Super Network Manager

Chapter 150 Four people in the dormitory

After several people entered the restaurant, Peng Song was ready to arrange for everyone to enter the private room on the third floor of the second floor. However, Niu Ben did not agree with it. He said that it was still lively in the hall. The dinner pictures of the buddies were lively. It was boring to go to the private room. We were the only bachelors who were deserted. In addition to eating and drinking, we were just eating and drinking. How could we stay in the hall and look at the beauty from time to time.

Obviously, his proposal was quickly approved.

Because when he finally said this, the other four people obviously had bright eyes and more brows.

When he came to a slightly corner of the hall and sat down, Tang Jinli picked up the menu first, which was still an authoritative model of the deputy expert: "Let me tell you, there are two dishes that must be ordered to eat here. One is his cold beef, and the other is crispy peanuts. According to incomplete statistics, there is a large amount of beef eaten in this store every day, and 100 catties of peanuts are also facing up, which shows its popularity!"

"Ma Mesa Sa, so much!" Cheng Gang began to continue his style of playing soy sauce.

Liu Fei didn't say anything this time. Peng Song and Niu Ben just looked at each other and smiled, so they didn't talk to each other. It's just a few dishes. What else to eat doesn't matter to Niu Ben. Naturally, he doesn't bother to say anything.

A few people sat like this, and the dishes were delivered soon. Peng Song did not ask everyone what to drink, so he directly asked the waiter to have ten bottles of beer first. After opening, everyone began to eat and drink and greeted them lively. They were all young people, so the atmosphere rose quite quickly. While eating, the thin man suddenly stopped and stared at the door and greeted several people: "Well, there are beautiful women."

"Beauty, where?" Except for Niu Ben, everyone asked in a low voice with bright eyes.

Immediately, seeing Cheng Gang's appearance, they immediately turned around and looked at the door. At this glance, I found that a beautiful woman came in from the outside style, wearing a V-shaped open-neck black dress, stepping on high heels and a bunch of waist, which made people feel comfortable. However, when looking up again, everyone noticed that the girl was beautiful, but the expression was also a little cold.

"I know who he is." After looking at the girl, Peng Song also opened his chat and said, "This girl is a first-class beauty in our school, a junior girl in the French Department of the School of Foreign Languages, nicknamed Ice Beauty!"

"Ice Beauty, this nickname is very appropriate." Cheng Gang nodded and said, "That attitude is really cold!"

Liu Fei still curled his lips with contemptuous look and said, "What's the ice? Most of the people who come here for dinner are for the restaurant owner. I think she is just a cold-looking and fanatical girl."

"Xiaofei is right." This time, Tang Jinli was the last speaker. He has been peeping at the girl since he saw her. Only when the girl sat down at four tables next to him, the guy said in a low voice: "The woman's dress reveals the real secret in their hearts. This girl knows at a glance that she is definitely not the real cold person, even It is very likely that she is so cold that she is pretended to be nicknamed!"

"Cut, just mess around." Peng Song glanced at this guy and said, "You look like an expert all day long. You really think you know everything!"

Cheng Gang echoed Peng Song's words, nodded his head and said, "Yes, I don't believe it. The nickname of Ice Beauty has been called for three years, and I heard that she has always been a stranger. In the three years of college, not to mention having a boyfriend, there is no gossip with any boy!"

On the contrary, Liu Fei showed interest and asked Tang Jinli, "How can you confirm the correctness of your words?"

"Come here." Tang Jinli smiled and still said in a low voice, "I just said that women's clothes will reveal their inner secrets. She is wearing a black dress, which proves that she is an indifferent girl but eager to be loved. Because black represents **, which is a deep hidden signal. Of course, because she is used to beautiful women, it is generally difficult for anyone to dig out her hidden state. But..."

Cheng Gang immediately asked anxiously, "But what?"

Tang Jinli looked around and saw that everyone was interested. He suddenly smiled confidently and said, "But today, it should not be so difficult to talk to her."

"What do you say!" Peng Song was stunned and said, "Fly, can you say it directly if you have something to say?"

Niu Ben and Liu Fei also nodded one after another. If you don't say anything quickly, we will serve you with a big punishment.

