Super Chivalrous Doctor

Chapter 136 won't put it down!

with a bang.

When Tang Zheng said these six words, Shui Lao seemed to have a magic power and suddenly stood up.

This time, it scared everyone.

But then, the old man sat down again. The old man, worthy of being the helmsman, soon calmed down, waved his hand to Tang Zheng and said, "Go on."

Hearing the old man's words, Shui Muyan and Meng Xianer understood that there must be a story in it. They all looked at Tang Zheng one after another, but they didn't expect Tang Zheng's medical skills to be so magical and incredible.

The eyes of the twilight smoke are full of complexity.

For many years, there has never been such a person of her age, which made her look at each other again and again.

It's incredible.

It can be said that at this moment, Tang Zheng has risen to a high position in her heart and is more and more interested in Tang Zheng.

If this is known by many suitors of water and smoke, I'm afraid it will burst into tears.

You know, in recent years, although Shui Twilight has been a rising star in the entertainment industry, there are too many fans who like her, so many people pursue her when she became famous.

Of course, many of them are brothers of rich families.

However, there is no eye for water and smoke.

Of course, at this moment, Shui Muyan only admires Tang Zheng and has not risen to other levels. However, even so, if the children of the rich family who have been pursuing her know about it, I'm afraid they will be wailing and sad.

At the same time, Meng Xianer's eyes flashed slightly.

She naturally knew about Tang Zheng's medical skills. After all, she had heard it many times from Hong Qigong. Although it was not as shocking as water and evening smoke, her heart still moved slightly.

"That night was also a full moon night. By the river, the old man may have experienced something, which is related to tears..." Tang Zheng said slowly.

What he said was not too specific, but when he said so, the old water, but somehow, he closed his eyes and shed tears in his eyes, and it suddenly became quiet.

No one speaks anymore.

The old man, in front of these descendants, was so gaffe and shed tears. I'm afraid that no one will believe such a thing, but the fact is that it happened in front of me.

The old man's body is filled with sadness.

This sadness is very strong.

Even if the water always sat there and did not move, it still spread and let Tang Zheng and others feel it.

Tang Zheng sighed.

This injury is called love.

In Shui Lao's heart, I'm afraid that there is always one thing, which is a mental illness, so if this reason is not solved, I'm afraid that no one can solve the disease of Shui Lao.

Even if the immortals come, it doesn't work.

For a long time...

Finally, Shui Lao opened his eyes. At this moment, there was no more sword-like momentum on his body. Instead, he turned into an old man. His eyes were no longer deep and sad. That was love.


He sighed, stood up, walked to the window, put his hands on his back, and looked out of the window.

At this moment, I found that my grandfather's spine as straight as a ridge was a little bent, which was impossible. After all, Shui Lao was an unyielding person all his life, but at this moment, he...maybe too tired.

For some reason, looking at the old man's back, the water and twilight was a little sad, and tears flowed uncontrollably.

Tang Zheng didn't say anything, and Meng Xian'er didn't say anything.

didn't say anything.

In this way, everyone quietly accompanied the old man. After a long time, the old water turned around with a smile on his face. His temperament changed instantly and restored him.

"Old man, the younger generation is reckless."

Tang Zheng said slightly, and he did not expect that when he said that the cause of the disease, the old man's reaction would be so great. I'm afraid that that matter is the old man's lifelong heart disease that can't be erased.

"Little guy, it's not your business. On the contrary, I want to thank you. It turns out that my tears have something to do with that, alas!" The old water sighed again.

"Grandpa!" Shui Muyan shouted and stepped forward and hugged Grandpa's arm. Shui Lao patted the back of her hand and smiled, "Grandpa is not so fragile. All right, everyone sit down!"

Hearing this, Tang Zheng also sat down.

Then, Shui Muyan stared at Tang Zheng and asked, "Tang Zheng, how can my grandfather treat this disease?"

She didn't ask about the cause of the disease anymore. After all, it was a sad thing for Grandpa. If she asked again, I'm afraid Grandpa would be bad again. Therefore, she asked Tang Zheng how to cure Grandpa's illness and completely cure it.

Tang Zheng said, "This disease is mainly a heart disease. As long as your heart knot is solved, this disease will naturally dissipate!"

"Is that so?" Shui Duyan was a little disappointed.

In her opinion, since this matter has been in Grandpa's heart for so long and has never been mentioned to them, I'm afraid it's not so easy to let it go.

