Super Network Manager

Chapter 111 Play to Crash Next

The first thing that appeared was some 3D three-dimensional pictures.

Pictures like the haunted house, the disaster of the python, and so on. For example, the headless ghost only came from a distance, and the python opened its blood basin and bit it directly. The shocking scenes in the horror film, even the eyes seen by the chainsaw maniac, seem to be aimed at the person sitting in front of the computer and vowing to make it. Death, or extremely perverted to saw the person in front of the computer into 17 or 18 paragraphs.

In the face of such a situation, I'm afraid that a timid person will scream in horror and run away and dare not touch the computer.

Because nowadays, no one does any operation on the computer except for a penguin. Even in surprise, Lin Miaoyin turned off the penguin, but the computer will still appear like automatic operation.

"Is this a Trojan horse?" Lin Miaoyin tilted her head and thought for a moment, and then quickly greeted Xiao Qi, who was usually responsible for network maintenance in the bureau, and asked him to see if his computer was infected with a virus or something. But it's strange that when Xiaoqi took over, the horrible picture had completely disappeared. And he scanned the computer with anti-virus software for more than half an hour, and finally concluded that there was nothing wrong with the computer system.

As soon as Lin Miaoyin heard the result, she hurriedly said, "No, there were things like midnight horror, all kinds of ugly evil spirits, pythons and so on on my computer just now. Why don't there be any problems? Why don't you check it again?"

Xiaoqi was also a rectum and immediately fought back, "I said Sister Lin, I said there was no problem. Don't you believe in my skills?"

"But I just found that there are many problems with the computer." Lin Miaoyin knew that she was not good at what she said, so her voice lowered. Then she also seemed to feel a little strange. Why is there no problem when the network manager comes? So she waved her hand and had to say again, "Well, Xiao Qi, go ahead. If there is any problem, I'll call you again. Today, I have a lot of files to deal with on the computer. If something goes wrong, it's not easy to handle.

"Okay, if you have any questions, just call me." Xiao Qi nodded and then curled his lips and left.

If there is a problem with the computer, the network management can handle it and record it as a work record. At the end of the month, it will be handed over as this month's assessment or performance. Not to mention that you can get more money, but at least it will be more glorious. But after being busy for more than half an hour, there is nothing wrong with it. Anyone will feel a little uncomfortable. Therefore, although Xiaoqi said something bright, his expression was somewhat impatient when he left.

In particular, this guy is playing online games in the network management room. As soon as he downloaded the copy with someone, he was called away, and naturally felt even more angry: buddy has been standing in the copy for more than half an hour. If he does this a few more times, I'm afraid others will not team up with me!

complained that Lin Miaoyin was looking for trouble. After returning to the computer room, Xiaoqi explained to his friends in the game and paid a lot of game coins for it. Then he understood what happened in the game. However, he just asked everyone if they wanted to continue the next copy, and after getting a response to enter the copy, Lin Miaoyin shouted again: "Xiaoqi Xiaoqi, come and help me see it again!"

"I..." I almost couldn't hold it. Xiao Qi had to throw away the character in his hand, then ran out again and came to Lin Miaoyin's computer and said, "What's the matter?"

"Those ghosts appeared again!" Lin Miaoyin shouted and pointed to the computer and said, "Look at yourself... Er, why is it gone?"

Yes, when Xiaoqi appeared in front of her computer, those pictures had suddenly disappeared and left no trace. Therefore, Lin Miaoyin now refers to only a blue sky and white clouds on the computer screen, and the whole system picture is normal.

Xiaoqi's face was so dark that he could scrape off the dust and said, "Sister Lin, Sister Lin, what's the problem with this!"

"There was a problem just now, but why is it gone?" Lin Miaoyin muttered and said, "Why don't you check it for me again? I really doubt whether this computer has been hit by a Trojan horse, otherwise how could those pictures appear for no reason?"

"Okay, I'll check!" Xiaoqi gritted his teeth and answered. After thinking that his income in the game this month would be ruined, he secretly thought that it would be best for this computer to have problems. Otherwise, even if you are a beautiful woman and a policewoman in the bureau, I will have to scold you. What's the matter? I didn't call late, but I greeted the copy. I don't know that the dead who go down to the copy but don't operate it are the most annoying!

