Super Chivalrous Doctor

Chapter 282 I need a sword!

Is the apple really delicious?

Song Qinghan was a little stunned. Looking at Song Yingying's extremely happy eating, she thought to herself that maybe it was really delicious, so she washed another one and put it in the little girl's hand. The little girl took a bite, and the little red face roasted by the fire became extremely excited again and nodded wildly.

I don't know what's wrong with Song Qinghan?

What's going on?

Why did the apples she washed and those that had not taste become different? She was a smart girl, and then looked for the reason on herself. Soon, she figured it out a little and then looked at Tang Zheng. Tang Zheng nodded with a smile.

It turned out to be like this.

She didn't expect that spiritual power would have such a role in turning ordinary things into delicious food. It was really wonderful. Feeling the warm current flowing in Dantian and the meridians, she only felt that her whole body became warm.



After roasting for a while, Tang Zheng came outside. It was still snowing. There was an extra wooden stick in his hand. Then he raised his hand and gently cut it in front of him. A glow lit up and then dissipated and fell into the eyes of Song Qinghan who was walking. He couldn't help but be a little shocked. What is this?

Is it glowing?

How can there be a glow?

She was very shocked at the bottom of her heart.

But thinking that Tang Zheng is a martial artist, maybe he shouldn't be so shocked to be able to do this!

She stepped on the thick snow and made a click sound.

Tang Zheng turned around, looked at her and smiled, "Why did you come out?"

Song Qinghan said, "Of course I will come out when you come out."

Yes, she found that after breaking through the relationship with Tang Zheng, she was more and more inseparable from him, even for a moment.

Tang Zheng smiled, stretched out his hand and held her hand, and the two walked slowly in the garden.

Song Qinghan said, "What were you doing just now? Why did I see the glow?"

Tang Zheng smiled and said, "That's the swordsmanship I learned. The name is Luo Xiazhan."

Song Qinghan's expression changed slightly and said, "Can I learn?"

She is a new apprentice, so she is very curious about everything.

Tang Zheng smiled and said, "If you want to learn, of course you can."

Song Qinghan said, "Then teach me!"

Tang Zheng nodded and said, "Okay!"

So, he slowly talked about the use of sword moves and the trajectory of spiritual power. Perhaps for others, it would sound dizzy, but for Song Qinghan, who was smart with ice and snow, this was not the case. Instead, he quickly remembered it and then used it.

Of course, as the three unique skills of the Tang family on Chivalrous Island, it is not so easy to learn. Although it knows the method and spiritual trajectory, it is still difficult to use it out.

Song Qinghan beheaded dozens of times, but there was no Xiaguang, which was ordinary, so she sighed and said, "It seems that I'm too stupid."

Tang Zheng smiled and said, "No, you will naturally practice more."

Song Qinghan nodded.

If you practice more, you will naturally know it.

But will it be?

Song Qinghan thought to herself, but then suppressed the idea, because Tang Zheng said she would do it, so she practiced again.

Tang Zheng thought to himself that maybe he should find a sword.

Because of these three sword moves, only with a real sword in your hand can you find that feeling and then practice, but there is no sword in the villa.

So you need to find the sword.

is a real sword.



On this day, Tang Zheng did not go out, but stayed at home. He had passed on the three swordsmanship to Song Qinghan. Song Qinghan also practiced very seriously, but there was no sign of any success. After all, who doesn't want to be able to practice and achieve success immediately, and he is still in front of his favorite people.

In the evening, after Song Weiguo came back, he told Tang Zheng something that Wang Qiang had come.

Tang Zheng nodded.

He naturally has a deep memory of this person. He is a soldier under Song Weiguo, and the reason why he met the other party was that he was going to Zhongnan Mountain at that time. A python appeared on the highway and was chased. After escaping, he met the other party.

There is something wrong with the other party's leg.

Tang Zheng said, "I know, so where does he live now?"

Song Weiguo said, "One of his relatives, I will go with you tomorrow."

Tang Zheng nodded.

After Song Qinghan returned to her room, she blushed and felt a little uneasy. She looked at the door and wondered if she should lock it back and ask Tang Zheng not to come over, because Tang Zheng was really powerful. If he came over, he would suffer again tonight.

Although she also likes that feeling very much.

She turned on the computer and looked at an article, but found that she couldn't read it.


Her heart beat violently.

Because Tang Zheng came in.

Tang Zheng came in with a smile.

Song Qinghan blushed a little and said, "Why are you here?"

Tang Zheng smiled and said, "I'll come to see you. I'm still studying. What a hard-study child."

Song Qinghan rolled his eyes.

Tang Zheng said with a smile, "I taught you a lot of things in the morning. It's so hard."

Song Qinghan was silent.

Tang Zheng said, "So do you want to repay at night?"

Song Qinghan's face turned redder, and finally she said, "My sister-in-law told us that we should be temperate."

Tang Zheng is speechless.

Then without giving Song Qinghan a chance, he picked her up, and then in her exclamation, the two rolled to ** together.



Song Weiguo walked into his room in pajamas, took a sip of tea and said, "I just saw Xiao Zheng run to Qinghan's room."

