Super Network Manager

Chapter 122 Beauty Fierce Next

A beautiful woman is extremely**, but she doesn't cross with you. What can you do?!

Niu Ben feels that this kind of problem can be studied as a topic. Because this kind of thing sounds very topical and makes people feel headache, and it is indeed more in line with the direction pursued by those bricklayers and beasts nowadays. But it is obvious that Niu Ben is not the kind of beast-level existence. In this case, he just trembles all over, but he can't organize logical thinking.

The blood in the body, like hot magma, has a faint eruption between the bulging.

However, this eruption was quickly suppressed. Because in an instant, Niu Ben found that the pure-like beauty in front of him had held the position standing in the sky with a pair of spring green and white jade-like slender hands in his curious eyes.

The cold feeling, the inexplicable heat that seems to quickly flatten, also makes Niu Ben's thinking clear. Although there is still the look in his eyes that he can't wait to swallow the goblin-like woman in front of him, at least he has calmed down a lot at this time. And in an instant, he made up his mind not to continue to be teased by the goblin in front of him, otherwise he would be too excited and his cerebral blood vessels would explode!

It's just that in this case, how can buddy resist this goblin**?!

At this moment, Niu Ben suddenly remembered Elder Tang. I don't know what it was like when he faced so many enchanting goblins on the way to learn the scriptures. You should know that such a strong **, even Buddha is afraid that his heart will be moved, not to say an ordinary person with naked eyes... Thinking of this, Niu Ben's eyes suddenly lit up, and suddenly there was a layer of breakthrough enlightenment: I understand what's going on!

This Elder Tang has always been wearing a wide jacket. Even if it is really a pillar of Optimus Prime, it is completely covered!

Nang Xipi, no wonder Elder Tang has always thought that he wore a jacket on his body. I guess the greatest effect of this kind of clothing is not to show the solemnity of the treasure, but more importantly, it can cover the key parts to avoid making a fool of himself!

For a while, Niu Ben only felt that he suddenly realized and had a sense of becoming a Buddha!

Well, buddy, this is to divert your attention, and you can't notice the tortured look now. In fact, the source of the greatest pleasure is Lin's white and tender little hand, which is gently around the pillar of the sky. The touch brought by a woman's gentle hands will make people feel intoxicated, and at the same time, it will rise up a wonderful feeling.

Yes, he does feel floating. Because even if there is a cold suppression, magma is ultimately magma, and the internal activities have reached a critical point, which will inevitably lead to a sudden eruption.

After gasping for several times, Niu Ben gradually calmed down and stared at Lin Beauty with extremely resentment and said, "This time, you should untie me."

"What's loosening?!" Beauty Lin blinked her eyes, as if she didn't understand the meaning of Niu Ben's words at all. How pure she was, and how innocent she looked. Even after cleaning up the key parts of Niu Ben, she pretended to be ignorant and said, "Sir, what was that just now? Can you taste it? Can you taste it?"

"Uh..." Niu Ben was stunned and immediately wanted to scold his mother: Damn it, can you do this earlier!

Obviously, in this case, Niu Ben couldn't wait to catch Lin Beauty and hit her on the 30th board to vent his hatred. Why did you go there early? Dude was very interested earlier, but you can't touch all the slanderers. Now you are already like this, but you say so, without such a flirting person... Well, buddy hasn't really experienced the artistic conception of where jade people teach **!

It's a pity, it's a pity that the regret is all about the buddy's current state of mind!

Agitatedly, he turned his mind. Niu Ben felt that the saddest thing in life was this, even more sad than the extremely sensational and widely circulated long lines of the Supreme Treasure.

However, even if it is regretful, there is nothing we can do after all.

"Oh, no..." When Niu Ben was still regretful, he suddenly felt that it was like a small thing that could no longer stand up without muscles and bones, and suddenly entered an extremely warm place. There is a spring breeze, a spring rain there, and endless gentle comfort there. So soon, Niu Ben found that the little thing was like a pig's foot in a fairy chivalrous novel. Although he was seriously injured, there was no magic medicine to help him repair it, and he soon regained his awe-inspiring posture.

This, this, this... It's incredible that the recovery is so fast.

Niu Ben was surprised and took a look at the place, but suddenly received a look full of trembling eyes from Beauty Lin. So in an instant, Niu Shaoxia regained the power of the sky and his nose was trembling. It was a rapid and stupid movement, and the tiger was blowing wind. This time, Niu Shaoxia is obviously like eating a small pill, and his endurance is simply amazing. Later, Beauty Lin couldn't stand it and turned over and stepped on the Lord's swing.