Xiaoqi checked very carefully this time, and it even took 40 minutes to complete, but the result was exactly the same as last time.

"Is there really no problem?!" Lin Miaoyin muttered a few words. In Xiaoqi's eyes, she hurriedly said, "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. Maybe I accidentally ordered something else. I'll restart the computer."

After saying that, she restarted the computer, and Xiaoqi did a simple check for her, but there was still no problem.

"It's really strange. Is it that I'm only 20 years old and have presbyopia, or did I not sleep well last night and had hallucinations?" Lin Miaoyin sent Xiaoqi away like an apology. Lin Miaoyin was a question in her head. She is very sure that what she just thought is not right. Those frightened pictures have really appeared, but in this situation, I'm afraid that no one will believe her.

What's going on? Is there a supernatural event in the novel?!

Shaking her head with a huge question mark on her head, Lin Miaoyin couldn't help feeling funny about her thoughts. After a long time, she settled down and saw that the computer system was still blue and white clouds*, so she was ready to start working.

However, when she picked up the mouse, the whole computer screen dimmed again. This time, it is not a frightening picture, but a few big words with blood: Do you want to travel?!

Under these big words, there are two options.

Lin Miaoyin moved the mouse and found that she could click on either of these two options, but she couldn't choose to turn it off. Her eyes suddenly blinked quickly: What's the matter? Is it really a supernatural event? Click to confirm to go to the alien world... No, no, this girl is in her youth, father My mother is still alive, and my relatives and friends are all in modern times. How can I choose to travel?

"I don't want to!" After saying that, Lin Miaoyin chose the negative option.

At one point of this option, Lin Miaoyin's heart immediately trembled, and then she screamed and hurriedly stood up from the chair to greet the network manager Xiaoqi. It's impossible not to say hello, because the current picture is really too lethal for girls. The computer screen appears as an intensive creature, crawling together. Although it is just a mixture of centipedes and snakes, at a glance, it makes people feel that their hairs are all upside down.

What the hell? Lin Miaoyin doesn't think the picture of a python is very scary, but as a girl, she has a common problem of girls, that is, she has a kind of fear from the bottom of her heart for intensive creatures, so when she sees that snakes and centipedes are mixed together, how can she dare to face the computer again. So when she turned her head, she kept calling Xiaoqi, the network manager, and asked him to help see what was going on.

However, when Xiaoqi walked out of the computer room, the picture on her computer disappeared again.

Three times in a row, I felt like I was being played. No matter how good my temper was, I couldn't help bursting out: "Sister Lin, Aunt Lin, Grandma Lin, can you forgive me? If you have nothing to do, don't come to me if you want to play monkeys. I know that you are in a bad mood today and look entangled when you come in the morning, but you can't find pleasure on me. What's the matter?

"No, really not!" Lin Miaoyin waved her hand repeatedly and said, "I'm really not playing with you. There's really something wrong with my computer. Just now, there was even a picture and asked me if I wanted to travel. I clicked on it, but there were a lot of snakes and centipede in the computer. It was so disgusting and terrible!"

"Do you still want to travel?" Xiaoqi stared and said, "I'll go. You've read too many fantasy novels!"

"No, it's really not. I..." Lin Miaoyin is full of explanations at this moment, but she doesn't know how to say it. Therefore, after the computer* returned to normal, she was very inertia to think that even if she asked Xiaoqi to check it, she would not find any problems. But if Xiao Qi walks away, it is not good that those things will reappear in her computer like a supernatural.

What the hell is going on?!

Is it because my relatives haven't come yet, so those dirty things can't be collected on me? God, Almighty Lord, Buddha Guanyin Bodhisattva, come and see how can we be liked by such a pure and kind little girl like me, such an upright and bright policewoman. Please, get rid of all these things!

She quickly turned all kinds of ideas in her heart. When Lin Miaoyin kept praying to heaven, she was a little afraid to touch her computer again. She was afraid that as long as she became a person, such things would appear again. In particular, as soon as she saw someone else, it immediately disappeared completely. This feeling of fear in the bottom of her heart could not be said or explained, which made her feel that her head was about to explode and her whole body was about to collapse.

Nang Xipi, what's the matter!