Super Chivalrous Doctor

Chapter 032 Poisoning

Tang Zheng set up the pulse and didn't put it down until three minutes later. Under normal circumstances, it took him to diagnose the pulse for one minute, but now it took three minutes. After finishing the pulse, he stood up again, walked to Lin Yao's mother, opened her eyelids, looked carefully, checked other parts, and then sat down again. .

Lin Yao saw Tang Zheng's behavior, and her heart was almost to her throat, but she didn't dare to speak. If she interrupted Tang Zheng's thoughts, it would be bad!

"How's Dr. Tang?" Gao Xiaopang asked in a low voice, this is the first time he has seen a vegetative person. After all, in the novel TV, if a vegetative person wants to wake up, it will be very difficult, which is equivalent to no hope!

Tang Zheng did not answer his words, but asked, "Miss Lin, tell me about your mother's illness. I want to know the situation!"


Lin Yao nodded: "My mother was like this half a year ago. At that time, she had a serious illness and had a high fever for a few days. The doctor said it was brain death. By the way, I have a film taken by my mother in the hospital. I'll show it to you!"

With that, Lin Yao opened the small cabinet in front of the bed and took out a cardboard box. Mr. Zero carefully put a large bag in front of Tang Zheng. Tang Zheng picked it up and looked at it carefully.

Gao Xiaopang couldn't help turning over, but just turned over and put them down. He couldn't understand these very advanced things, and Tang Zheng also looked at him. At that time, his heart thumped.

"Dong Dong!"

At this moment, a knock on the door sounded, followed by Lin Yongzhang's voice. Lin Yao heard that his father was coming back and quickly ran over and opened the door. Lin Yongzhang asked, "Yiaoyao, has Dr. Tang come here?"

"Dad, Dr. Tang is seeing my mother in the room!" Lin Yao said.


Lin Yongzhang was stunned for a moment. After waking up, he quickly walked into the room. Before the voice arrived, he came: "Doctor Tang, why did you come here in person? You should call me and let me pick you up!"

He spoke very politely. Although Tang Zheng was young, he still used the word "you", which showed that he had great respect for Tang Zheng. Tang Zheng happened to finish watching the last film in his hand. When he saw Lin Yongzhang come in, he stood up and smiled, "Uncle Lin is welcome. I have time today, so I will come over!"

"Yyao, have you poured tea for Dr. Tang?" Lin Yongzhang asked Lin Yao, and Lin Yao hurriedly said, "Dad, it has fallen!" She was a little wronged. She had grown up and had guests coming to the house, so she would naturally treat them warmly. Now her father asked this, as if he didn't understand politeness at all.

How did Lin Yongzhang know that he asked so casually that his daughter was about to cry. At this moment, his heart was tied to his wife and asked, "Doctor Tang, I heard Yaoyao that you have seen it for my wife. How about it? Can my wife still wake up?"

Tang Zheng did not speak, but thought about it seriously. This question was really difficult for him to answer, because Lin Yao's mother was not sick, but poisoned!

And if he is not mistaken, this poison should be caused by the butterfly powder of the flower butterfly, but the flower butterfly generally lives in the southern region and is already about to become extinct. However, why did Lin Yao's mother grow this poison?


Seeing that Tang Zheng had not spoken, Lin Yao thought that her mother could no longer be cured, so she rushed to the head of her mother's bed. Tears flowed down and cried into tears. Originally, she thought that Tang Zheng had come and there was still a glimmer of hope, but now...

"Miss Lin, don't cry first!"

Tang Zheng waved his hand. Lin Yao's eyes widened for a moment, but tears still flowed. She looked at Tang Zheng in a daze. Gao Xiaopang and said, "Miss Lin, the divine doctor of Tang hasn't come to a conclusion yet. Why are you crying? Besides, Dr. Tang is a magic doctor. What kind of disease can't be cured? Do you think so?"

Tang Zheng doesn't know about Gao Xiaopang's little thought, but now he doesn't bother to talk about him. Seeing that Lin Yongzhang's lips are trembling and he wants to ask something, but he can't make a sound, Tang Zheng said, "Uncle Lin, your wife's illness is a little difficult!"


Lin Yongzhang's eyes widened for a moment and was a little difficult, that is to say, there was still hope. He knelt down with a bang, "Doctor Tang, please help my wife. I will repay your great kindness even if I am a cow and a horse in my life!"

"Uncle Lin, get up quickly!"

How could Tang Zheng let him kneel down? The other party is older than him and is an elder. If he keeps kneeling like this, he will break his life. It was not easy to pull Lin Yongzhang up. Tang Zheng said, "Uncle Lin, don't worry. Sit down first and let's talk slowly!"

"Okay, okay!"