Seeing this, Tang Jinli shrank his head and said, "Okay, I said." After a pause, he explained in detail, "Look at her skirt, although it is black, it is a V-shaped neckline, which will slightly reveal her chest. And girls' breasts are generally the focus of boys, so when she dresses like this, the potential meaning is: Do you like me to wear it like this, my prince charming, come to me quickly!"

Cheng Gang curled his lips and said, "Furple, you even know what people are thinking in their hearts. Why do I feel very unreliable!"

"Don't talk nonsense." Peng Song and Liu Fei stared at him together and said, "Listen to Lao Tang to continue. Let me go. It's a little interesting. Although she came to the restaurant dressed like this, it was very likely that she came for the restaurant owner. However, this is only possible. If a person's family does not come to the restaurant owner, but deliberately shows themselves, then the opportunity of our brother will come!"

Obviously, many animals will be interested in meeting beautiful women, especially a girl who is eager to appear in Prince Charming.

When the two said this, even Niu Ben's appetite hung up and urged, "Well, Lao Tang, don't tell the rules. Look at your appearance, you are obviously very confident. Generally, people who are confident will have a very good reason. If there is anything else, let's talk about it.

"Well, I'll tell you about it." Tang Jinli smiled and said, "Also, have you noticed that this ice beauty tied her waist tightly with a belt, and the exposed small waist is called a slender one. This not only proves that she is in very good shape, but also confirms that he came out today to attract the attention of boys. The potential secret word is: Welcome to talk to me.

"Aaccosted, longing for Prince Charming to appear..." Niu Ben muttered, suddenly paused and said, "Fuch, I know. She should not have come here for the restaurant owner, because the hotel owner is in the store. You can see it when you come in. What else!"

The remaining three animals stared at the cow together: "Really?"

"I'm not completely sure whether it's true or not, but if you try it, you should know." Tang Jinli took a sip of beer and said, "According to research data, women are more likely to yearn for love during ovulation, and their clothes tend to be sexy, especially single women are more affected by this physiological. Well, look, there is another thing worth noting. Her clothes are slightly transparent, which is completely a clear signal that she wants to find a man!"

"Wow, listening to what you said, you seem to know them quite well, or..." Peng Song looked at the brothers around him and said, "Go and try it?"

Everyone nodded repeatedly, with a look that if you think you are right, then go and talk to open your eyes to your brother. Peng Feng, in particular, still laughed and said, "I heard that some people wanted to talk to her before, but many of them were ignored by her, and some of them were even scolded by her. In this situation, in case of saying something wrong, maybe if she spills water on her face, she will be really blind!"

"You are blind, I said I can achieve success!" Tang Jinli said anly, "With my authority, I will never run away!"

Cheng Gang followed and said, "Then you can go and open our eyes!"

"I..." Tang Jinli shook his head repeatedly, looked at the girl and said, "Forget it, I'd better not. It's okay for me to come up with ideas and give advice. If I really want to talk to them, we have self-knowledge. Just like other people's beautiful women, they yearn for the Prince Charming. Do you think I can do things with a man with glasses? In my opinion, one of you has to try Niu Ben or Xiaofei to have a try to have hope.

"Yes!" Peng Song was stunned and nodded, "You are an obscene man with glasses. It's hard for beautiful women to see. I'm too fat and Gangzi is too thin. This form of us is really not on the stage. What is suitable for this is only Xiaofei, a little white-faced guy or Niu Ben, who looks like a sunny and man. Otherwise, which of you two has the courage to talk to me? Maybe you can really get a beautiful woman!"

Cung just nodded hurriedly and said, "Yes, you two go!"

"Both of you go, bullshit, go alone!" Peng Song curled his lips, turned his head to look at Tang Jinli and Cheng Gang, and said, "We are just three people. Why don't we take a minority to obey the majority and raise our hands to vote?"

"This can be available." Cheng Gang nodded and said, "Lao Tang, what do you think!"

"Then show your hands!" Tang Jinli pushed his eyes and suggested, "I raise my hand first. I suggest that Niu run. Which of you wants to do the same thing as me, then raise your hand!"

Peng Song and Cheng Gang looked at each other and said with one voice, "Why don't you run to you?"