Super Network Manager

Chapter 164 Divine Characters Next

"Must?!" Qiu Jing blinked and said, "You must announce to others that that person is your boyfriend?"

"Hey, you don't know anything about this." Lv Li smiled with embarrassment and said, "This is not to find someone for convenience. It's not that you don't know the character of those students. It's not like this. Who will help you find it? In addition, I also got an epidemic prevention shot in advance. That handsome man is not bad-looking, and his technology is still super first-class. If he doesn't occupy the name first, God knows if those seniors and sisters will do it!"

"Sisters and sisters..." Qiu Jing curled her lips and said, "In my opinion, I'm afraid you are ready to do it!"

"Isn't it possible!" Lv Li smiled and said, "I don't believe it. Didn't you feel a little moved just now? Xiao Jingjing, I remember you once said that you must marry a computer master in the future. How about this? Is this suitable?!"

"It's suitable for you!" Qiu Jing took a sip and obviously didn't want to entangle with her on this topic. She turned around and just said that I was gone, so she directly picked up the computer and walked out of the woods. Lv Li curled her lips and could only follow helplessly. On the way back, Lv Li has been thinking about whether she can find Niu Ben. The school is big or small. It is not difficult to find a person, but it is not easy to find a person who does not know his name and address.

When Lv Li was thinking about it, Niu Ben had returned to the small auditorium.

Although Xiao Jingxuan and Cai Xiaomin got the guarantee of Niu Ben, they were still as anxious as ants on a hot pot when Niu Ben had not come back after more than half an hour. At this time, when they saw that Niu Ben was able to arrive, they immediately breathed a long sigh of relief, and then hurriedly said, "Niu Ben, it's your turn to leave only three programs in front of you. Hurry up and line up first, or you will be in big trouble!"

Niu Ben smiled and obediently walked straight over and lined up in *.

Before the appearance, Xiao Jingxuan and Cai Xiaomin were still a little worried. They stood on both sides of Niu Ben one left and one right and asked in a low voice, "The screening requirements are quite strict this time. Are you sure you can pass it?"

"You can't ask me about this!" Niu Ben shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm not a judge."

"No, the judge is the judge, and now we are asking you!" Xiao Jingxuan looked at him and said, "Do you know the level? Just like those online novels, some authors are sure to sign a contract no matter which station they go to. If you think about your program, you can't help but cheer up when others listen to it. Or, can you shock everyone in the audience as soon as you make a sound?"

"It's bad, almost right!" Niu Ben shook his head with some amused. Xiao Jingxuan still came to ask herself this at this time. Obviously, she was concerned about it. It's not that she hasn't heard the recording. She should have a more intuitive understanding of this matter.

"It can't be the same. You must pass, you know!" Cai Xiaomin added, "It's agreed that if I treat you to dinner after that, if you can't pass, if our class is punished by the head teacher, I will say that you didn't work hard when you performed, so you were brushed down. I believe that by that time, the whole class will know how to deal with you after suffering the inhumane torture of the physical education teacher!"

"Uh!" Niu Ben was stunned and speechless when he said this to Cai Xiaomin.

It is said that women often don't reason, and now it really looks like this. This entertainment committee is not only unreasonable, but even rude. Niang Xipi, even this threatening trick has been used!

However, Niu Ben didn't care too much, because he had a deep confidence in himself.

It didn't take long for Xiao Jingxuan and Cai Xiaomin to ask Niu Ben again and again, and it was time for him to play. Niu Ben slowly walked out from * under the guidance of the student cadres in charge of the organization.

To be honest, this is the first time that Niu Ben has appeared on the stage and performed in full view of the public.

He originally thought that after living in society for several years, and after experiencing some things, his mood had been cultivated extremely strong. There would be basically no fear for pediatric things like going on stage, but he really walked from * to the front desk and saw that there were not a few audiences under the stage staring at him alone, and After the lights of the small auditorium were all gathered on him, he couldn't help feeling a little panicked.

Yes, it's just panic. The feeling of being focused by so many eyes, it turns out that it is not a simple thing to maintain a calm and waveless state of mind!