Lin Yongzhang sat down tremblingly by the bedside, as long as there was hope. Even a trace of hope he would not give up. Looking at his wife lying unconsciously, his eyes couldn't help but be wet. He quickly wiped his tears and looked at Tang Zheng with a hopeful face.

At this time, Lin Yao also wiped a few tears, and her eyes were still red. She looked at Tang Zheng nervously. Maybe this was the last hope. She was uneasy and wanted to speak, but she didn't dare to say it.

"Uncle Lin, I want to ask, do you have any sworn in your life?" Tang Zheng asked.


Lin Yongzhang was stunned for a moment and didn't know what Tang Zheng meant. He thought about his sworn in a small taxi driver and shook his head quickly. "Doctor Tang, I'm not afraid of your jokes. I have never been jealous of anyone in my life. People who know me call me good people!"

"That's it!"

Hearing Lin Yongzhang's words, Tang Zheng was a little puzzled. According to reason, no one should poison Lin Yongzhang's wife in a poor family like Lin Yongzhang, and this poison is still the poison of Hua Erdie.

As far as he knows, this kind of poison is extremely rare, and the money spent is also very large. When used on Lin Yongzhang's wife, it is really a cow knife to kill chickens!

"Doctor Tang, have you been diagnosed? Don't worry, no matter what the result is, I can bear it!" Lin Yongzhang was not stupid. Hearing Tang Zheng's question, he guessed something. He was afraid that Tang Zheng would have concerns, so he said so, reassuring Tang Zheng that no matter what the final result was, he could bear it.

"D. Tang, I... What's wrong with my mother? Is she still cured?" Lin Yao said, and tears flowed down again. Thinking of lying in her mother's arms when she was a child, counting the stars in the sky, that kind of beauty, laughter, and looking at her mother lying at ** at this moment, her tears could not be suppressed, and her cheeks flowed down in an instant.


Tang Zheng sighed. In this case, let's say it directly. Anyway, it is his duty as a doctor to tell the cause of the patient's family. He said, "Uncle Lin, Miss Lin, in fact, aunt is not sick, but poisoned!"


Three exclamation, Lin Yongzhang couldn't believe it. Lin Yao's eyes also widened. Even the tall and small fat were a little incredible. Someone poisoned him. Do you think this is shooting a TV series? How is it possible?!

"Tang...Doctor Tang..."

Lin Yongzhang didn't know what to say. His wife turned out to be poisoned and became a "vegetative man". How can this be? Thinking of him, Lin Yongzhang has never been blinded by others in his life. How can others harm him?

"Doctor Tang, did you... make a mistake..." Lin Yongzhang had to ask this. After all, he recalled his life, but he had never had a "dead one". He thought Tang Zheng made a mistake!

Gao Xiaopang smashed his mouth and began to seriously examine Tang Zheng. This guy will not be a liar. Otherwise, how could he say such a ridiculous thing? He also saw the situation in Lin Yongzhang's family. Who will poison him? This is not be the young man in front of him!

"Uncle Lin, you may not believe what I said. Well, Uncle Lin, you should have rice at home, right?"

"Yes, there is!"

"Well, Uncle Lin, go get some rice, put it in the water, and wipe your aunt's chest with the rice water for the third time. At that time, you will see something. At that time, you should believe me!"

"This... okay, I'll do it!"

Lin Yongzhang was impatient and quickly went to the kitchen to get rice. Tang Zheng took a look at Gao Xiaopang and said, "Let's go out first!"

Gao Xiaopang actually wants to stay here and see what will happen, but he also knows that it is inconvenient to stay in the room. After all, Lin Yongzhang will not let him see the position Tang Zheng pointed out just now!

"Doctor Tang, the rice water is ready!"

"Go in!"

Tang Zheng nodded, and Lin Yongzhang walked in with rice water in his arms. He was very eager. After a while, there was an exclamation in the room, and then there was another exclamation!


Lin Yongzhang ran out with a pale face and wanted to kneel in front of Tang Zheng, but Tang Zheng had already expected it and suddenly held him and said, "Uncle Lin, is there a butterfly on your body?"


Lin Yongzhang nodded wildly. Just now, after he wiped his wife's chest with rice water, a few seconds later, a butterfly suddenly appeared on his skin. The butterfly was lifelike, as if it had life, which scared him to death.

At this time, Lin Yao also ran out, her face was pale, tears kept flowing, and her body trembled. Obviously, she believed Tang Zheng's words. Her mother was poisoned, but...

How could this happen?

"D. Tang, please help my mother!" She looked at Tang Zheng with tears in her eyes and only felt that it was her only hope. In her 19 years of life, she begged for someone like this. For her mother, she could do anything and give up anything.

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