Super Network Manager

Chapter 79 Make a lot of money Next

If you are rich, you are not afraid of no one. This is Niu Ben's consistent thinking.

Although it is not a money omnipotent theory, it is basically true to start a company to play business. Ten contracts add up to tens of millions of funds. Niu Ben feels that he has expanded his company to the size of Jia Yu's company on the opposite side, and he can still maintain it. Anyway, it's not too difficult. I'll raise my salary a little higher. I'm not afraid that no one will apply for the job.

Thinking about this, Niu Ben waited safely for the contract to be signed.

Li Xiaoan's speed is also very fast. In less than an hour, these network technology masters picked up the contract one by one with a smile. It seems that after they send money successfully, a big stone will fall in their hearts.

However, when they were about to leave, Niu Ben opened his mouth with a smile.

"Well, I have a virus killing program that hasn't been shelled yet. I don't know if you are interested?"

The people on Du Niang's side answered the conversation first and said, "What's the special killing?"

Niu Ben was not salty, as if he were talking about a small matter. He said calmly, "A while ago, there was a very ferocious and disabled person. A friend of mine developed a special killing tool and entrusted me to sell it to him. Is there any of you who is willing to take over?"

"Dad and crippled?!" As soon as everyone heard this word, they immediately began to exchange glances with each other.

Obviously, Niu Ben deliberately only said that he had developed a special killing program developed by a friend, which made these people associate in an instant. As the unique existence of scorpion cake, the origin and origin of the killing and maimed are extremely clear to everyone here except Li Xiaolan. Although Niu Ben's words don't seem clear, they are full of the smell of want to cover up, which is no different from showing the carriage.

However, although he knew that the program was unique, no one was willing to answer for a while.

When he found that all the technical people were silent, Niu Ben suddenly felt strange and said, "What's the matter? Doesn't anyone want this thing?"

"If you want it, you can take it." Xinlang's technology pondered for a moment and said, "However, none of us work in professional security companies, so we may not be able to pay too high a price. In order not to humiliate this program, I suggest that you still trade with pure security companies such as Qihu and Jinshan. Oh, by the way, isn't Di Yao also here? Yanhuang Security is the largest security company in China. I believe he should be interested in this thing.

"That's it!" Niu Ben squeaked his lips and said, "Thank you for your recommendation. I'm going to ask."

The CTOs nodded one after another, so they said some polite words on the scene and said that they wanted to leave the plane.


When Niu Ben found Di Yao, this uncle-level figure who was close to the age of fate was taking a fake stay in his room.

Explaining his intention, Di Yao immediately opened his eyes and said excitedly, "Mr. Niu, what you said is the truth. Did this main program really decide to sell to my company... If that's the case, that's really great!"

Niu Ben and Li Xiaolan looked at each other and then laughed, "Of course it's true. I'm entrusted to be loyal. There is no fake for this kind of thing."

"Well, I'll do this program!" Di Yao tapped his fingers on the table next to him and said, "I'll call back immediately to discuss with the company's shareholders and come up with an acquisition plan as soon as possible."

After a pause, he looked sideways at Niu Ben and said, "I don't know if you are interested in the price?"

"My friend just entrusted me to sell this thing, but did not give a price limit." Of course, Niu Ben will not give a stupid and direct answer to this question. Even if he really has a so-called intentional price in his heart. In commercial negotiations, although people from the grassroots like Niu Ben don't know much about it, they also know that they must not easily show their cards first, otherwise they will suffer losses.

Although Di Yao is a technician, he has been wandering in the mall for so many years, and he also knows this truth.

Seeing that Niu Ben just shook his head, he had to smile and said that after discussing with the shareholders of the company, he would talk to you in detail with Mr. Niu.

At this point, it is naturally impossible to come to an end at once. Therefore, Niu Ben fell down without any urgent noise. He continued to chat with the well-known domestic security tycoa, and then left with Li Xiaolant.

After such a delay, the guests who took a short break after lunch left. Niu Ben was not in much mood to deal with these things, so he only left the matter to Li Xiaoan after dealing with a few important guests. Then he found Mo Sixue's resting room and gently knocked on the door. However, after knocking for a long time, no one opened the door. After he asked, he knew that Mo Sixue and Master Jin had left without saying goodbye during dinner.

Knowing this news, Niu Ben's heart inevitably felt a little disappointed. Originally, he wanted to ask about Mo Xiangsi, but now it seems that the director of the Cyber Security Department does not pay attention to him.

