Super Network Manager

Chapter 136 Don't worry about everything

Guests have the needs of guests, and Internet cafes have difficulties in Internet cafes.

I let you use it casually, but you are comfortable, but the Internet cafe's network is about to be paralyzed, which makes the Internet cafe practitioners feel embarrassed. In particular, there are more people using this player to watch movies or videos in the same Internet cafe, and even other people will feel that the Internet speed will slow down. Not only will they play games one step at a time, but the speed of opening web pages will also slow down greatly.

If you do this twice, the network manager may be able to explain that it is a network failure of China Telecom or Unicom, but after a long time, it is obvious that everyone will think that your Internet cafe is too slow. If people want to surf the Internet again, they will probably consider whether to come to your Internet cafe.

In this case, many Internet cafes will directly block such tools for most guests to play comfortably. Many Internet cafes have also adhered to this practice, and as long as they find a new tool of the same type, they will block one, which is absolutely non-negotiable. You can't watch movies comfortably for a few girls, regardless of the feelings of most boys surfing the Internet.

Anyway, there are not many girls who love watching movies in Internet cafes in the city. Doing so is also a way that is not the way.

However, this situation has another difficulty for the school, especially the Internet cafe next to the university. That is, there are many girls surfing the Internet here, especially in the university town of Niu Ben, an Internet cafe. In several schools, the proportion of boys and girls has reached an astonishing half. Under such circumstances, there are many girls who love to surf the Internet and watch movies with Penguin Live.

This makes it very difficult for Internet cafe practitioners. Let's block it. Girls don't come to you very much, and fewer women come, so those animals naturally lack interest in you. This will definitely have a great impact on the business. But if it is not blocked, there are more people using this tool among these girls, then you have to worry all the time. Maybe the speed of the Internet cafe will become unbearable the next moment.

Although you distribute upward traffic evenly, this tool can largely ignore the allocation strategy in terms of down.

In this case, do you want someone to seal it or not?!

This is obviously a dilemma and a headache at the same time. Fortunately, network practitioners are also actively trying to figure it out, so there will be various routers that support other strategies, and there are also many more detailed strategies that can be set up.

For example, Niu Ben learned a detailed distribution strategy in the system space. That is to classify everything that needs network connection. For example, there is a special category for watching websites and a special category for playing games. People who watch this tool, or those who watch online movies and videos on the website are specially divided into a category. After dividing it into several large categories, the bandwidth of the entire Internet cafe will be allocated to these categories.

After thinking about it, Niu Ben decided to set up this strategy by himself. By the way, I also taught Zhao Tuo how to grasp some of the principles and basic parameters.

To be honest, Niu Ben has really taught people a complete technology for the first time since he came into contact with the Internet. This made him a little excited. Perhaps people have a good mentality of being a teacher in their nature, so although this thing is very troublesome and cumbersome to operate in practice, it is called serious. Even a few details he learned from beautiful Lin must have taught Zhao Tuozi.

Finally, after discussion, the two absolutely divided the bandwidth of 40 dynasties into three channels. Among them, playing games is automatically converted to the largest channel of 20 megabytes, while chatting and watching web pages is divided into 10 megabytes, and the rest, such as using tools to watch movies, are responsible for another exclusive 10 megabyte channel. As soon as it was set up, the Internet cafe immediately changed from equal distribution to centralized sharing of servers.

Although this is a larger load on the router and switch, as long as it can make everyone play comfortably, no one cares about these small flaws.

After finishing these, it was almost two o'clock in the afternoon. After Niu Ben and Zhao Tuozi came out of the computer room, Li Xiaoan and other women had gathered in the Internet cafe. At 2:30 this afternoon, there will be a game against a team called Flying Flowers in the Waves. However, before the competition, the five beautiful women did not enter the Three Kingdoms competition to play, but were very leisurely doing what they liked, which looked very relaxed.

Niu Ben came over and took a look and found that Li Xiaoan and the apricot-eyed beauty were playing that very famous casual mini-game, Zuma. The other three girls, Guan Tong, stared at the computer and read a romance novel called Shangli, but when she was reading, the girl pouted and looked like she was about to cry. There is no need to guess at all. Niu Ben knows that this must be a sadistic novel that earns women's tears.

As for Qu Yuanzi, she was chatting with people and giggling while chatting. It was not that any animal was flattering her.

