Super Network Manager

Chapter 145 Five-Star Level Next

500,000 virus detection, passed!

Ten minutes later, the routine test has reached the standard. In other words, Penguin Online has now met the standards of the China Security Center, and the review editor can pass it and publish it after commenting and summarizing it. However, it is obvious that the virus attack verification does not only detect the effect of 500,000 viruses and will not continue, but must pass all the millions.

Therefore, in the next test, Xiao Wu looked very carefully and did not miss any details.

600,000, 700,000, 800,000!

Soon, the number of virus attacks reached 800,000, which is the level of professional security software, but Penguin's online performance is still strong. None of the more than 800,000 viruses can stop the software, let alone crash.

"I'm a good boy. This software is very good. It has reached the level of professional security software!" With some surprise muttering, Xiao Wu asked the test to continue. However, the more he continued, the greater the surprise in his heart became. Later, his face, which had an indifferent attitude, became more and more serious. Because 850,000, 100,000, or even 950,000, has jumped over...

Penguins online still perform perfectly and are not affected by these numbers of viruses!

Ninety-six, ninety-seven, ninety-eight, ninety-nine...

has jumped to one million, and even if all the viruses with 1024694 detection data have been detected, Penguin Online is still running steadily in the computer, and even if it is stuck or slowed down, it has never been half a time.

Looking at the data displayed on the software, Xiao Wu opened his mouth wide, as if he had been clicked, and stayed for several minutes!

After a while, he ignored that it was less than two o'clock. Before the head officially began to work, he directly spread his legs and ran to the editor-in-chief's office. Bang" pushed the door directly and shouted without looking at it, " boss, I found a software that performs very well!"

However, the words fell to his whole body suddenly stunned, because he saw a flower in the editorial department, was hurriedly standing up from the editor-in-chief, and then turned his back to him and began to button up the buttons on his uniform. As for the editor-in-chief Yao, his face is already full of dark clouds, and his eyes are staring at Xiao Wu as if he is going to kill people. After a long time, he shouted, "You can sort out your personal belongings. I will inform the finance department to settle your salary this month!"

When Xiao Wu saw this scene, he jumped in his heart and was quite nervous. Now that editor-in-chief Yao said such a thing, a thin layer of sweat suddenly oozed out of his forehead, and he was stunned there.

Nang Xipi, it's really unlucky. Unexpectedly, I bumped into the editor-in-chief playing with a flower in the office uniform!

However, I bumped into you. Your gossip has spread all over the world, and you won't be fired. Xiao Wu muttered sadly in his heart, but he was extremely reluctant to accept the result of being expelled. Not to mention whether it is good to go out to work or not, the key is that the salary of Huaxia Software Center is much higher than that of ordinary places. Fortunately, he knows what the editor-in-chief needs now, and what he brings is exactly what he needs.

Therefore, after a pause, he immediately said again, "Editor-in-chief, I found a very powerful software. We detected it with our virus library, and there was no abnormality. Now, the task released by the boss is expected to be completed!"

Sure enough, editor-in-chief Yao was stunned when he heard this and immediately said, "Where is it? Take me to have a look!"

The boss of Huaxia Software Center released a task a month ago, that is, the website lacks a sense of topic recently, and the traffic has also declined sharply. It is necessary to find a software to focus on and improve all data. Otherwise, the editorial department, including the editor-in-chief, will collectively wait to deduct the performance bonus. Especially this editor-in-chief Yao recently heard that someone wants to touch him, and now he stares at him every day to complete the task.

So when he heard Xiao Wu's words, his attention naturally focused on this matter.

Although those that can resist a million virus detection are not necessarily high-quality products that can be very popular, at least this kind of thing has a considerable degree of gimmick. If its functional utility is better, it can't be said that it can be promoted as a fist product immediately. If it really works, not to mention the bonus. His position as editor-in-chief can also sit firmly and have no worries.

Soon, editor-in-chief Yao came to the office with Xiao Wu. After Xiao Wu gave an explanation, the two copied the software called Penguin Online and began to test and evaluate the functional utility.

