Super Network Manager

Chapter 93 So it is

Niu Ben had great expectations for Mo Xiangming, and the latter did not disappoint him.

After listening to Niu Ben's narrative, the senior provincial and ministerial official pondered for almost a minute before saying in a strange tone, "Are you sure you are talking about Lao Zhao? Why do I sound like our family!"

Niu Ben was stunned and didn't react at all: "Uh, what's going on?!"

Mo Xiangming pondered and said, "Isn't the case you talking about the investment direction that our fourth is thinking about? I remember that it was a four billion investment in the car modification city. However, later, because the four children had some commercial disputes with people, they could not send the funds for a while, and then the matter was delayed. But I never thought that this delayed thing would evolve into such a situation below!"

Hearing this, Niu Ben was completely like Mo Xiangming. He stayed for a long time before he said, "It turns out that it's a big merchant, that's your Mo family!"

"Yes, if there is no second project of this scale in Phoenix City, it should be the same thing." Mo Xiangming smiled and said, "Ha ha, I heard that the girl lovesick asked you to help deal with our family, didn't she?"

"You know this." Niu Ben smiled and said, "Well, I may go to the capital on Friday or Saturday."

After a pause, Niu Ben then asked cautiously, "Province Minister Mo, what is more appropriate to deal with what I just said?"

"The key to this matter depends on how Lao Si's situation is handled. If he can withdraw funds quickly, there will be no problem for your friend to do it anyway. But if it is not dealt with in time, Lao Zhao doesn't want to make a joke about this matter, and he will definitely urge it to be done as soon as possible. Mo Xiangming smiled and said, "Of course, since you have called me, why do I have to deal with you again? At least, it won't make your friend have no profit!"

Niu Ben suddenly said in surprise, "Well... Then thank you, Governor Mo!"

Mo Xiangming smiled and said, "Don't say thank you. If you want to say thank you, I may have to thank you. Lao Si's frozen funds are not just 200 million, but also need you to bother.

Niu Ben immediately responded and said, "You're welcome."

"Falt." Mo Xiangming smiled again and then said, "No, since it's this matter, what should you do?" Just remember to make it beautiful, so that you will be satisfied in all aspects.

"Oc, I will try my best." Niu Ben answered, then exchanged a few words with the other party again, and then hung up the phone gently.

After talking to a character at this level, Niu Ben naturally thought about it carefully. In addition to Li Laogen's matter, who happened to connect with people he knew again and knew what he wanted to focus on next, Niu Ben more or less realized another news in the call just now: that is, the funds for the introduction of the Mo family are Zhao Shanhe, and Mo Xiangming also called the leader Lao Zhao. .

Obviously, these two people generally do not have the legendary unspoken rule that the party and the government can't pee in a pot.

Generally, it is not that the higher you go, the more you should pay attention to balance, and the less likely it is to say that it will become someone's territory. But now it seems that the political pattern of Dongshan Province is not the same as that of most places!

Of course, Niu Ben only needs to know about such problems, but it is not necessary to pay deep attention to them. He put away the phone and just pondered for a moment, and then completely let go of his mind. After all, the two things are almost the same, and it seems that the situation is not too bad. Of course, there is no need for him to keep that worried all the time.

turned his head and saw that the apricot-eyed beauty had come down after delivering the things, so she asked the girl, "It's not too late. Why don't we go out for a walk?"

"If you want to go, I won't go!" The apricot-eyed beauty hummed twice and said, "I just went up. My mother and my father were still talking about girls being outgoing. After having a boyfriend, they didn't even go home and left them aside!"

"No, isn't uncle and aunt quite in favor of our business?" Niu Ben squeezed his eyes at the beautiful apricot-eyed beauty and said jokingly, "Isn't it also what your parents mean when we come down from above... I don't understand. Does your parents only agree to our relationship on the surface? In fact, they don't pay full attention to it in the bottom of their hearts... Well, if you say this, my hairy son-in-law The inspection period is not over yet?!"

"How can it end so soon." The apricot-eyed beauty raised her neck and said, "You are still here with me, and you are still in the inspection period!"

"No way!" Niu Ben opened his mouth and said, "Our parents have said that they are very satisfied with me. What else are you going to investigate?" Look, I'm 22 now, and you're 21 again. You're 21 years old enough for marriage. Why don't we find some time to get the certificate?!"

"Bah, it's beautiful!" The apricot-eyed beauty took a sip, as if she wanted to say something more. But in an instant, her face suddenly changed and she shouted urgently, "Auntie, what's wrong with you?"

Niu Ben was shocked by her quickly changing face and anxious appearance, and then immediately turned his head to look at Wu Yunqiu next to him. At this glance, he glanced at it and found that Wu Yunqiu, who was obviously fine just now, actually covered his stomach. Not only was his expression very uncomfortable, but also a thin layer of sweat faintly oozed on his smooth forehead. Under the light of the street lamp at night, it was inappropriate to present a crystal oily color.

