Super Network Manager

Chapter 125 Two Choices Next

"In that case, I will say goodbye!"

After hesitating for a while, Niu Ben curled his lips and said goodbye. Although the girl seems to have a good attitude, in essence, this is a practice of rejecting people thousands of miles away, but she doesn't understand her feelings at all. In this case, why is there any need for him to stick his hot face to his cold buttocks? Even though he is still very interested in the entanglement in it, he doesn't have much thought at this time.

No matter what, it's not my business. It's just that I saw the girl's behavior, so I couldn't bear to see her imprisoned like this for a moment.

In the final analysis, it's just my own business!

He muttered a little annoyedly. Naturally, Niu Ben had no more dull thoughts and turned his head to leave. However, when he really turned around and left, the beautiful nurse suddenly shouted, "Well, wait a minute."

Niu Ben turned around and said, "What, is there anything else?"

"There is something. I hope you can help me." The beautiful nurse hesitated for a moment and then said, "Well, this time I wanted to get some money for a primary school on the other side of Dabie Mountain, but unfortunately, I haven't done this now. And they have to pay tuition fees for the second half of the year. I would like to ask you to help me see those children, if possible..."

"Oc, there is no problem with this." After she finished speaking, Niu Ben raised his hand and immediately accepted it.

For such a thing, the other party said that he would also pay attention to it. Although Niu Ben thinks that he is not a kind of compassionate good person, after all, he is also an ordinary person. The so-called human hearts are fleshy. He is very willing to help those children in poor mountainous areas within his ability. Anyway, he is now almost a rich man at the level of tens of millions. There will never be any burden to take some money to do good deeds.

"Well, thank you!" Hearing Niu Ben's words so refreshingly, Mei Yuejun immediately nodded to Niu Ben happily, with an extremely sincere expression.

Niu Ben also nodded to him and turned around and walked out. He was originally going to leave, but now that he has finished everything, he naturally refuses to stay here longer. Just out of the door of the interrogation room, Niu Ben found a man standing outside and turned his head towards him, signaling Niu Ben to follow him to a room next to him. When Niu Ben saw this person, he immediately smiled and quickly followed him in.

After entering, the man frowned and asked doubtfully, "What are you doing here?"

"I learned the inside story and felt that this girl should not be severely punished, so I asked someone to come in and have a look." Niu Ben said his thoughts without any hesitation. Although the woman opposite her looked strict and looked quite like an interrogationer, Niu Ben had no psychological obstacles. Because this person is not someone else, but Mo Xiangsi's sister, Mo Xiangxue.

"You'd better not get mixed up in this matter." Mo Xiangxue knows the relationship between Niu Ben, but what she said is still similar to the distance. Under Niu Ben's doubtful eyes, she smiled bitterly and continued to explain, "Because this matter is too involved, there are absolutely many people involved. Even now, even the No. 3 leader has noticed this matter, so it is impossible for others to intervene again.

"What even the No. 3 chief pays attention to?" Niu Ben stared and was shocked.

Mai wipe, this is definitely not a matter of using hacking technology to blackmail dozens of officials. If it's really so simple, the No. 3 leader will take care of thousands of machines. How can he have time to focus on such a thing!

Tut, fortunately, I didn't go to the Hu family, otherwise I'm afraid I would really drag them into the water!

With some luckily sighing, Niu Ben couldn't help saying curiously, "What's going on here? How can it be like this?"

Only the words came out, and he suddenly regretted it. Why did he inquire about such a thing when he had nothing to do? Since it involves that level, it must be confidential. If you allow people to inquire casually, that's a strange thing.

Sure enough, as soon as Mo Xiangxue heard him say this, he immediately stared: "It's none of your business. You'd better not ask questions, otherwise it's easy to get into trouble."

"Okay." Niu Ben lowered his head honestly. But then he raised his face and asked, "I shouldn't know that I didn't ask about this. But there is one thing that I think you can tell me.

Mo Xiangxue said quietly, "Say it."

"Well, for the matter of Mei Yuejun, the above means..." Niu Ben stretched out his finger and pointed up and said, "Have they given any advice or clear instructions?"

