Super Network Manager

Chapter 193 Extremely Hot

At this time, nothing is more important than the game.

When the game was officially released, there was not only a series of amazing trivialities, but also the most important thing is that the game helmet produced by a company that made computer equipment commissioned by Li Xiaoan has not been delivered yet.

How can this kind of virtual holographic online game be played without a helmet?

Especially nowadays, this kind of game is no longer like traditional games that have clients to download. According to the design of Lin Beauty, the game client is stored in the helmet. More advanced is that when the game helmet is unpacked and used, the client will automatically decompress and install it to deeply scan the human characteristics, including DNA, retina and other characteristics, so that the helmet can be completely bound to the person's identity.

In this way, it can effectively stop people from constantly opening trumpets to accumulate resources like traditional online games, and also prevent all kinds of events that affect the game.

Of course, this kind of game helmet is also divided into two grades. One is equipped with wireless network card technology. You can log in to the game with a single helmet when plugged in. The other must be connected to the USB interface of the computer for wired login. All of them will design these two helmets, which is really because this game is bound to be very popular. If you can play it directly with one helmet, it is hard to say that Internet cafes across the country will quickly desert business due to this impact.

In fact, according to Lin Meimei, the game helmet can even be directly set up as a computer, which can be connected to the game or use all the functions of the computer. But after all, this kind of thing is too high-end. Niu Ben believes that it is better not to put it on the market too early, otherwise many things will cause a huge impact, and even some industries will be devastated by it. From then on, they will be depressed and withdraw from the historical stage.

However, even if it is only in the simplest format, it is not so easy to produce.

Although Li Xiaoan had nearly 30 manufacturers that could produce millions of computers a year, each of them required them to deliver 200,000 before the tenth day of the first lunar month, and paid a high amount of compensation for it, it is really hard to say how long it will last to sell about 6 million game helmets.

I only hate that I don't have production capacity. Now it's the eighth day of the first lunar month, and I still haven't seen the delivery, so Niu Ben and Li Xiaoan have to fly around urgently and urge those manufacturers to complete the production amount on the order as soon as possible.

Fortunately, there was not much trouble in this matter. By the tenth day of the first lunar month, six million game helmets were continuously transported to Binhai by air. And under the prior arrangement made by Li Xiaoan, it began to be sent to provincial capitals across the country. According to Li Xiaoli's previous arrangement, each province has recruited a helmet sales agent and charged various agency fees for each province.

These agents obviously have strong sales and distribution capabilities in their province, so by the 12th of the first lunar month, basically 23 provinces, 5 autonomous regions, plus four municipalities directly under the Central Government and two special administrative regions can buy game helmets.

Although there are only 200,000 helmets in each province and only 100,000 in the rest of the places, 570 helmets have been used, and the remaining 300,000 bulls are afraid to send them out, but must keep some goods for emergency.

Under such circumstances, the official website of Yanhuang Games also issued an announcement that the public beta quota is tentatively set at 6 million, and whether it will continue to increase depends on the situation.

Although six million helmets look like a lot, there are only 200,000 in each province, but Niu Ben doesn't know how long they can last. After all, there are dozens of cities in each province. In this way, each city can sell 10,000 helmets, which is already a very large amount. And 10,000 helmets are not sure how long they can last compared with the digestive capacity of a city.

It's not even good. It's not surprising that it will be sold out in a day or two!

Because Li Xiao Ran has been tested on the official website of the game, since the official public beta of the 16th month of the first month of last year, until the 14th day of the first month, the number of votes that he said that he would buy a helmet as soon as possible has exceeded 200 million!

Although the price of the wired helmet is 800, and the price of the wireless model is directly increased by 1,000, it seems that no one in China is dissatisfied with this price.

Everything has been established. On the evening of the 14th day of the first lunar month, Yanhuang's official website released the news again, claiming that from 8 a.m. tomorrow's Lantern Festival, the helmet of Yanhuang Game will be officially sold all over the country, so that everyone can enter the game as soon as possible when the game is officially tested.

This news has shocked all netizens in China, and even the thoughts of the Lantern Festival have been left behind.

Even after learning the news, the anxious guy immediately came to the local sales place with the quilt in his arms and prepared to wait in line overnight, purely without paying attention to the cold weather in the Spring Festival. Obviously, there is more than one person with this idea, so on the night of the fourteenth day of the first lunar month, people can be seen wearing quilts and lined up in front of the helmet sales site in a spectacular long line.

This scenario is estimated to be more violent than the annual Spring Festival travel rush!

When many people are queuing together, all kinds of short stories are inevitable. For example, some gangsters want to rely on a large number of people to jump the queue. For example, some people throw a lot of money for a front position, and even in the queue, which also triggers a period of enviable love or a joke story. Anyway, all kinds of exciting scenes are really different...

And at 8 o'clock on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, when the game helmet was officially sold, the scene became more and more violent!

There is no need to describe the situation at the scene. After Niu Ben and others came to the company, Li Xiaoran received a phone call almost every moment, and without exception, he said that the helmet sales were too overheated and the inventory was urgent, and he asked the company to deliver the goods as soon as possible!

Two lakes, Liangguang, Shandong Shanxi, Northeast three provinces...

As of 12 noon, the news from various places shows that 90% of helmets have been sold, and they will be out of stock in the afternoon!

Although Niu Ben had already predicted the sales situation, he really didn't expect that in just one morning, 7,000 helmets were sold to only about 101%. It seems that 6 million game helmets are far from the number of domestic demand!

Seeing this situation, Niu Ben naturally can only let Li Xiaoran urge the helmet company to catch up with the goods again and try to drive out 10 million or more as soon as possible. At the same time, he also asked Beauty Lin to issue an announcement on her official website, stating that the next batch of helmet sales will be a month later, hoping that the majority of netizens can wait patiently.