with submachine guns came in, Jia Yu immediately looked at Niu with a proud face and said, "Kid, see. As long as I say hello, you will immediately pull you to death!"

However, after saying that, Jia Yu suddenly felt very strange. He turned his head again to make sure that he was not dazzled. He couldn't help shouting again, "I said which part of you? I asked Team Ye to arrange two people to come here, and you won't be like a terrorist drill. This small submachine gun is carried like a touch. I'm afraid people who can't figure it out really think you are the Flying Tigers!"

Two people holding submachine guns saw Jia Yu standing alone and immediately pointed their guns at him: "Don't move, raise your hand!"

"I'll wipe it!" Jia Yu's eyes stared, and then rolled his eyes and said, "Stop playing. Come and help me teach this boy a lesson. By the way, where did you get the toy gun? It looks the same as the real one.

With that, Jia Yu stepped forward and extended his finger to one of the black holes at the muzzle.

However, when his finger reached into the muzzle and touched the cold touch, Jia Yu suddenly trembled all over his body, and then quickly raised his hand and said, "Don't misunderstand, don't misunderstand. Dude, I have no intention of resisting. I surrender and resolutely surrender!"

When he squatted down honestly, he was greeted by the sound of smashing the butt of a gun.

When Jia Yu stained his stomach in pain and curled up on the ground and moaned, the two saw that eight people in the size of a room were intact. They immediately looked at each other and nodded. One of them also called to the communication tool: "The commando report, the sudden team report has successfully rescued the imprisoned hostages and has been successfully rescued. Eight hostages were held. Confirm that it belongs to the mission goal, and confirm that it belongs to the mission goal!"

After repeated the call twice, Niu Ben heard a voice from over there: "I order you to stand by, and the commandos will come to reinforce immediately. All snipers and firefighters began to strictly control the building and resolutely do not allow any unidentified people to enter or leave!"

The two soldiers holding submachine guns immediately answered yes, and then vigilantly divided into left and right to watch around.

This situation made Li Xiaoran suddenly stunned and touched Niu Ben with her arm. The girl asked doubtfully, "Xiao Ben, what's going on? Why do I look like I'm acting in a movie and making a blockbuster!"

Niu Ben shrugged his shoulders and smiled at her, "Why, you still want to make a guest appearance as the protagonist or something!"

"Go, you still want to joke!" Li Xiaoyan did not know the details of Mr. Hu and others, so he was puzzled about this situation. So now she stared at Niu Ben angrily, and then stretched out her hand, as if to teach Niu Ben a lesson.

However, Niu Ben dodged very cleverly, and then smiled at Li Xiaoan and stopped talking.

After this episode between the two, after a short time, there was a neat sound of footsteps outside. As the door opened, everyone in the room noticed that a pair of soldiers were all * live ammunition, divided into two rows, about two meters apart and in an extremely strict guard state, making the whole room tight. It's controlled. Then, a group of officers with two bars on their shoulders came this way with great solemnity.

At this time, everyone had finished eating and drinking. After disposing of the garbage, everyone sat down around the table at the sign of Mr. Hu.

The group of officers also happened to enter the room at this time. When the first middle-aged colonel entered the room, he paused, and then straightened up and made a military salute to this side, saying, "Qiu Yuejin, commander of the coastal garrison, greet the chief, please give instructions!"

Mr. Hu ignored this man, but glanced at Hu Qianqiu.

The latter obviously understood what his old man meant. He stood up and smiled at Qiu Yuejin. After signaling the other party to rest for a while, he slowly said, "I'm Hu Qianqiu, Chief Qiu. You let your people withdraw first. The old man doesn't like this kind of scene. In addition, you can assist the departments of Binhai City to deal with the aftercare work here. Try to give the public an explanation in the shortest time!"

"This is the order of Mr. Lin!" Qiu Yuejin obviously hesitated for a moment, for a reason: "We will deal with the aftermath as soon as possible, but if you take people away..."

Hu Qianqiu hasn't had time to reply to Qiu Yuejin like this. Mr. Hu patted the table and hummed angrily, "If you take people away, just take them away. If there is any problem, let Lin Liguo tell me!"

"Yes!" Qiu Yuejin's difficulties immediately dissipated. After a salute, he turned out and began to execute orders.