Forget it, don't pay attention to it. When the buddy develops, go to the capital to find that stupid girl by yourself!

After muttering a little anx, Niu Ben turned back to the big banquet hall. At this time, most of the guests had left, and Li Xiaoan was paying for the lunch with several staff members of the hotel.

Niu Ben came over and looked at it a few times, and couldn't help smacking his tongue: "No, it's just fifteen tables, it's only 100,000!"

"It's just 100,000, it's okay!" Li Xiaoan and those staff finished the final accounts and said, "I told Uncle Huang that I asked him for a 50% discount. Otherwise, how can 100,000 yuan be done?"

"You mean, it turned out to be 200,000?" Niu Ben's eyes bulged and said, "I don't feel anything to eat. A table is actually more than 10,000."

"If there are more than 10,000 tables, just smile." Li Xiaoan looked at him helplessly and said, "Fortunately, it's still noon, if everyone drinks at night. At least you have to pay for this meal.

This made Niu Ben frown and said repeatedly, "Well, I can't afford it, I can't afford it!"

"Don't worry about your meal money. If you ask me to say something, it's better to eat this kind of food every day. Li Xiaoyan squeezed his lips and smiled and said, "You don't look at you. How much money you spent on 100,000 yuan to make? If you can be like this every day, it won't be long before you have more money than my father."

"Hey, earning is earning, spending is spending." Niu Ben scratched his head and then came over and whispered, " By the way, how much did we make at this opening ceremony? Have you checked it?"

Li Xiaoan smiled and said, "I'm about to go. If you're not afraid of the trouble, let's go together?"

"No trouble, no trouble, absolutely no trouble." Niu Ben waved his hand repeatedly, and then took Li Xiaolan to quickly take himself to take stock of today's earnings. No matter how much money you have earned, no one will think it's troublesome!

So, the two returned to the company talking and laughing and began to take stock of the gifts they received today.

"Brother Zhong has a bull, weighing eight or two or eight dollars, with a market value of more than 150,000!"

"The two sides of the municipal party committee and the municipal government each came with a gift of 188 yuan. Well, this is negligible."

"All government agencies give a total of 106,650 gifts, a total of 100,000 yuan."

"Oh, my father gave me a little more, 168 yuan, all the way, not bad!"

"Wow, Mr. Jin's handwriting is big. Don't touch my X6. It's still this year's new model. I'm afraid it will have seven digits."



A burst of surprises kept counting, and in the end, their heads couldn't be calculated together. Li Xiaoan found a computer, paper and pen for itemized statistics, and it took nearly 40 minutes to complete it. Looking at the final conversion of all the gifts into the market value, after looking at each other for a long time, the two couldn't help shouting at the same time, "This is really a lot of money!"

There are more than 1.618 million!

After being stunned for a long time, Niu Ben couldn't help sighing, "Mother Xipi, if you can always receive so many gifts at the opening ceremony, buddy really wants to do it every day, and you don't have to do anything else!"

"You have to show off!" Li Xiaolan gave her a white look and said, "How can there be such a good thing!"

"Hey, people are not allowed to fantasize yet!" Niu Ben smiled proudly and then said, "This pure gift received 1.618 million yuan. In addition to the small bull and the car, which accounted for nearly 1.2 million yuan, the remaining cash was nearly 500,000 yuan. Should this money be left as the company's liquidity, or should we pay for the meal? Five points in the pocket?!"

"What's the point? Let's be liquidity!" Li Xiaoyan still had a white eye and said, "You have also signed ten contracts. Don't hurry to recruit people to expand their scale. Everyone in our company can't be responsible for a project!"

"That's it." Niu Ben nodded repeatedly and said, "I think we still need to recruit ten groups, at least five people in each group, so that we can ensure that ten projects can be completed in a year."

Li Xiaoan said, "Then increase the recruitment efforts and start tomorrow."

"Oi, okay. We will start recruiting tomorrow, and we must be bigger than the one on the opposite side!" Niu Ben said an extremely proudly, and then bowed his body and muttered happily again: "A total of 13 million for 11 projects. Let's recruit 50 people in 10 groups, each of them to open 3,000 yuan a month. In addition to some people in the past, this salary expenditure is... one three for three, two or six for six... hey ha, The salary expenditure is only more than 2 million a year, and the rest is..."

Tut, the annual net income is at least 10 million!

It really made a lot of money!