Super Chivalrous Doctor

Chapter 304 Abandoned Winery

"What should I do? What should I do? Boss, we can't move. He's gone. The police will come soon. Shall we wait here to die? Several thieves were so scared and afraid that they couldn't calm down. If they were caught by the police, they would be in prison for several years. After they came out, the cauliflower would be cold.

"What else can I do? Wait, alas, I didn't expect this person to be so powerful, poof..." He spit out a mouthful of blood. In fact, he didn't know that he had been shocked by Tang Zheng and had broken a heart and had not lived far away. Tang Zheng saw such hateful eyes, how could he not keep it in his heart.

Soon, the police car came over and was shocked to see the scene in front of him.



"My wallet, what should I do? Is there life-saving money in it? ..." A middle-aged woman sat in the snow and cried. The pedestrians on the road looked at her indifferently and left one after another. Now in this world, no one wants to cause trouble. Although she sympathizes, she is just sympathy. What else do you want? At the same time, I was also alert and looked at the wallet more tightly.


The middle-aged woman burst into tears. It was the money that had just been withdrawn. It was of great use. It was the money that saved her life. Before she covered the heat in her arms, she was stolen. She only felt that the sky had collapsed. What should she do? Can she get it back? She is godless and only feels that there is no hope in life.

Finally, Tang Zheng came over, came to her, and then left again.

"Wallet, my wallet..."

Suddenly, a middle-aged woman shouted with a wallet in her hand. After opening it, she saw a photo. The girl's smile was so bright. At the same time, the money was still in it, and there was a lot more money. How could it be? She looked up blankly, but she couldn't see her figure.

"Who...who will are the benefactor of our family..."

She shed tears and knelt on the ground, kowtowed three times devoutly on the cold ground.



This is an abandoned winery, which is very desolate. Now it is covered with heavy snow and looks plain.

Tang Zheng stood here and looked in front of him.

"Is this the place of evil?"

He sighed and didn't expect that the thieves in Jiangcheng would gather here. Of course, whether it was so or not, he still needed to investigate by himself, but it should be wrong. He stood for a while and walked over.

Soon, someone noticed him and made a warning sound that others didn't understand.

"Lao San, someone is coming." In the cellar, because of artificial reasons, it is windy with the outside, so there is fire burning here, which makes it extremely warm here. Moreover, this underground room is also particularly luxurious, which looks like it does not feel underground at all, but a rich home outside.

A man in his forties sat on the sofa and opened his mouth.

Sitting next to him were two same middle-aged men, one looking extremely thin and weak, while the other was very burly.

"How can someone come over? Is it our people?" The thin man asked.

"No." The boss shook his head, "Has anyone found this place?"

"It shouldn't be!" The burly man said, "We are so secretive here that only those leaders know. Did... someone betray us?"


The boss sighed and said, "Lao San, go up and have a look. If someone enters here by mistake, forget it. If not, solve it directly!"

"Alle!" Lao San nodded.

Then, he stood up. Just now, his movements were knee-to-legged meditation, obviously in a state of cultivation. Yes, they are all practitioners.

The burly man went out.

When he came to a dark whistle, the man saw a burly man coming with a very respectful look and whispered, "Master, look, that's the man who came over."

"I know." The burly man nodded.

Tang Zheng came in.

Looking at the emptiness here in front of him, Tang Zheng opened his mouth and said, "Come out, I have found you. Yes, I came to you because of the thief."

The burly man was stunned.

Then, in the young man's anxious eyes, he came out and looked at Tang Zheng and said, "Kid, who are you? Do you dare to come here alone and say, who told you? Let's see if I don't tear his skin."

"He has arrived at the police station now." Tang Zheng opened his mouth and said.

The burly man smiled, looked at Lie Zheng and said, "Why, I want to arrest us all. I'm a little confused. Why didn't you tell the police about this place?"

"Because some things can't be done in front of the police." Tang Zheng laughed.

"Haha." The burly man laughed, "I didn't expect that you are really bold. It seems that you also have a little skills, otherwise you wouldn't be so bold. It's just a pity that bold people die early."

"So, I'm going to die today." Tang Zheng laughed.

"What do you think?" The burly man asked back. In his opinion, Tang Zheng didn't have any strength. There was no trace of true fluctuation. Obviously, he was not a practicing, but he was, so there was no suspense at all, but he was a little strange, so he said to the young man behind him, "Go out and see if he often touched the stock."

The young man hurried out.

Then, the burly man looked at Tang Zheng and said, "I'd better arrest you first, and then torture you. On such a cold day, it's much warmer with you."

He laughed.

Tang Zheng is cold.

The burly man rushed over and punched him. This punched, with the sound of wind, made a roar, and hit people's body with one punch. I'm afraid it's very powerful and will kill people directly.

Of course, the burly man will not let Tang Zheng die. He will "pain" him well.

