Super Network Manager

Chapter 75 Enemy's Narrow Road

This red ticket is not good. Do more, and it will stimulate me to explode!


The next day.

Niu Ben feels that he should return to normal and live that rhythmic life. So when he got up from ** in the morning, he rushed to the English corner and prepared to continue to learn English with Ji Yanran, which made him extremely painful. It is said that he has not been exposed to English for more than a week. What Niu Ben has learned before must be consolidated, otherwise it may not be long before the goods in his stomach may not be able to continue to be preserved.

Ji Yanran came with the morning light. Seeing her dress today, Niu Ben couldn't help muttering in his heart: I haven't seen her for a few days. This girl is getting brighter and brighter!

She is young and beautiful. Needless to say, she is a film and television star Jing Tian. The key is that today she rarely wears a pink skirt with smooth lines. She is not only full of femininity, but also wears a wide-finger belt around her waist, which straight to tie out the best part of her body and the small waist. A seductive arc makes people can't help but want to try the flexibility and elasticity of such a thin willow waist.

This kind of outfit makes Niu Ben look like a big index finger, and the spring heart is surging.

He stood up and greeted him. He didn't care that there were many people around him. He immediately opened his arms and laughed and said, "Beauty, I haven't seen you for a few days. I really miss you so much. Come on, let me hold one!"

With that, his arms went straight to Ji Yanran's waist and limbs.

Niu Ben thought that he had not seen each other for a few days, and the two would be a little strange. Ji Yanran should have avoided it, but after holding his arms, he found that he was hugging him. Even the other party not only did not resist, but also took the initiative to stick to him and put the pair of towering parts on his chest straight to his chest. And his movements and expressions are also extremely docile, like a couple reunited three autumns apart.

This situation stunned Niu Ben and couldn't help crying in his heart: Dude, I didn't expect it to be like this. I just wanted to take advantage of it!

Of course, he howled in his heart, but Niu Ben not only did not mean to let go of Ji Yanran, but even felt the amazing softness and elasticity of the girl's chest through his thin clothes. The man also twisted twice shamefully and rubbed the important parts of the other person with his chest.

After doing this, Niu Ben sent away Ji Yanran, who blushed with a satisfied face, and then said as if nothing had happened, "Let's continue to learn English!"

This guy changed so fast that Ji Yanran was stunned, and then gave him a helpless glance.


Naturally, there is no need to talk about learning English.

They only said that after finishing their study this morning and saying goodbye to each other for a while, Niu Ben returned to the Internet cafe to kill a large bowl of beef ramen with great satisfaction, and then returned to the Internet cafe in a very beautiful mood to prepare for hosting.

However, it is very helpless that Li Xiaoan called again to ask if the company will open tomorrow. Do we have to have a ceremony or ceremony or something? Niu Ben thought that it was Saturday today, and his task was about to be completed in two days, which was the most critical moment, so he said that we should omit this link. It's really not very interesting to deal with these fake things.

Hearing what he said, Li Xiaoan could only say "Oh" and said, "If you don't do it, forget it. My father asked me when it would open last night, and then he would inform him that he would send us at least 100,000 yuan in red envelopes!"

"What, you mean shrimp?!" When Niu Ben heard this, he immediately straightened his face and said seriously, "Sister Xiaolang, you heard it wrong. I said we must hold the opening ceremony. Not only do it, but also do it in a special case!"

Li Xiaoan smiled and said, "Do you really want to do it?"

Niu Ben continued to say very seriously, "Isn't this nonsense? The so-called opening of business is a rule that our ancestors have all had. We should have followed the rules of our ancestors to start a business, so that we can make a good deal!"

Li Xiaoan smiled and said, "Well, since you want to do it, you have to come to the company quickly, and we will arrange the division of labor."

"Okay, wait for me. I'll be there right away." After saying that, Niu Ben closed the line, installed the phone and hurried out of the Internet cafe. People say that rabbits don't sprinkle eagles. Now rabbits are wandering around their feet. If they don't catch them again, wouldn't it be a pity to have a mouthful of good meat?

Therefore, Niu Ben came to the company address happily all the way. After meeting with Li Xiaoan, the two decided that Li Xiaoan would go to the etiquette company for emergency deployment, and then Niu Ben went to get some posters and send them to gather more popularity as much as possible to make the scene more lively. Naturally, Niu Ben would not object to this kind of thing that could be collected with money, so he ran to the printing shop next to the building and prepared to get a hundred invitations first.

Printing the invitation is a very fast thing, but after getting the invitation, Niu Ben muttered a little.

Brother, who should I invite?

After thinking about it, he decided to find an acquaintance to send invitations first, such as Wan Zhong, such as Ding Gu. If these people receive the invitation, they should usually come if there is no special reason, and if they give a gift casually like this, they have to say it in three digits. Therefore, although Niu Ben ran around and forth to face trouble, he always smiled and was in a very beautiful mood.

However, after sending the invitations of these people, Niu Ben is also a little worried about some people who are slightly estranged.

For example, if you say that it doesn't matter if you say that it doesn't matter, you can more or less touch it. It doesn't make sense not to send invitations, but if you really want to send them, Niu Ben doesn't feel so convenient. After all, they just send an invitation from each other. Although they don't come, they will come with a gift. But if you do this, it's obviously a little bit...

And like the municipal party committee and the municipal government, the municipal government office and various sub-bureaus can send it by themselves, because their own company opens, so it is to undertake their business, and there is no problem to send an invitation. However, like a higher level, such as the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor Dou Jianguo, although they have one or two faces, and they have also been in a deal with each other, there seems to be some problems if they really want to send an invitation.

I thought about it for a while. For a while, I really didn't know how to change it.

So in desperation, he had to call Li Xiaoan for help. After he told the matter, Li Xiaoran was scared. He even said why he was a elm head and often read online novels on the Internet. Don't you know that anyone who wanders in the system, as long as something happens, generally doesn't remember who gave the gift, but if any one doesn't They will always keep gifts in mind.

Niu Ben suddenly realized when he said this: Isn't it? Dude is still struggling with something. No matter what he has to do with those who haven't arrived, they all send invitations first.

Although they are not available, they may still follow the gift. The purpose of the opening ceremony is to take out two people from the pockets of rich people from all directions to help poor people like themselves!