"Yes, very clear instructions." Mo Xiangxue nodded and said, "The above gave Mei Yuejun two choices. First, he can choose to join the national security agency and enter the Network Supervision Department to help me deal with some matters on the Internet. In this way, there will be no future trouble in what she has done before, and naturally someone will come forward to convince all those who exert pressure. As for this second one..."

Looking at her meaningful glance at herself, Niu Ben immediately asked eagerly, "What is the second choice? Say it!"

Mo Xiangxue's face darkened and said, "The second choice is to investigate and deal with this matter severely. Not only Mei Yuejun himself, including her accomplices and accomplices, all need to be controlled. Otherwise, in case of any disturbances on the Internet, this is not what she wants to see above. The above gives Mei Yuejun a week to consider it. If she doesn't give an opinion, then follow the second option.

"Such a choice..." Niu Ben squeaked his mouth and said, "It's too extreme!"

Mo Xiangxue rarely smiled and said, "The way of being an official is not all the same as light. Different things still need to be dealt with in different ways. Just like what Mei Yuejun himself did, it is also very extreme, isn't it?!"

"That's true." Niu Ben nodded and fully agreed with this statement. What Mei Yuejun did really went to two extremes. Her starting point is very kind. She got some money for the children in the mountains to donate and learn the necessary money for life, and she has been doing it tirelessly. She doesn't care too much about her own safety at all. If most people, they may not be able to do this at all. After all, everyone will do good deeds without endangering themselves and within their ability, but she...

This is different from ordinary people. From this point of view, what she has done is undoubtedly a great merit. But on the other hand, she raised these donations by breaking the law, which naturally disturbs the stability of society. Even if she blackmailed officials who did not have good moral character, there is no doubt that this is still a matter of contempt for the law and a very bad nature.

If these two situations are not extreme, it is really difficult to describe them with other words.

So for a while, Niu Ben was a little strange. Mei Yuejun's behavior has been treated with the same instructions above. I have to say that this situation is quite speechless. And silently changed his mind. Niu Ben knew that since the No. 3 leader had said something, there was nothing to do with him in this matter, so he continued to stay here and greet Mo Xiangxue for a while, and Niu Ben chose to leave.

On the way back to the Phoenix Hotel, Niu Ben didn't say much. He just asked Lin Meimei to book two tickets for tomorrow and asked her to go to the Dabie Mountain Primary School mentioned by Mei Yuejun.

The so-called trust and loyalty, coupled with the fact that he has no resistance to such a thing, naturally wants to have a look. Although it is now the end of July, and according to the rules of the students, it has been summer vacation, but Niu Ben asked Lin Meimei to check it from the Internet and passed a teacher surnamed Qiu in the school in succession, but learned that many students in this primary school did not have a holiday, but tutored with the teacher.

This tutoring is not a kind of cram school that collects money in the city, but some teachers in the school voluntarily give up their vacation time to consolidate the knowledge they have learned in the last academic year for free. There is no such situation in the city without collecting money to help students with tutoring, but it is almost extinct. Even after the summer vacation, many teachers still think about how to open a school class and how to make money. Compared with such people, the teachers of that school are undoubtedly much greater.

When Niu Ben heard such news during the contact, he felt a little sad, so he became more and more determined that he wanted to go to that school as soon as possible.

By the way, after Niu Ben heard that there were only two or three hundred volumes of books in the school library, he turned his head and directly called Li Xiaoan, Wan Zhong and Wu Yunqiu to ask if they had any channels to help him get some books suitable for primary school students. If so, try to help yourself. The price is not a problem. Under Niu Ben's words, several people naturally did not hesitate at all and agreed one after another.

The next day, before Niu Ben was ready to board the plane with Beauty Lin, Wu Yunqiu called first and said that she could get a lot of books. She asked Niu Ben when she needed it so that she could arrange it. Hearing this news, Niu Ben's ears were undoubtedly like a heavenly voice. With great joy, he directly told Wu Yunqiu, asked people to get 5,000 books first, and directly find a way to ship them to the nearest city of the school, and then took Lin Beauty on the plane with a smile.

On the other side of Dabie Mountain, Niu Ben has never been there!