Super Network Manager

Chapter 196 If there is a chance

For a while, Niu Ben was just full of depression and his eyebrows were squeezed into a pile.

Although such a situation does not happen to ordinary people, once it happens, it is very difficult. It is said that every man has a harem plot, which is not aimless. The process of Chinese civilization for thousands of years also directly proves this. Of course, not all men can build a harem if they want to have a harem. No matter in any era, building a support point for a harem requires a fairly strong foundation.

Niu Ben's foundation on these is not bad, but the problem is that these girls in front of him do not seem to succumb to material conditions.

He muttered helplessly for a while. Niu Ben looked up at several women and said, "Have you made a decision? Can we discuss this matter? Let's study and see if there is any other possibility?"

"Other possibilities?!" The apricot-eyed beauty glanced at him and said, "What are you thinking?"

"Uh!" Niu Ben was stunned and then said brazenly, "I mean, can we try to do it in another way? For example, if you go to those African countries or something, won't it be good for you and me and everyone will be fine!"

After he finished saying this, several women stared over and looked very speechless.

Seeing this situation, Niu Ben just smiled alone, looking forward to several women to agree in this way.

It's just that his idea is an extravagant hope. Several women's football team looked at him for several seconds, and then Li XiaoRAN said, "Okay, let's put this matter on hold for the time being. Let's talk about it later."

After saying that, she asked the two women to get up and leave.

"Well, what does it mean to talk about later? Hey, can you make it clear?" Niu Ben still wanted to continue to follow them, but he stared at a few women, but he could only retract his steps again.

When several women left, he was naturally not in a good mood, so he could only return to the company sullenly.

In this state of mood, Niu Ben can't lift the energy to do anything. After waking up, he found that it was not dawn, but he was no longer sleepy. Therefore, under boredom, he thought that there was nothing left and right, so he drilled into the virtual system and asked the pig-killing ** to open the static space of that stage, and then entered it and began to learn, hoping to divert his attention in this way.

In fact, this method is really good, because it takes a long time to stay in the space, so Niu Ben learns to learn, because a series of difficulties in learning need to be overcome and solved, and gradually he let go of the entanglement of several women.

People say that there is no Jiazi in the mountains, saying that they stay in the deep mountains and old forests without contact with the outside world, and suddenly don't know the passage of time. Niu Ben's current situation is actually not much different from that. The only difference is that the space he is in has no day or night, and the surroundings are always as bright as day. Therefore, he fell asleep when he was tired, and continued to study when he woke up. After completing a stage like this, he felt that time had passed for a long time.

After he came out of the space and finished his study, he found that there was really no word in time. When he woke up, it was 436 52 seconds. Now it is still this time, and the date is still the same day. I have to say that this feeling is very strange, which makes Niu Ben feel as if he is out of touch with the world, or he has the illusion that Nanke woke up from a dream and found that everything was still the beginning after opening his eyes.

If you do it a few more times, I don't know if you will be insane or have symptoms of schizophrenia!

Touched his chin and muttered a few words, and then Niu Ben entered the space again. Now that you have finished studying, according to the past rules, this time should be to receive the task and then complete it to get promotion. Niu Ben is already very familiar with this routine, so after entering the space and finding the pig killer **, he inquired about it. The pig-killing ** was very refreshing and said directly, "The task is very simple. Promote your hot game to all over the world, at least 70% of the countries in the world."

"Uh, that's it?!" Niu Ben was stunned and said, "This task seems to be really simple. Now Yanhuang Game has almost signed out the authorization of more than 80 countries. According to world statistics, there are a total of 119 countries and 27 regions in the world, which should be 216. Now that it's finished, it's close to 40%, 70%, it's really simple!"

"Is simplicity not good?!" The pig killer** rarely smiled and said, "This won't delay your promotion."

"There is no delay." Niu Ben muttered, and then said, "It's just that this task seems to be too simple. According to the previous situation of the virtual system, the tasks released should be difficult. If it is so simple, won't the reward be rare at that time?!"

The pig-killer** shook his head and said, "I don't know about this."

"Well, in that case, I will continue to promote Yanhuang Games." Niu Ben shook his head helplessly and realized that Yanhuang Game has only been in operation for a short time. Although its influence has spread to all powerful countries in the world, it is still people who take the initiative to come and beg for a contract. If the game continues to operate for a period of time and its influence is wider, it will definitely not be difficult to reach 70%.

After making up his mind, Niu Ben thought about how to promote it in his head, and then came out of the virtual system.

At this time, the sky is still not bright. At the beginning of spring, it usually takes 6:30 to 7 o'clock to light up. And now it's only less than five o'clock. When he can't sleep, Niu Ben really can't find anything to do.

When playing games, I know all the strategies in the Yanhuang game. How to hide my career is a matter of thinking, so although this game is very attractive to ordinary players, there are still about 3.5 million players online at this point, but this game is lacking for Niu Ben. Definitely fun. At this time, I have to say the sadness of being the owner of a game company, because no matter how good the game is, you feel bored.

Therefore, in desperation, Niu Ben opened the web page on the computer and prepared to find a novel to kill the difficult time.

However, when he opened the online novel website, he suddenly heard someone knocking on the door outside the room. In surprise, he went to open the door. As soon as the door opened, his whole body suddenly burst into tears and was directly there.

The people outside are beautiful with apricot eyes!