As for the large and small cadres in Binhai, although they all wanted to come to visit Mr. Hu, they were stopped by the soldiers. Until Qiu Yuejin walked out of the building of the Public Security Bureau and said that Mr. Hu did not want to be disturbed, most of these people hesitated to disperse. At the scene, only several members of the Standing Committees led by Yuan and Dou Jianguo were anxiously waiting for the joint team of the provincial party committee and the provincial government to arrive.


After the troops retreated, the people still sat in the room for a while.

Although Li Xiaoan still doesn't understand the identity of the Hu family, he also knows that they have a great come from. After experiencing what happened just now, she even understood that Hu Lao was a small person, otherwise she would not have shocked the garrison troops to come over and look like facing a big enemy. So at the next moment, the girl stayed silently beside Mr. Niu without making a sound.

On the contrary, Niu Ben was different from people. Seeing Hu Qianqiu's order, he dispersed like this. He muttered somewhat unpleasantly, "That's over. It's really boring. I thought there would be a variety of cool scenes to let me teach the turtle a good lesson. ne!"

Hu Yueying turned her head sideways and asked puzzled, "Why did you teach that turtle a lesson?"

"Because that boy is disgusting!" Niu Ben curled his lips and told him what happened between himself and Jia Yu. He didn't think it was a big deal, but after hearing this, Hu Yueying slapped the table again and said, "There is such a collusion between officials and businessmen, and it doesn't focus on public affairs, but only knows personal interests. Such a person is not worthy of the government's service support at all!"

"That's right!" Li Xiaoan came to his senses at this time and hurriedly interrupted, "It's better to let Xiaoben start a company and let him do the service!"

"Hey, this can be considered." Niu Ben smiled and then looked at his old man and Mr. Hu. Seeing that they didn't seem to have any objection, he suddenly felt happy and thought that his buddy was blessed by "disaster" this time, so he had to seize the opportunity to make progress!

Then, he touched Li Xiaoan with his arm and asked, "Why don't we start a company? Will you join?"

"All right!" Li Xiaoan raised his head and said, "The initial start-up capital and registered capital are all mine. You are purely a technology shareholder, accounting for 51 percent, and the remaining 49 percent is mine. Hey hey, let's be CEO once.

Hu Yueying smiled and did not express any comments. In her eyes, starting a company is just a small trick.

After sitting for a while, Mr. Hu estimated that he had calmed down, so he said to Mr. Niu that we'd better go back to the hotel first. You have to buy me two drinks in the evening. He naturally said that Mr. Niu was good, and then asked Li Xiaoran to arrange it quickly.

Now that we have said that, people naturally don't want to sit in the interrogation room for a long time. When they left, Qiu Yuejin also ran up and said that he wanted to send a car to send people to protect him, but when Hu Laoyi stared at him, he had to retreat obediently. Then, at the request of Li Xiaorankan's phone call, Li Laogen sent two low-key Audi A6s, and then the group of eight people got on the bus and headed for the Phoenix Hotel.

Everyone is quite satisfied with this meal in the evening.

The two old men drank a lot happily because they met again many years later. Li Xiaoran is because Mr. Niu has determined his reputation for himself, not to mention the happiness in his heart. Hu Yueying was also happy to see that the old man was happy, but Hu Qianqiu was a little bored during the banquet and escorted the old man. This was originally a good thing, but such a thing happened, and she didn't know how to explain it when she went back.

As for Niu Ben, he is even happier, or he has been in an excited state since he finished Jia Yu.

Because he has foreseen that after Jia Yu is dealt with, those organs and departments that still have problems will definitely come forward to personally ask themselves to solve the problem. Then I will support the services of various places to the next by the way. Such a situation, and the scene that made Niu Ben begin to fantasize that after he went to a higher level, he made a big picture, made a profit in the market, and became very popular!

The so-called spring breeze is probably like this.

As for the fact that the accident was actually caused by himself, it was automatically ignored by him. Because on the one hand, he did not mean to target government departments, and on the other hand, he felt that those who had made a fortune quickly or made a fortune in the city more or less had some unknown mistakes since ancient times. My mistake did not cause casualties, so let it rot in your stomach!