Super Chivalrous Doctor

Chapter 064 Horror Snake

"Nothing, I just thought of something, but I can't remember why, and I don't know what's wrong. I'm a little confused!" Tang Zheng frowned. He tried to recall and was very sure that he had forgotten something, but he couldn't remember it.

Xu Qing said, "What did you forget?"

"Yes, when I mentioned the word Jiangcheng just now, I seem to remember something, but when I really think about it, it's very vague. The more I think about it, the more I can't remember it, and my head hurts!" Tang Zheng shook his head.

Xu Qing said, "Then don't think about it. Besides, Jiangcheng is a provincial capital city. It's normal for you to hear it. By the way, have you ever been to Jiangcheng before?"

"I don't know, I've been injured in the head, so I can't remember something, but for Jiangcheng, there is a very strange feeling, as if I had stayed there!"

Xu Qing said, she didn't expect such a thing to happen to Tang Zheng. Did she have a head injury? Then he asked very worriedly, "Is there nothing wrong with you?"

Tang Zheng shook his head.

"That's good! Don't think too much about it. If you really forget something, you will definitely remember it in the future!" Xu Qingdao.

Tang Zheng also nodded. The two talked, and the others next to him listened and looked at Tang Zheng a few times, but they didn't expect such a thing to happen to the person in front of him.

After drinking hot water and eating the big cake, they rested for a while. The four said goodbye to Wang Xiaofu and went on the road again.

"Crazy!" Seeing the four people leaving, Wang Xiaofu muttered that such heavy snow will face many dangers on the road. It's better to stay here and wait for rescue.

"Oh, this damn weather!"

He cursed and took out a photo with a girl with horns on it. She was very cute. There was doting in his eyes. Obviously, he loved this little daughter very much. This is a happy family. Although he is not rich, he lives a happy life.


After walking for a while, another helicopter flew by!

"It seems that the army should be able to come up soon!" Tang Zheng muttered, and the others also nodded.


At this moment, a scream suddenly appeared in front of him, which stopped abruptly, and the hearts of the four people moved. Then, they saw a car in front of them being lifted away and coming this way.

"Be careful!"

Tang Zheng suddenly pulled Xu Qing and Liu Xiaoqi aside, and at the critical moment, the car smashed over with a roar, and finally crashed into a van, with a roar, exploded and fireworks burst.


The cry of fear came again, and something terrible seemed to happen in front of us.

"Run, there are snakes!"

Someone screamed and ran towards Tang Zheng, rolling and crawling. He was extremely frightened. Suddenly, Tang Zheng saw a python as thick as a bucket, rising up, more than a dozen floors high, making people cool from head to toe.

"How is that possible?"

Tang Zheng exclaimed, how could he see such a big snake on this highway? It's terrible!


Guo Dajun shouted, gasped, and his body trembling. Even though he had been a soldier, he was almost stunned when he saw such a horrible snake at this moment, and his heart was about to stop.

Others also got out of the car in horror and began to escape.

Everyone is afraid.


In the sky, cars were blown off and smashed. Before many people could escape, they were suddenly submerged, with a roar and exploded.

This is a catastrophe!


The python, which was as thick as a bucket, rose up and moved quickly. The car was lifted off and people were howling.

I have never seen such a big snake, but it appears here. I don't know what happened. It seems to be crazy.

The river is bleeding on the highway.

This is a frightening scene!

"Let's run there!"

Tang Zheng shouted, panting, coughing constantly, and his throat was about to smoke. Originally, his body was not well, but now he is so active that his body can't stand it.

Liu Xiaoqi and Xu Qing followed and threw away all their things. Now it's time to escape. Everything has become a burden and they can't wait to grow four legs.

"The snake is coming!"

"My mother!"

Others also followed, shouting that they were going to die in fear. This is really a life-and-death escape. A step slower is life and death. It's terrible that they don't want to die.


A helicopter flew over.