When the two used the software to scan casually, editor-in-chief Yao suddenly frowned and his eyes lit up: "I'm going to go, so awesome. 386 people in the company were scanned in just two seconds. Not bad, this is a sharp tool for chatting in the local area network, especially the automatic identification of men and women, as well as the list of the opposite sex. Tut, don't think about it, this software will definitely be very popular!"

"Then let's..." Xiao Wu reminded him.

"Don't wait, call a meeting with all the editors immediately. Let's discuss making a special topic to warm up this software!" Editor-in-chief Yao waved his hand to facilitate his own permissions and prepared to start making this software in a hurry. With his order, the people in Huaxia Software Center naturally gathered quickly. After a word-to-one discussion, they decided to put an eye-catching advertisement on the homepage of the Huaxia Security Center website to try the public acceptance of this software.

Just do it. Although it's time to get off work, none of these staff will leave first after work, but after several departments cooperated, they soon posted an advertisement on the homepage of the website: chat tools are born. In this era, you must not miss it!

At this time, an editor in charge of * editing came to editor-in-chief Yao and asked, " boss, what level should we set for this software!"

What the editor said is that after a software is released by Huaxia Software Center, a final rating similar to the star value will be given according to the performance of the software when editing the conclusion. For example, some junk software is basically one star, and the slightly better performance is one and a half stars. As for Samsung, it basically needs to achieve some good software with ordinary commercial value. No matter how high it is, there are only some well-known hot software.

For example, Kingsoft Antivirus, the setting in the Huaxia Software Center is four stars, and the rating here is also four stars. Others, like Norton and Kaspersky, have four stars and four and a half stars. For example, 360 was originally only three and a half stars, but because of its free and more suitable for the use of electric white, it is also a four-star rating. Four-and-a-half-star software is not without, but there are only a few in the whole website.

As for the five stars, there is only one now, which is Yanlong No. 1 released by Yanhuang Security, the largest security company in China!

Software that can be evaluated by four stars can be said to be basically well-known in China. Both the performance and sales of the software are very good, especially the four-and-a-half-star software. As for the five-star, haven't you seen that Yanlong No. 1 has almost sold so hot now? The number of paid users has now exceeded one million, and it continues to rise, and this software is of great significance. If it is not qualified for five stars, let alone other software.

As the editor-in-chief of Huaxia Software Center responsible for software summary and website text operation, editor-in-chief Yao is naturally very clear about this. Although in his heart, he did not think that this penguin Online could be compared with the powerful software of Yanlong 1, but now that the boss has a task released, in order to perform more perfectly, he still gritted his teeth and told the inquiring editor, "Five stars, set me five stars!"

The editor was stunned and said hesitantly, " boss, will it be inappropriate to do this? If a user doesn't buy it, will it affect the website?"

"It's a fart, I know how to be measured!" Editor-in-chief Yao waved his hand and said, "Do you know that there is a website specializing in novels? Some people say that as long as a book is written to a certain level and then the editor strongly recommends it, it is basically difficult not to be popular. We also follow this model. You try your best to recommend this software on the website. I don't believe that this software can be recommended by such an authoritative organization!"

After a pause, seeing that the editor was still hesitating, he immediately scolded, "Go, what are you still doing? I'm responsible for anything if something happens!"

Since he ordered this, there was nothing else to say. He turned his head and put a five-star label on Penguin Online, and then cooperated with the advertisements on the website to give this software a download page that is different from ordinary software like Yanlong No. 1.

In this way, this penguin online, from the author's upload and submission for review to the final official release on the website, although it took more than eight hours, it finally met the majority of users. Given an important recommended position, the people of Huaxia Software Center are also very concerned about the performance of this software in the face of users, so under the arrangement of editor-in-chief Yao, Xiao Wu and another editor are responsible for working overtime at night, especially focusing on the download volume of this software.

Of course, Niu Ben didn't know anything about all this, because when it was time to get off work, he saw that the Penguin Online software had not been successfully reviewed, so he went out of the office aggrievedly and called the apricot-eyed beauty to find some trouble for the barbecue stall owner.