So, spring is bright and yin and yang merge... Well, 100,000 words have been updated today, because there are so many words omitted here.


The next day, after Beauty Lin left, Niu Ben felt that he did not have the strength to get out of bed without binding at all. Last night, Niu Ben was tossed four times by the greedy woman Lin. Fortunately, Beauty Lin knew that Niu Ben was not completely well, so she let him go later. Otherwise, I'm afraid that the fierce battle will never stop until the sky shines.

Of course, after waking up in the morning, Beauty Lin did it again. At the end of the battle, the hospital was about to go to work. In this case, Niu Shaoxia naturally lost all his skills after fighting too much and tried to recover through sleep.

But it is obvious that the apricot-eyed beauty who came to duty today is not a very quiet master. After taking custody from Beauty Lin, the girl wrinkled her nose and sniffed around and said, "What's the smell? Didn't the nurse in the hospital come to clean up yesterday?"

Rao Niu Ben has always known that Mount Tai collapsed in front of him without changing his face, but when he heard this, he couldn't help touching his head and didn't know how to answer her. It can't be said that buddy fought bloody last night. In order to recapture the lost land, he fought until half night to stop the battle. And the taste here is the "smoke" left by the war too violent!

Although Beauty Lin sprayed air purification, some sharp breath could not dissipate in three or two minutes.

So, when it came to Niu Ben, he had to answer, "Yes, I haven't changed the sheets or anything today. Go and see if the nurses are at work. If they go to work, let them change everything!"

He said this and wanted to get rid of the apricot-eyed beauty. After all, the smell will completely dissipate without a trace in a moment. Fortunately, the apricot-eyed beauty didn't doubt that he was there, so she answered and went to the nurse. However, what made Niu Ben helpless was that after a while, she came over with a new sheet and said unhjectedly, "It's really depressing. Those nurses are very busy in the morning, and I have to change the sheets for you!"

"Change, it's not a big deal." Niu Ben curled his lips, then turned over and slowly got out of bed. Although his floating footsteps need to be supported by the table next to make him stand on the ground and talk to the apricot-eyed beauty smoothly.

The apricot-eyed beauty didn't pay much attention to him, so she turned her head to change the sheets and quilt covers. However, when she lifted the quilt, she immediately shouted "ah", and then pointed to the cow with a red face and said, "What do you mean? You are lying sick** and don't forget to masturbate. There is no such thing as you. Quietly masturbate alone is very harmful to physical and mental health. I really don't know how to say you!"

"Uh..." Niu Ben was stunned, and then looked at ** and suddenly felt a little confused: Why is there still traces of this **? Didn't you clean it up last night? No, it's so fresh. Didn't you notice to leave it in the morning?!

The throat squirmed twice, and Niu Ben didn't know how to respond to the apricot-eyed beauty at all.

It can't be said that the buddy didn't masturbate. That's the trace left by not paying attention after fighting with Beauty Lin!

For good, the apricot-eyed beauty just said so, but she did not continue to delve into it. After changing the sheet and quilt cover with her hands and feet, the girl threw the dirty one aside, then stared at the cow and said, "What's the matter? It's only been about 20 days, you can't stand loneliness. Well, there is no need to do this in the future. If it's really unbearable, you can tell me when I'm on duty.

"Well, let me tell you?" Niu Ben's eyes widened in an instant and said, "What, what to say!"

"Cut, it's normal for men to have needs. It's a normal physiological reaction, which proves that you are still healthy." The apricot-eyed beauty glanced at him and said, "Just say that you have a need. At worst, I'll help you!"

Niu Ben's thinking stopped, and his brain stopped: "Help, how can I help?"

"Guess!" The apricot-eyed beauty crossed his charming eyes, and then stopped paying attention to the cow running in a daze, so Tingting walked to the window and opened the curtains. After a while, seeing Niu Ben still looking at herself stupidly, she suddenly smiled and said, "Who called you my boyfriend in name? As a nominal girlfriend, I have the responsibility to help you solve your physiological needs."

"This..." She didn't say anything. After saying it, Niu Ben was even more shocked that she couldn't take any action: Mai Mai wiped it. The buddy thought that the apricot-eyed beauty would change her personality when she started working, but she didn't expect that she was still as fierce as ever. Yes, it's fierce!