There was a soldier on the top who was taking pictures. Originally, he was to explore the following situation, but at this moment, seeing this scene, a giant snake rose up, and the huge head made people's scalp numb and scared.

"What is that?"

He exclaimed that he was about to be scared. He had never seen such a big snake, but now it was so close that he was about to be scared.

"My mother!"

All over the country, exclaimed, because the helicopter's shooting was broadcast live. Now, the snake, which is being run over on the highway, appears in front of it extremely clearly and is about to be scared.

"Is this a TV series?"

Someone exclaimed and opened his mouth wide. He couldn't believe it. This was too scared. Where the giant snake passed, a car was lifted off, and the roar was deafening. Countless people died tragically and blood flowed into rivers.

"Mommy, is this true?"

They couldn't believe it. They all jumped up and their pupils swelled.

"This is..."

A top military leader was also shocked and couldn't believe that this was a temporary supreme headquarters for highway rescue, but now... everyone's scalp is numb.

"This snake is too big!"

The military leader swallowed his spit and felt that his throat was a little dry. Then, he immediately gave an order, and a helicopter quickly climbed up with * on it.

After all, the threat of this giant snake is too great. If it continues, I don't know how many people will die.

"Tig, investigate thoroughly, what's going on? How can there be such a big snake on the highway?" His face was pale, as if he had thought of something, and he was extremely angry.

"Run, help!"


A snake tail came, crackling, and the fleeing crowd was lifted, bleeding, and their lungs were shattered. This was a desperate scene. The speed of the giant snake was so fast that they couldn't escape at all.

"Who does it seem to be chasing?"

In front of the TV, someone found it and exclaimed together. It's incredible. What on earth is the giant snake chasing? Is it a human?

It should be!

After all, this giant snake is chasing the crowd. In the sky, many people are pulled away by a snake's tail and become a pool of mud. Although the picture is not too clear, it makes people cold from head to toe just think about it.

It's terrible!

In the villa!

Wei Qianqian and Song Weiguo and others sat in front of them and looked at this scene with a pale face. This time, I don't know how many people died. It was definitely a huge disaster and a sensation all over the world.


Song Yingying was afraid, covered her eyes, and dared not look. She snuggled up in Wei Susu's arms, and her body trembled.

"What the hell is going on?"

Song Weiguo punched the sofa and his eyes turned red. He wanted to go to the battlefield, but there was nothing he could do. After all, he went to the place to serve, not a soldier.

"Why is the military acting so slowly? Why hasn't it moved yet?" Wei Qianqian's face was also blue, which was extremely terrible. On the highway, blood has become a river.

In fact, this can't be blamed on the military. After all, the giant snake appeared too suddenly, and its action was extremely fast. From its appearance to now, it has only been a few minutes. The military's action is not so fast, and it is still so far from the scene of the incident.


The giant snake swam quickly on the ground, and some cars were crushed and turned into discus. The explosion was deafening, and many people were running for their lives.


Tang Zheng shouted, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding, and he couldn't take care of it. He could only run for his life. His lungs were about to explode, as if he had a mountain behind his back.

" Dr. Tang, you..."

Xu Qing looked at him and was shocked. Tang Zheng did not say anything and pulled her and Liu Xiaoqi to run quickly. Finally, he got off the highway and ran into a dense forest.

"It's coming!"

Many people shouted in fear. What's the matter? Is the giant snake hunting? But why didn't they swallow it? What happened?

People howled.

Many people were lifted off, and some were crushed into mud.

"Why does it keep running towards us!"

Finally, someone found something wrong, because people fled scattered around, and some followed Tang Zheng's four people, but found that they could not get rid of the giant snake.

"No way, is the giant snake chasing us?" Someone shouted and finally dispersed and fled in other directions. Finally, the giant snake did not chase them. They breathed a sigh of relief and turned pale.

"I'm the grass!"

"What the he said!"