Ji Yanran sitting next to her is much quieter. The girl is watching a movie on the computer. It's just that Niu Ben felt a headache at the tools she used. Obviously, like ordinary little girls, she likes to use the penguin Live tool that comes with penguins. What she saw made Niu Ben feel more painful. It was a thrilling science fiction series that was almost forgotten, called Dinosaur Express Kesai!

Well, some people may not remember the name for a while, but I believe many people are deeply impressed by the classic lines.

Human cannon, first-class preparation, human cannon, second-class preparation, other cannon...launch!

Although Niu Ben was just born when this film was released, it was broadcast repeatedly in many places in China when he was a little older. Especially for post-90s people, I believe they have basically seen this series. This, like the domestic series "Little Dragon Man", won the praise and reputation of many children, and later gradually became the deep memory of most people.

Ji Yanran is obviously a very trendy girl. Why did she watch this film at this time?

Of course, although it seems that some parts of this film are somewhat unbearable to witness now, it is still somewhat pleasant to look at it in a mood that contains childhood memories. Even behind Ji Yanran, there were many animals staring at her computer screen, with smiles on their faces, as if they were relived the good times and naive memories of her childhood together.

Niu Ben is not in the mood to see these things. Seeing that the game will start in a short time, Qu Yuanzi has even finished chatting and logged in to the special room for the game with his account, waiting for everyone to enter. At this time, Niu Ben naturally has to debug all the large screens on the third floor of the Internet cafe, and then prepare to connect the computers used by the five women, so that everyone in the Internet cafe can see the picture.

Not long, when he was ready to work, all five women had entered the game room. After the referee sent by the game official confirmed the personnel of both sides, he pressed the start button, ten countdowns, and the game officially began.

Because the elite point mode is used, both sides have to block a total of six heroes.

After a few meetings, the six abandoned heroes were determined, namely Zhang Fei, Zhuge Jin, Cao Pi, Pang Tong, Meng Huo and Zhang Liao. Li Xiaoan's beauty team is the State of Shu, and the flying flowers in the waves are the State of Wei. Judging from the shielding heroes of both sides, Shu Wei was blocked a DPS. In addition, Meng Huo, who belonged to the rapid demolition flow, Cao Pi, who was very powerful in the early stage, and Zhuge Jin and Pang Tong, who had very strong control skills.

Originally, according to the previous lack of shielding mode, the standard configuration of the national teams of the two sides should be the three brothers Liu Guan and Zhang of Shu, and then bring two military divisions, Pang Tong and Legal and Political. The State of Wei is Cao Cao and Cao Pi's father and son, plus the main force DPS Zhang Liao, the other is Guo Jia, a wandering ghost, and Sima Yi, who is a house demolition type. The so-called father and son soldiers fight tiger brothers, three brothers against two fathers and sons, this has always been a classic battle.

It's just that the rules have been changed now, and everyone has to consider choosing a new formation to cooperate.

Niu Ben hasn't played the Three Kingdoms for a long time. I'm more or less looking forward to seeing what heroes both sides choose to play now. A moment later, the answer was revealed. The lineup of Wei Guo's appearances was assisted by Cao Cao, Sima and Guo Jiasan. In addition, Zhen Ji and Dian Wei were also in the later stage. As for the origin of the five beauties of Shu, it is surprising that Zhuge Liang, the early main force, was used. The other four are Zhao Yun, Liu Bei, legal and political heroes and neutral heroes Gan Ning.

This lineup made everyone stunned, and then they talked about how to fight with these five people.

If they develop steadily and do not make too many mistakes, they obviously have a big advantage. However, there is only one Zhao Yun in the late stage of the five beautiful women, who is still crispy in the early stage, which is somewhat worrying. What's more speechless is that the Wei Guo lineup must be Zhen Ji on the road, Sima Middle Road, Dian Wei down the road to pay, and Cao Cao and Guo Jia wandering to arrest people as an auxiliary.

Since the five beautiful women have such a lineup, it must be that Zhao Yun took Liu Bei on the road, Zhuge Liang in the middle, the law and politics in the middle, and Gan Ning wandering to arrest people. To put it bluntly, the most important point of such an arrangement is Zhao Yun. If Zhao Yun can get up quickly, the five women will have hope. But if Zhao Yun is suppressed and doesn't develop well, I'm afraid he will be doomed to failure!

In particular, Zhen Ji is a remote-type DPS. Although Zhao Yun brings a wet nurse, it may not be safe!