Super Chivalrous Doctor

Chapter 060 Chapter 061 Hong Qigong

"The little boy and grandpa went hunting!" Tang Zheng smiled and said, Hearing his words, Zhao Yuande suddenly stood up and hurriedly ran outside, but when he arrived at the door, he turned his head again and said, "You rest, I'll find them!"

After saying that, he ran out. From this regard, Tang Zheng also saw that he was a vigorous figure.

After a long time, the old man, the little girl and Zhao Yuande came back and talked and laughed. They held several hares and pheasants in their hands. The little girl ran over excitedly: "Brother, do you see?"

Tang Zheng smiled. The old man really had a way to go out and get a few tricks to catch so many delicious food.

But he also knew that it was because it snowed, and these animals came out for food. The snow was deep, so it was so easy to be caught. As usual, it really took a lot of effort, and it may not be able to catch so much.

Tang Zheng rubbed her little head and smiled, "Nang, I'll show you a hand and make you a big delicacy!"

"What, brother?" The little girl raised her head and looked at Tang Zheng. Her big watery eyes flashed and were very cute. Looking at her, somehow, a vague figure flashed in Tang Zheng's mind. She was a little familiar and seemed to remember something, but only for a moment, everything disappeared and became blurred, and could no longer be remembered.

"Ha, you will know later!"

Tang Zheng laughed. Zhao Yuande talked to the old man. The old man saw him carrying another bag of rice and shook his head repeatedly. Zhao Yuande was very kind to the old man. Tang Zheng looked at it. It seemed that the relationship between the two was really close.

"Child, let me introduce him to you. In the future, you will call him Uncle Zhao. Over the years, your Uncle Zhao has helped us a lot..." The old man sighed. Over the years, without Zhao Yuande's help, life would have been more difficult.

Tang Zheng smiled and said, "Uncle Zhao."

"Ha ha, I'll call you Xiao Zheng!" Zhao Yuande smiled innocently. He looked at Tang Zheng, especially Tang Zheng's white hair, and thought of a lot for a moment. With his intuition, the young man in front of him was a man with a story.

"Xiao Zheng, do you have any relatives at home?" He asked.

Tang Zheng shook his head and said, "I'm alone, wandering around the world, and I have no relatives!" When he said this, somehow, Tang Zheng's heart was blocked, as if there were still his relatives in the world.

"This is what it looks like!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

The old man said, "This child has been injured in the head. There are some things that can't be remembered. If he gets better in the future, he will remember the past!"

The old man doesn't think that Tang Zheng will be alone. After all, after lying down for two months, Tang Zheng wakes up and forgets too much, which is equivalent to amnesia. As time goes by, there will always be a day when he remembers everything.

Subsequently, Tang Zheng helped the old man clean up these wild animals, and Zhao Yuande also joined in. He was a chef and his craftsmanship was also a little famous. After a while, Tang Zheng began to prepare.

"Brother, what are you doing with this mud, pile up villains?" The little one is puzzled.

Tang Zheng smiled and said, "Nang, my brother said that I will make you a big delicacy later. Look at me!"

"Hee hee, brother, you're so kind!"

The little boy was very happy. After a pheasant finished cleaning up, Tang Zheng brought some seasonings. These seasonings were collected by the old man, but they could not be matched. There were many. Tang Zheng stuffed them into the belly of the pheasant, and then wrapped the pheasant in mud into a ball!

"Xiao Zheng, are you making begby chicken?" Zhao Yuande said that the old man was also watching. Originally, he didn't want Tang Zheng to be so wasteful. Life was difficult and everything needed to be careful, but when he saw Tang Zheng and his little one was so happy, he didn't say much.

Besides, it has snowed several times in a row, and there are a lot of wild animals in the bamboo sea, which are easy to catch and eat a few. Everyone is happy, which is nothing.

Tang Zheng nodded and said, "Uncle Zhao, this is my specially prepared begly chicken. You can try it later!"

"Ha ha, then I'll taste it later and see how the delicious food you cook is!" Zhao Yuande smiled. Anyway, he is also a chef and can still taste delicious food.

After it was finished, Tang Zheng put the begling chicken in the fire, added some wood, and the fire became more vigorous, and the old man also brought the hare, put it in the raised pot, and cooked the soup.

"Brother, when will it be good to be a flower chicken?" The little one can't wait, because this is made by my brother. It must be delicious and supremely delicious.

Tang Zheng pinched her little nose and said, "Half an hour. I will definitely let our daughter eat more later!"


The little boy snuggled next to him. In front of the fire, her little face blushed and was very cute.

When Zhao Yuande saw this scene, he sighed that the little boy had been living with the old man since he was a child and rarely had contact with others. Now it is also a good thing to have such a brother.

Time is gradually passing.

The old man and Zhao Yuande were talking. Tang Zheng listened silently and only heard the old man ask, "Will that girl Huilan come back for the Spring Festival this year? How time flies. I haven't seen you for a long time!"

Zhao Yuande said, "Come back. After graduating from college, she is now working in a big company. It is said that she can earn two or three thousand a month!"

When talking about his daughter, Zhao Yuande had indescribable pride on his face.

"Good! The child is promising, and you, as a father, can also enjoy the blessings of your children in the future!" The old man smiled kindly.

Zhao Yuande laughed and said, "Sir, Huilan will come back this year. According to her phone, it seems that she will bring her boyfriend back. Her boyfriend is her college classmate. They are very good and plan to get married next year!"

"Marry? Good thing, Huilan, this child, I grew up, and now she is about to get married. Time really flies!" The old man nodded with a smile and was also full of exclamation.

"Yes, we are all old!"

Zhao Yuande also sighed, "When I was a child, I went down the river to catch fish with you, but now, decades have passed. Things are different, and many things can't be seen!"

"Hehe, there is a chance!" The old man said so.

Tang Zheng's heart moved. He didn't know what their last words meant. Many things could not be seen. What were those things? Listening to their words, obviously, these things should not be ordinary things. Otherwise, the two would not have said so!

"Maybe I'm over-thored!" Tang Zheng shook his head secretly. The old man's life was very difficult. He was so poor. What could he have? He thought too much!