The survivors cursed loudly and emotionally. Although the snake was crazy, its target was not aimed at them. They were just affected by the fish pond.

"Are they chasing those four people? It seems to be two men and two women?"

Someone found this scene in front of the TV. I can't believe that the snake has become a spirit and is chasing the four people?

Tang Zheng also felt it at this moment.

He thought about it and suddenly thought a lot. Finally, he saw the eyes of the giant snake and the spitting core. He understood that the goal of the giant snake was...


How is this possible!

His pupils widened, and the giant snake was chasing himself with all his strength. By the way, he had been bathed in medicine, and there was a smell of rare medicinal herbs on his body. Does this giant snake want to swallow itself?

Tang Zheng's scalp is numb.

"Let's run separately!"

Discovering the truth of this matter, Tang Zheng let go of the two women and ran in the other direction. He believed that he had guessed correctly.

And sure enough, the giant snake followed.

"Oh, my God!"

In front of the TV, many people were stunned. Isn't this really making a TV series? How on earth did that man provoke the giant snake and made it so crazy that he didn't seem to stop!

" Dr. Tang!"

"Brother Tang!"

Xu Qing and Liu Xiaoqi shouted, and Tang Zheng led the giant snake away. They survived, their faces were pale, and tears flowed uncontrollably.


In the sky, the helicopter followed and passed the front. The soldier wanted to photograph the young man's face to see who he was and how he provoked the snake, which caused such a tragedy!

Tang Zheng's face appeared in front of many people.

"Little Zheng!"

As soon as Tang Zheng's face appeared, Wei Qianqian and Song Guoteng stood up in the villa. They were short of breath and couldn't believe that Tang Zheng, who had exhausted all his strength for nearly three months, unexpectedly appeared here.

"He's still alive!"

"Auncle, it's uncle!"

Wei Susu shed tears. This dry brother was still alive and cried with joy, but then she saw a terrible scene. Tang Zheng was running and the giant snake was chasing him, which was desperate.


Song Weiguo's eyes were cracking and he finally found Tang Zheng, but he didn't expect such a thing to happen. If he was chased by a horrible giant snake, is there any hope?

"Xiao Zheng is so powerful that he should be able to escape!"

He comforted himself, but he had just seen the bleeding from the corners of Tang Zheng's mouth and his face was extremely pale. After thinking about it, he knew that Tang Zheng must have been injured before, otherwise...

"Dad, I'm going to find Xiaozheng and bring him back!" Song Weiguo clenched his fist and looked forward at Wei.

We nodded forward and said, "Go, find your uncle Chang. Be sure to bring Xiao Zheng back to me!"


Song Weiguo ran out quickly, and time is life.


Suddenly, Song Yingying shouted in a sad voice. That was her uncle, her favorite uncle, who was being chased by a snake. Her little face was pale and her body was trembling.

"It will be fine, it will be all over!"

Wei Susu comforted herself like this, and tears kept flowing.


Li Manqing quickly ran to her daughter's room, turned on the TV, and said eagerly, "Falling rain, look, Tang Zheng is still alive. He is on TV!"

On TV, Tang Zheng was running and the giant snake was chasing him. He was about to jump on it several times, but he was dodged by Tang Zheng. The scene was thrilling, which was even more exciting than a blockbuster. Many people watched it, which was too tragic!

After all, this is a living thing that happens in reality!

If they were chased by such a horrible giant snake, they would be scared to death. It's terrible!

"Tang Zheng!"

Zhou Luoyu, who was bedridden, suddenly widened his red and swollen eyes and sat up from **. He couldn't believe that Tang Zheng was still alive, but he encountered such a thing again!

"Tang Zheng!"

She cried and burst into tears, and her heart was like a knife, almost to her throat.


Tang Zheng gasped loudly.

He can't run anymore. This is the limit. He really can't hold on any more, but when he thinks that he hasn't done many things, he doesn't want to die. His physical injury is getting worse and exceeds the limit.