Swallowed his saliva to moisten his throat. When he saw the judge signaling that he could start, Niu Ben picked up the microphone and said something, and then opened his mouth to sing. After singing only half a sentence, he was immediately shocked by his own singing.

Something's wrong. Why does the voice sound so dry? Did the buddy sing it himself?!

stopped quickly, Niu Ben frowned and couldn't help contempting himself from the bottom of his heart: What's wrong? Is it still the mood of a local steamed bun that has never seen the world? For Mao, even his voice has contracted a lot in the face of so many people!

Fee that he was not in a good state. Niu Ben stopped and apologized to the judges and teachers under the stage, and then forced himself to be refreshed before he continued to open his mouth.

For good, the judges didn't care about him. In fact, as early as when Niu Ben opened his mouth for the first time, the judges sitting under the stage were already eye-catching. You should know that the pronunciation of My Sun is quite high from the beginning, and it must be well interpreted by people with treble. So although Niu Ben's voice is slightly dry, after all, the benchmark of this song is there, and Niu Ben does not show too much deviation, which can naturally be eye-catching.

In particular, Niu Ben is not a student of the art department. It is quite difficult to produce a treble person in such a department of computer science!

So the judges ignored Niu Ben's first small mistake. On the contrary, the tired nerves that had been bombed by the songs behind suddenly recovered and stared at Niu Ben.

In this way, Niu Ben was given a time to adjust.

So I waited for him to speak again, not to mention the judges, but also the students below who were still noisy were all quiet in a short time. Of course, this is not something that everyone can really appreciate this song. Most people's situation is just shocked by Niu Ben's treble. Even after Niu Ben finished the whole song with a beautiful ending, the people in the small auditorium, both teachers and students, failed to recover from the shock.

However, the whole audience was quiet. About ten seconds later, I don't know who took the lead, and the applause suddenly sounded like thunder!

Although most people don't know how to appreciate this kind of music, everyone knows that it is absolutely rare to sing this kind of treble. I didn't see that in the Chinese talent show, there used to be a woman named cauliflower sweet mother who sang a song "Send you green onions". Isn't even the judges shocked? However, it was on TV. Although many people think it's good, they are not on the scene, and they just feel ordinary.

However, when you really hear such a voice with your own ears, it is naturally different.

Students, at this time, some people have begun to cheer, and many people have followed. On the side of the judges and teachers, although they have been discussing one after another, I'm afraid no one has a negative opinion!

Even a teacher took the initiative to come out of the jury and said to Niu Ben, "This classmate, can you come and talk about it after you step down?"

Niu Ben nodded, and then turned around and walked to* when the newsman reported the next program. After a while, he came to the judge's bench under the gaze of many people and asked the teacher who greeted him, "Teacher, what can I do for you?"

"We just discussed it." The teacher smiled and let Niu Ben sit down next to him before he opened his mouth and continued to say, "Niu Ben, your song "My sun" is quite beautiful. Perhaps in the art department, it can also be said to be a top existence. However, after all, we are a school-level party. Can the performers consider the acceptance of the audience when performing the program?!"

Niu Ben curled his lips and said, "What's the matter? Just say it!"

"It's like this." The teacher pondered for a moment before saying, "I wonder if we should sing some popular or popular programs that ordinary people like to see. For example, songs such as Shandandan blossom and red?!"

Looking at the teacher's expression, he said that this was obviously a negotiable tone. However, Niu Ben shook his head directly and said, "I'm sorry, teacher. I don't think such songs can fully bring out my characteristics and strengths. And even if it is a school-level party, it may not be something popular with the public. Yangchun Baixue and the people of Lower Bari can coexist together. They always have their own audiences, don't they?

After saying this, Niu Ben couldn't help muttering in his heart: Shit, who would like to sing such a song? You don't know how hard it is to sing this song, which is better than running ten kilometers cross-country without short shoots. Of course, buddy also wants to make it easier to sing, but the problem is that other songs, not to mention a show of style, not to mention a party, even the screening of programs in the department, I'm afraid they will be directly brushed down.

Even the class may not recommend themselves to run for the election!