Super Network Manager

Chapter 114 In this case

"Oh, it looks quite good!"

Niu Ben's words immediately aroused the anger of several people on the opposite side. One of the guys commented with a sneer, and then greeted several others, "Brothers, since this boy asked for this, we will do what he wants."

"Look for excitement!" Another guy smiled gerociously and suddenly hit Niu Ben's shoulder with a stick.

" hiss!" Even if it has been hard, Niu Ben still can't help taking a cold breath when this stick comes down. This Nima is a stick with thick eggs. Although it is only wooden, it will never make people feel good if they smash a stick with all their strength. Of course, after his teething, Niu Ben still stood still standing straight. There was not only no beg for mercy on his face. On the contrary, he also turned his eyes around on the faces of several people, as if to remember the faces of these people.

Nang Xipi, although the current situation is that good men can't stand many people, this loss can't be eaten in vain. My buddy has never liked to suffer losses!

However, even though he is full of resentment, Niu Ben has no choice but to face four or five people now. Fortunately, after looking at these guys looking at each other and wanting to serve themselves with sticks again, the apricot-eyed beauty next to her suddenly stood up and shouted coldly, "Don't mess around. I've already called the police. If you guys really want to run away, I don't believe that your stall can still run away!"

Although the apricot-eyed beauty looks like a delicate beauty, she is quite powerful at this moment.

So after she finished speaking, these guys were stunned, and then turned to call the boss to deal with it. After all, fighting in private is one thing, but after the intervention of the police, it will be a different situation.

The young boss came quickly, but after he came, he glanced coldly at Niu Ben and the apricot-eyed beauty and said, "Continue to call me. Isn't it just to call the police? I'm familiar with the Dongcheng Branch from the police chief to the patrol police. I'm responsible for what happens!"

This guy is really a bully style. He not only has a big tone, but also seems to have someone in his hand.

"You'd better be responsible, otherwise..." Niu Ben was beaten, and the apricot-eyed beauty was obviously very angry. At this moment, when I heard the boss talk like this, I was so angry that I raised my eyebrows and looked around and said, "I don't think you want to open this stall anymore!" Of course, she also knows that it is not appropriate to provoke the other party at this moment, otherwise it is not cost-effective to let Niu Ben suffer immediate losses.

So after a pause, she pointed to Niu Ben and said, "Do you know who he is?"

"I don't care who you are. If you provoke me, I won't leave!" The young boss raised his eyebrows and didn't care about the words of the apricot-eyed beauty. Unlike people in the system, he will be a little hesitant if he encounters such a situation. He is reckless. He usually hears the gangsters being fierce in front of him at this roadside stall, but there are many situations where he doesn't even make a fart after the event, and it's not bad this time.

Besides, people with status, status and rich people don't remember barbecue. Where can they go to places like Little Fat Sheep? Who will go to the roadside stalls to eat if they have nothing to do?

The young boss doesn't care about Niu Ben at all, and he has looked at their clothes, at best, ordinary white-collar workers, and bullied them. Anyway, it's not the first time he has done such a thing since he took over the booth. Even if he really called the police, he was not afraid. Who said that his uncle was now the new director of the Dongcheng Public Security Bureau? He did not say that he could walk horizontally on the ground of Dongcheng, but he was not afraid of any trouble.

So, he smiled indifferently, and he said to his men, "Keep beating me until he is soft!"

So, the gangsters raised a stick and beat Niu Ben again. After a while, Niu Ben was already full of trauma, and his left elbow joint was really dislocated, which made him hold his left arm in his right hand and oozed out of cold sweat on his forehead. Although in this blow, the apricot-eyed beauty scolded repeatedly and even turned into a request in the end, those guys still showed no sign of stopping.

Even if Niu Ben was really beaten into dislocation, those guys still kept beating repeatedly.

In this case, the apricot-eyed beauty is cold-eyed and beautiful. Finally, seeing that she couldn't stop it at all, she simply didn't block it at all. Then she came to the side alone. First, she called her sister-in-law to explain the situation, and then made several phone calls to Li Xiaolan and others in a row, saying that Niu Ben was beaten at the roadside stall in Dongcheng and let them Hurry up and have a look.

When the people who received the phone heard about this, they all turned pale and shouted angrily and told the apricot-eyed beauty to take good care of Niu Ben, and they would come immediately.

Of course, because these people are far away from here, they obviously can't get there in a short time. On the contrary, the apricot-eyed beauty had previously called the police. When Niu Ben was unable to stand firmly, a police car stopped in front of the booth with a roar. At this time, although there were many onlookers, they quickly made way after the police came, and the young men also threw away their sticks at the sign of the stall owner.

At this time, the apricot-eyed beauty also came forward in a hurry, regardless of whether it was dirty or not. After struggling to help Niu Ben, tears in her eyes asked repeatedly, "How's it going, Niu Ben, how are you? Do you feel anything particularly uncomfortable?"

"My left arm is dislocated!" Niu Ben gritted his teeth and popped out of his teeth, and his eyes were full of coldness.

Today, this is a big loss. If I don't find the scene, I will be sorry for myself. What a barbecue stall, what a group of rude guys. I don't believe in this whole coast. No one can do anything about it!

Thinking resentfully, Niu Ben endured the pain to see the police officers, hoping to find acquaintances. After this glance, the acquaintance really saw one, but unfortunately it was not related. On the contrary, the man was stunned after seeing Niu Ben, and then her face was full of disdain and contempt. She even snorted heavily and ignored Niu Ben at all. Instead, she turned her head with the other two policemen and talked to the owner of the barbecue stall.

Yes, this man is Lin Miaoyin, the policewoman that Niu Ben once teased in the morning!

The policewoman came to see Niu Ben after getting out of the police car and knew that he was fighting with someone. Therefore, she consciously thought that Niu Ben, the guy she defined as a hooligan, didn't do anything good. In addition, the two policemen who came together seemed to be very familiar with the stall owner, so they naturally talked to the young stall owner first to understand the complete story of the whole thing from the stall owner.