Super Chivalrous Doctor

xu zhang

"Waste, it's all waste! Raising soldiers for a thousand days and using troops for a while, a little thief, you haven't caught it for a week. Tell me what on earth do you eat? How do you want me to explain to the people of Jiangcheng? How to tell the organization? If you can't catch it again, get out of here!"

In the conference hall, Zhou Zijun, the director of Jiangcheng Public Security Bureau, was furious and roared in the public hall. His face was lithes and his eyes swept like a sword. Everyone unconsciously lowered their heads and sweated on their backs!

Although it is a midsummer weather, everyone feels like they are in the ice and snow, and the atmosphere dares not come out!

Zhou Zijun was furious and did not care about the image of the past. Instead of saying that he could not suppress his anger, he was afraid, because a week ago, under his rule, he made a big basket!

A week ago, in the supermarket in the downtown square, a thief was seen by a five-year-old girl when he was stealing a guest's wallet. The little girl shouted, "Uncle, someone stole your wallet." As a result, instead of being afraid, the thief turned around and pinched the little girl's face twice with a smile and said, "Little girl, you're wrong!"

This is not the point. The point is that the murderous thief actually used a cross on both sides of the child's face with a blade when he pinched the little girl's face. When the thief ran away, everyone found that the child's face was bleeding.

That is to say, the little girl's face is disfigured!

This is a huge earthquake for any family. At that time, a provincial newspaper reporter was shopping in the supermarket and reported the incident. The people were very angry. Zhou Zijun sat in person and claimed that he would arrest the thief within 48 hours!

But now a week has passed, the thief seems to have disappeared from the world, so it is no wonder that Zhou Zijun was furious!

The bell!

At this moment, the rapid bell rang in this spacious conference room, like a midnight bell. Everyone's heart was pounding, almost to their throats, and cold sweat kept flowing.

Zhou Zijun hurriedly answered the phone.

"Zhou Zijun, do you still want to do it? It's been a week. You haven't caught a little thief yet. Are your police stations full of buckets? If you don't want to do it, I'll replace you immediately!"

There was a roar on the phone, and the voice was extremely majestic. It was the phone call of Zhong Aiguo, Secretary of Jiangnan Provincial Party Committee. Immediately, Zhou Zijun's face was extremely pale. Obviously, he left a bad impression on the big boss this time, and his future was over.

"Secretary Zhong..."

Zhou Zijun wanted to explain a few words, but the other party did not give him a chance to speak at all. After scolding him fiercely, he said a sentence, which made his face change greatly, his legs and stomach trembled, and he almost couldn't stand still.


The door of the conference room was pushed away savagely. Everyone turned their heads and thought who it was. They were too bold to come in at this time. Didn't they wait to be scolded?

My mother!

But when they saw the first person, everyone took a breath of cold air. Oh, my God, no way, everyone opened their eyes as if they had seen something extremely incredible!

"Old Chief!"

Zhou Zijun hurried over, with sweat flowing on his face. The person who came was Wei Qianqian, the deputy commander of a military region in Jiangnan. At the same time, he also had another identity, that is, the grandpa of the little girl whose face was scratched!

Wei Qianqian directly ignored Zhou Zijun's salute. He walked to the chief and looked at everyone calmly, but everyone dared not raise their heads and trembled from the bottom of his heart.

It can be said that there are several soldiers under Wei Qianqian, who are military cadres. Now they can't be caught by a small thief. They don't have the face to meet their old leaders.

"Now as the grandfather of a child, I beg you to catch the thief!"


Wei Qianqian gave a standard military salute. The army's interference is a big taboo, and even Wei Qianqian does not dare to go over it. But today, as a child's grandfather, he walked here and put pressure on the police station. I think no one can say anything!

"Old chief, it's my failure to let you down!"

Zhou Zijun's mood is very complicated, guilty and uneasy. To be honest, Wei Qianqian has also made great efforts to get to this position, but the granddaughter of the old chief has done such a big thing on her territory, and she has not caught the thief until now. His face is pale!

"I want to see your actual action!"

Wei sat down and his voice was extremely cold. Thinking that the pink and lovely granddaughter had suffered so much, his heart was bleeding. He wanted to vent, but he couldn't vent it.


Zhou Zijun gave a salute. Now everything he says is nonsense. Only by catching the thief as soon as possible can he give an explanation to the old chief!

But the thief is like a stone sinking into the sea. Even if the whole police in Jiangcheng set out and laid a net, he just couldn't catch it!

It can be said that Zhou Zijun's position is difficult to keep this time. A small thief has moved so many police forces, and it has been a week. To be honest, his director is a prestige sweep. After all, he promised to solve the case within 48 hours at that time.

Moreover, Zhong Aiguo, the secretary of the provincial party committee, was criticized by name, which is equivalent to being on the roster of the provincial party committee. A small case can't be handled well. What's the use of you? Just abdicate and let the sage!

Wei Qianqian sat there quietly like that, with a cold expression, and no one dared to disturb him. This was to supervise the war. Their Jiangcheng Public Security Bureau must give him an explanation!

A week later, the case has not been solved. To be honest, Wei Qianqian's anger is like a volcano and is about to explode. After all, no matter who has such a thing happened, he can't stand it.

The hospital has issued a notice that the little girl's sweet and cute little face cannot heal. That is to say, in the future, the "ten" scar will always appear on the little girl's face and accompany her life. How cruel this is for a little girl!

With a bang, Wei smashed his fist on the table. For a moment, it calmed down again, and no one dared to move again.

"Two days, I will give you two more days. If you can't solve the case in two days, I will lead the team to arrest people in person!"

Wei's eyes seemed to have a fiery fire. Everyone lowered their heads and their backs were soaked. The sky in Jiangcheng was about to be broken, and everyone's hearts trembled!


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