Tang Zheng raised his hand.

I grabbed it with one hand.

with a bang.

The burly man only felt that he couldn't do it. God, what's going on? Why can't he move his hand? Does this boy hide his strength and is also a practitioner?

He was afraid, but his face was calm and he kicked over.

Tang Zheng's feet.




The burly man howled and screamed in pain. I can't believe it. How could it be like this? My legs...

Tang Zheng came out of his leg again.


The burly man flew out, fell to the ground fiercely, and went straight over. The young man came in, saw this scene, and covered his mouth. Oh, my God, how could it be? How could the third master be cleaned up by this boy? Is this a dream? Otherwise, how could it be like this? My old man God.

He wants to exclaim.

But Tang Zheng had come to him and punched him, so the young man obediently closed his mouth.

Tang Zheng came to the burly man with a young man and stepped on his body. The burly man spit out a mouthful of blood and woke up. He couldn't believe that his eyes were full of fear. How could he be like this? He was a master and a practitioner. How could he be defeated by an ordinary person who could not practice?


He can't accept this result.


Tang Zheng looked at him, opened his mouth and said, "Tell me your secret place, there should be your people there..."

"I won't tell you." The burly man is very stubborn.

"Real?" Tang Zheng sneered and stepped on him.

Puff. He spit out a mouthful of blood and was in pain.

"Lao San!"

At this moment, two figures came up from the ground. It was the eldest and the second. Looking at this scene, they looked indifferent but full of murder.

"Ky, let go of the third brother, everything is easy to say." The boss opened his mouth.

"How can I let you go if you have done all the bad things?" Tang Zheng said that his medical skills can save a person. Two people, then, destroy this thief organization, then can save many people and many families.

"So, you're here to smash the scene." The boss opened his mouth, and the murderous intent was stronger.

"Of course." Tang Zheng said, "If you are captured, maybe you can avoid the pain of skin and flesh."


The boss laughed wildly, "Kid, don't think you can do whatever you want with a little effort. Today, I will let you know that there are some people you can't provoke."

"Then you come!" Tang Zheng laughed.

The strength of these people in front of him can be seen at a glance how he can be afraid.

" boss, don't do it first."

At this moment, the second brother stopped the boss and said, "This boy can't see it."

"Why, he is better than us." The boss can't believe it. Anyway, Tang Zheng is so young that he can practice, and how powerful it can be. As martial artists, they naturally understand the suffering of cultivation. For so many years, they have only been at the peak of the first realm. I don't know how much he has paid for the process. Is this boy really a demon? Evil can't be done.

" boss, help me." The burly man howled.

"Let go of Lao San. Everything is good. We'll give you the money." The second brother opened his mouth and said, looking at Tang Zheng and wanted to talk about money. In his opinion, there is nothing in the world that money can't deal with.

"I don't care." Tang Zheng said.

"So, are you sure?" The second brother looked at him with cold eyes.

Tang Zheng nodded and said, "What you have done is really disgusting. Now that I have encountered it, and I just have a little strength, how can I not take action, so you are done."

"Are we done? Haha!" The old man laughed and said, "You're done. Unfortunately, you're dead today. If you let Lao San go, maybe we can still be friends."

"No." Tang Zheng opened his mouth.

"In this case, there's nothing to say, brother, let's go and do this boy." The boss opened his mouth, and his words were cold and ruthless.

"Kill him." The second brother also spoke coldly, and their voices fell and rushed up.

The two punched and attacked Tang Zheng. With the wind, if they were ordinary people, they would collapse and die at once, but Tang Zheng raised his fist and met him.

Bang twice.

Under Tang Zheng's strength, their fists instantly collapsed and turned into shattered. Their eyes instantly turned from indifference to strong fear. It was so painful. How could this be like this... Who is? How can they be so powerful and powerful? It's scary? The two men howled and their bodies suddenly flew out.

They can't believe that they are also a master, controlling more than 100 people and doing whatever they want in this river city. However, how can they be like this now? They are defeated and just a punch. How powerful this person is. Has he cultivated to grandma's house over the years?


They fell to the ground, coughed blood, and looked at their smashed right hand. Blood flowed without any consciousness. God, how could it be like this?

"How could this happen?"

The second brother screamed, didn't believe it, and wanted to get up, but at this moment, Tang Zheng had come to them. They were afraid, looked at him and said, "You...who the hell are you..."

"I'm not someone, just a person who does the way for heaven." Tang Zheng opened his mouth and looked at them with a calm expression.

"What the hell do you... want?" The boss spoke with difficulty and said.

Tang Zheng said, "I don't want to do anything. I just don't want your evil to continue."

Bang bang.

Two tones.

Tang Zheng's feet stepped down.


They screamed and looked at Tang Zheng, full of resentment and fear. It was abolished. I was abolished, and my whole body was gone. In an instant, everything was gray, and life was worse than death.