"Senior Hong, help!"

He shouted in his heart that if Hong Qigong was here, he could solve the snake with three fists and two feet, but he couldn't. If it goes on like this, he will be swallowed by the giant snake sooner or later.


The giant snake is really horrible. Big trees break their waists and destroy them. Nothing can stop it. Its target is Tang Zheng, which is extremely fast!

Compared with it, Tang Zheng is like a little one, rushing left and right, almost died several times and was swallowed!


In front of the TV, the signal suddenly disappeared and the picture disappeared.


Many people shouted, how can it be like this? The most thrilling lens suddenly went out, which was crazy.

"I'm the grass!"

The word

came from many people. It was earth-shaking and the resentment was too deep. They were all worried about that person and whether he would be swallowed by the giant snake, because looking at the man's appearance, they should be almost unable to hold on!

"My God, what kind of broken TV is this? At the critical moment, it actually fell off the chain!" Many people curse and have deep resentment.

On the Internet, it is boiling and overwhelming. Everyone is talking about this matter, guessing whether Tang Zheng's fate is life or death.

"I want to live!"

Tang Zheng gritted his teeth, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding. His body was about to explode. He was extremely uncomfortable. He insisted. Finally, his skin was broken and blood spilled out. He became a bloody man, which was extremely horrible.

His injury is too serious!

"Must live!"

He shouted that he could not give up. The giant snake had followed him all the time. If it hadn't been for Tang Zheng's clever escape route, it would have made it difficult for the giant snake to chase. Otherwise, he would have died and been swallowed up.

"Grandpa, mumble, Hong Qigong..."

He said to himself and his eyes turned red.

Finally, with a bang, his mind seemed to explode, and a memory emerged and was extremely clear.

"Fatting rain, sister, Qinghan, Yingying..." At the critical moment of life and death, his memory was finally revived and remembered, all through. Finally, he gritted his teeth and spit out three words: "Black Religion!"

If it weren't for it, how could I become like this? The hatred of life and death is not the same!

"I will live!"

A force emerged in Tang Zheng's body, which flourished and accelerated to get rid of the pursuit of the giant snake.


In the sky, a small black spot quickly appeared, and the military came to rescue!

However, at this moment, this place is already a deep mountain, and it is not easy to bombard!

Finally, the military commander gave an order and the helicopter came quickly!


Bullets were like raindrops, and the ground exploded and bombarded the giant snake. Suddenly, it was dripping with blood!

Many trees were broken, and this place is tragic!

Tang Zheng used his last bit of strength and ran far away and fell down. The giant snake was struggling. Finally, he stood upright, like a whip, and suddenly pulled over the helicopter.


The plane exploded!

"I'll go!"

Tang Zheng was about to cry. He was so unlucky that the helicopter was stopped by the giant snake. He jumped up and ran away again. The giant snake caught up, but this time, it was also seriously injured, and there was a big wound on his neck, and blood flowed!

One person and one snake, running!

Finally, Tang Zheng ran to the front of the cliff, a big river below, and the sound of water surging!

Snowflakes fall, and the sky is silent!

Tang Zheng grabbed a few handfuls of snow and put them in his mouth and ate them. His throat was about to burn, and he was covered with snow. On the way to escape, he fell into the snow nest several times. In a moment of life and death, he almost went to hell.

Everything is too tragic!

The giant snake swam over.

"I'm the grass!" Tang Zheng cursed, the road ahead was cut off, and there were pursuers behind him, and he couldn't fight at all. It seemed that he could only jump off the cliff. I hope that like the protagonist of the novel, he would not die and get an adventure!

"I hope!"

He whispered, "I hope I'm still alive, little snake. Sooner or later, I will avenge you!"

Without hesitation, Tang Zheng suddenly jumped down and fell into the river for a moment of life and death. Finally, the giant snake suddenly fell down and rushed into the river, soared endless waves and disappeared one snake.