If so, grandpa, do you still cry on the full moon night of every month?

I don't know why, but her heart was blocked.

I feel sad for Grandpa.

Shui Lao nodded at this time and said with a smile, "Little guy, I didn't believe it at first, but now I have seen it. I'm young and successful!"

It has never happened that he praised a young man so much. If this matter is spread out, I'm afraid it will cause a big wave.

After all, Shui Lao's identity is there, and sometimes his words may influence many things.

At this time, he did not talk about his illness, but praised Tang Zheng, which showed that he did not need to continue his illness, because since he knew that his tears were related to that matter, he would not cure it again.

Maybe sometimes, immortality can comfort your heart and remember some people without forgetting.

Tang Zheng nodded with a smile.

Shui Lao also smiled. Obviously, Tang Zheng understood what he meant.

This is a very spiritual and understanding teenager!

So young, his medical skills are so extraordinary, sincere, modest and polite. Shui Lao sighed slightly in his heart that this young man should cultivate him well. Perhaps in the future, he will be a useful talent for society and the country.

"Okay, let's have tea!"

The old water smiled and picked up the cup on the table. The tea in it was already a little cold. However, he still picked it up, put it in front of his mouth, took a big sip, and poured all the tea into his stomach.

There was no time to stop this scene.

She said, "Grandpa, this tea is cold. How can you drink it?" While talking, she stretched out her hand, picked up the boiling teapot and poured a cup for Grandpa.

Shui always smiled and said, "I'm used to drinking herbal tea."

I'm used to drinking herbal tea?

Tang Zheng was stunned.

He vaguely felt the old man's words as if he had said it to himself. Is it that he was used to his illness? There is no need to find a way for him. He won't let it go.

Tang Zheng sighed.

He really has this idea.

However, since the old man said this again, it is to explain to Tang Zheng that this matter is completely over and over. There is no need to think about it.

Tang Zheng thought for a moment and sighed in his heart. Since the old man has conveyed this message twice, don't worry too much.

In fact, the disease of tears is not a big disease. On the contrary, sometimes tears have certain benefits for the eyes.

Therefore, since the old man has this attitude, Tang Zheng, let go of this matter.

"Come on, little guy, this cup of tea is an old man who respects you. You have untied my heart knot for many years, but I want to thank you well." Suddenly, Shui always raised the cup in his hand.

Tang Zheng was stunned.

Does the water always give him tea?

From the perspective of Shui Lao and many guards, this old man's identity is too unusual. He must be the top figure, but at this moment, he offers tea to himself. If this spreads, I'm afraid it will make people tremble and breathe cold air.

It was the water smoke, and she was suddenly stunned at this moment.

After all, such a thing has never happened.

Grandpa has never passed tea to others and has always toasted him. Oh, my God, does grandpa value Tang Zheng very much and want to attract him to the Shui family?

The breath of water smoke is slightly short.

Tang Zheng quickly said, "Old man, this is what the younger generation should do. You are so... too polite!"

Tang Zheng doesn't know what to say.

This cup of tea for the old man is not so easy to drink!

"Why, won't the little guy give me face to this old man?" The old water stared and said.

Tang Zheng was a little helpless, so he had to pick up the tea and said, "That younger generation, it's better to obey than to obey."

"Isn't that good!" The old man then smiled, had a drink with Tang Zheng, and then drank it.

Although it is just a cup of tea, the meaning in it is extraordinary.

After all, who is Shui always? He is so kind to a young man, which shows that this young man is very favored by him. If someone can't get along with Tang Zheng, he can't get along with him.

This is amazing.

I don't know how many people want to get such care as Shui Lao, but they can't get it. But today, this lucky thing fell on Tang Zheng. If it spreads, I don't know how much envy and hatred there are.

Tang Zheng smiled.

There was a slight sigh in his heart, and it seemed that there would be more cause and effect with this old man.

But he was relieved when he thought about it.

He and Shui Muyan are friends. Since Shui is always the other party's grandfather, the other party also appreciates him in this way. Tang Zheng can't see it. Thinking about it, he won't say much.

Looking at Tang Zheng's reaction and performance, Shui Lao also nodded slightly. When the young man came into his sight, he would continue to pay attention to it. After all, this young man's performance was a little extraordinary for him, which made him pay attention.

I remember it in my heart.