Wei Susu, who was lying in **, heard it and smiled and said, "They are all young people. With the first time, they naturally think about the second time."

Song Weiguo lifted the quilt, lay down** and said, "Yes, think about where there was no trace of our battle at that time."

Wei Susu blushed and said, "You still said it."

Song Weiguo laughed and rushed over.




Tang Zheng took a long breath and stopped fighting. She stroked Song Qinghan's smooth skin and did not speak any more. The room was very quiet.

Song Qinghan was also lazy and snuggled up in his arms.

Finally, Song Qinghan said, "Am I a very bad girl?"

Tang Zheng laughed and said, "How come? You are a good girl."

Song Qinghan said, "If Zhou Luoyu knew, I'm afraid he would be mad!"

Tang Zheng naturally understood what she meant and was silent.

Song Qinghan said, "What do you think she would think if she knew about my relationship with you now? Will she sacrifice herself immediately?"

Tang Zheng is silent.



Zhou Luoyu sneezed. Thinking to myself, who is thinking about me?

Zhou Shanshan, lying next to her, played a game and said, "Cousin, my brother-in-law must miss you."

Zhou Luoyu said, "If he misses me, he won't call me!"

Zhou Shanshan said, "My wife is so good. There are so many girls around me. How can I have time to call you? I don't know which girl I'm lying next to now."

Zhou Luoyu was dissatisfied and said, "What are you talking about?"

Zhou Shanshan said with a smile, "Cousin, you think my brother-in-law is a man no matter what he says. It was just when he was bloody. Now there are beautiful women upside down. He can refuse one or two, but can he refuse the third one? So, you should take the initiative and don't let Song Qinghan grab it first. Well, maybe the two of them have slept together!"

Zhou Luoyu opened his mouth wide and said, "How could it be?"

Zhou Shanshan smiled and said, "Why not? Song Qinghan is so beautiful. If I were a man, I would like it. It's just a pity that I'm a girl, and I can only be slept by others in the future."

Zhou Luoyu said angrily, "You are a girl, how can you say anything!"

Zhou Shanshan said, "Okay, you are reserved. You are a saint, so I'll call my brother-in-law to see if he has slept with the little girl Song Qinghan."

Zhou Luoyu said, "I definitely won't. I know what kind of person Song Qinghan is."

Zhou Shanshan sighed and said, "People now, you can't see clearly..."



While Tang Zheng was struggling, the phone by the bedside rang. He was stunned, but he still took the phone. Seeing that it was Zhou Luoyu's phone, he couldn't help but be stunned. Song Qinghan under him asked lazily, "Whose phone is it? Isn't it Zhou Luoyu?"

Tang Zheng is silent.

Song Qinghan laughed and said, "No, is it really her phone?"

Tang Zheng smiled bitterly, "It's really hers."

Song Qinghan said, "Then you will pick it up!" With that, he moved his body.

Tang Zheng took a deep breath and then answered the phone. Zhou Shanshan's voice came. Zhou Shanshan asked, "Brother-in-law, are you sleeping with Song Qinghan?"

"How do you know?"

Tang Zheng blurted out.

Then he reacted.

The phone hangs up.

It's quiet.

Zhou Luoyu looked at the ceiling in a daze.

Zhou Shanshan next to her hugged her, put her head between her chest, and said, "Cousin, do you think I asked right? Humph, the two of them really slept together."

Zhou Luoyu was silent.

Zhou Shanshan said, "If you ask me, my brother-in-law is a big pervert."

Zhou Luoyu still didn't say anything.

Zhou Shanshan said, "Cousin, what on earth do you want to do? Talk to me?"

Zhou Luoyu sighed and said, "They all slept together. What else can I say?"

Zhou Shanshan asked strangely, "Then why aren't you angry and why don't you cry?"

Zhou Luoyu said, "Why should I be angry and cry?"

Zhou Shanshan said, "Don't you like your brother-in-law? If you sleep, then you two should sleep together first."

Zhou Luoyu was silent.

Zhou Shanshan sighed and said, "This man is really not a good thing, cousin, why don't you come with me in the future!"

Zhou Luoyu said, "The ghost is going to live with you!"

Zhou Shanshan was shocked and said, "Cousin, are you really sure you're all right?"

Zhou Luoyu said, "Of course I have something to do. Do you know what I need now?"

Zhou Shanshan asked curiously, "Cousin, what do you need?"

Zhou Luoyu said, "I need a sword now."

"What are you doing?"

"Slew Tang Zheng with a sword!"



The mobile phone fell on **.

It's quiet.

Tang Zheng didn't expect to be so stupid that he suddenly told his secret. Song Qinghan had nothing to say and was quiet.

Finally, Tang Zheng sighed and said, "Am I stupid?"

Song Qinghan said, "Did you just do this?"

Tang Zheng said, "My brain is dull. I didn't react. Maybe I don't know what I said."

Song Qinghan said, "Now Zhou Luoyu must be so angry. If there is a sword next to her, he will definitely rush over with a sword and kill you with a sword!"

"Okay, but before, I still killed you first!"




Please collect it. Please recommend. Is it so cold outside?!