His heart skipped a moment. Niu Ben hurried over to hold Wu Yunqiu and asked urgently, "Suntie, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?"

"My sister-in-law has a stomach problem." The apricot-eyed beauty came over and immediately came to a conclusion when she saw Wu Yunqiu's situation. Then she took over Niu Ben's work of supporting her sister-in-law and said, "Niu Ben, what are you still doing? Hurry up and bring the car over and let's go to the hospital together."

"Oh." Niu Ben hurriedly answered twice, and then spread his legs and ran to the parking position.

After a while, he drove the car and drove the two people straight to the second hospital closest to the city. However, this stomachache is very uncomfortable at the beginning of the attack, and it will ease a lot after a while. So when the car was hundreds of miles away from the second hospital, Wu Yunqiu recovered more or less. First, she slowly leaned against the back of the car seat, then slowly waved her hand and said to the two people, "You don't have to go to the hospital. I'm old. It's okay to take two pills."

Niu Ben immediately said, "Sister, stomach disease is not a trivial matter. You'd better go to the hospital."

"How many times have you seen it? I have gastritis." Wu Yunqiu still waved his hand and said, "Xiao, turn around the car. Just take me back." I have medicine at home. I'll take two tablets and rest for a while. I'll be fine soon.

"No, there is still a long way to go home. I've come to the hospital. Isn't it close? Besides, there is no medicine in the hospital for stomach disease!" Niu Ben didn't listen to her command at all. He drove the car directly in front of the emergency room. Then he got out of the car and shouted inside, "Doctor, come quickly. There is a patient with a terrible stomachache. Hurry up and arrange the minifigures to help check it carefully!"

On the emergency side of the second city hospital, people came and went very busy. Niu Ben's original voice suddenly made some doctors and nurses look disgusted. However, when he saw that he was so young, but there was a car parked behind him, three or two young and beautiful nurses immediately lit up their eyes, and then put down their unimpressive work and quickly came to him.

One of the first tall nurses asked as she walked, "Sir, what's going on?"

"My sister-in-law has a severe stomachache." Niu Ben waited until the nurse came closer and didn't care about it. He pulled the little girl's arm, then opened the door and pointed to Wu Yunqiu in the back seat and said, "It's her. Please check it carefully."

"Okay, please help her down first." The little nurse worked quite well. While talking, she helped Wu Yunqiu out of the car with the apricot-eyed beauty, and then arranged an emergency doctor to help confirm. Fortunately, what reassured Niu Ben and the apricot-eyed beauty was that Wu Yunqiu was indeed gastritis. After the doctor prescribed two bottles of medicine and she took them immediately, the situation obviously improved.

After continuing to sit in the hospital for a while, Niu Ben suggested sending Wu Yunqiu home to rest.

However, to his surprise, the apricot-eyed beauty said that since her sister-in-law had nothing to do, she would take a taxi back to the Phoenix Hotel first, so that the three of them would not go to Wu Yunqiu together, and Niu Ben would have to turn his head and send her back alone. The apricot-eyed beauty said that it was a little inappropriate for Niu Run, but Wu Yunqiu agreed first: "Well, please send me back to Mavericks. I really don't want to move now, and I don't want to go out and take a taxi by myself.

Since parents have said something, they can only do it!

Therefore, after the apricot-eyed beauty and Niu Ben helped Wu Yunqiu out of the emergency room left and right and took Wu Yunqiu to the back seat of the car, the apricot-eyed beauty made a goodbye gesture to Niu Ben, and then Tingting walked alone. And since Wu Yunqiu got into the car, it's easier to do. After driving through the city for about half an hour, Niu Ben had sent her to the community where he lived according to Wu Yunqiu's weak instructions.

However, Wu Yunqiu suffered a lot of pain and probably consumed a lot of physical strength, but now he didn't even have the strength to go upstairs, so Niu Ben had no choice but to help her to take the elevator alone, and then stopped at the sixth floor. Opening the door of Block B, Niu Ben turned on the light and helped Wu Yunqiu sit on the sofa, and then turned around and poured a glass of water from the water dispenser not far away.

Previously, Niu Ben didn't care much because of Wu Yunqiu's illness, but now she almost settled down and turned around. Her eyes suddenly fell on this superb mature woman. White shirt, brown skirt, black stockings... Coupled with the laziness of the best mature woman leaning on the sofa casually after she lost her strength at this moment, which almost made Niu Ben completely straighten his eyes and didn't want to move away from him at all.


Sorry, I went out urgently yesterday and made a mistake! Well, I probably won't be able to go home until the evening, so today's update will only be available in the evening. I'm very sorry.