Super Chivalrous Doctor

Chapter 307 Send You on the Road--

A van is coming towards the abandoned winery.

In the car, Lu Shuangshuang was motionless and did not know what he was going to face. He was full of fear.

Others laughed, full of cruelty and arrogance.



Tang Zheng sat in front of the stove. There was a clean pot on the stove. There were many such pots. Tang Zheng also saw some medicinal herbs next to him. Obviously, it was used by these three people to cook medicine.

Now, he uses this brand-new pot to boil water and cook meat.

The heads of those thieves didn't come until night. He didn't want to be hungry all the time. Why didn't he call them during the day? Naturally, Tang Zheng didn't want to scare the snakes. After all, he wanted to catch them all and give Jiangcheng a clear sky.


The broth in the pot is boiling and fragrant.

Tang Zheng found a clean bowl and chopsticks, found another bottle of wine, and slowly ate and drank.


The boss lay on the ground and looked at Tang Zheng's "arrogant" appearance. He was furious and shouted, but Tang Zheng did not look at him and ate and drank very freely.

I have to say that these three people really enjoy it. In this basement, there are lobster abalone and other ingredients that can be taken and used at any time. After all, as warriors, they still eat a lot, and they are so rich that they will naturally not neglect themselves.

But now, Tang Zheng has enjoyed it.

"Kid, don't be too arrogant. We won't die. Someone will avenge us." The boss threatened, and as he spoke, a wisp of blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth.

He was stepped on several times by Tang Zheng, and of course he would not feel better.

What's more, Dantian was damaged and their cultivation was abandoned. How can they not be angry?

Tang Zheng picked up a lobster, put it in his mouth and ate it. He smiled and said, "Let's wait until later. Well, how does it taste to lie on the ground?"

"I will kill you, for sure." The boss looked twisted and ferocious.

Tang Zheng sneered and said, "If you want to kill me, those families who have stolen money from you, why don't they want to kill you? Moreover, if I were not strong enough, I'm afraid I would have been killed by you long ago. So, don't say these harsh words, because the three of you will die."

He will not let these three people go.

Lao San was punched to death by him.

The second and the boss are also dying.

For these people, Tang Zheng has no kindness. After all, they are not good people.

There is no life in their hands.

The second brother lay quietly on the ground without saying anything.

What else can I say?

After doing so many evil things, I finally met a "chivalrous person" today. Maybe this is the legendary retribution.

Now, I just hope that the big boss behind me will appear, kill this person and avenge them.

Think about it, it's really full of irony that after practicing for half a lifetime and being abolished once!

Tang Zheng looked at the young man.

This young man is sentry and very exciting. After being knocked unconscious by Tang Zheng, he has been pretending to be dead until now. Maybe he is afraid that Tang Zheng will punch him to death.

It seemed that he felt Tang Zheng's eyes, and his body trembled slightly.

It's not that he doesn't want to control it, but that he is really scared.

Originally, I thought that the three bosses were their own heavens. They were so powerful that they controlled so many people, beat whoever they said they would be beaten, and killed whoever they said they said they would kill, which was extremely strong and domineering. But now, one died and became meat mud, and the other two lay on the ground and could only say harsh words. I'm scared to death.

Who is this person in front of you?

It's so scary.

Tang Zheng finished nibbling a lobster, took another sip of wine, and laughed, "It's really happy."

It is a very happy thing to be chivalrous and righteous.



"That's right, it's really happy."

At this moment, there was a sudden sound in the basement.

"Tong Lao, save us."

Hearing the sound, the old man was happy and called, and the second brother's originally gloomy eyes suddenly lit up.

Tang Zheng continued to drink wine and eat meat, which was really unrestrained.

"It's a little interesting."

A figure came in.

This is an old man with white hair, but his face has no wrinkles. He wears a colorful down jacket and black trousers on his lower body. If he is outside, he is a very ordinary old man, but now he suddenly comes here, no matter who sees it, I'm afraid he will no longer think of him. He is an ordinary old man.

He looked calm and looked at Tang Zheng.

"Tong Lao, save us." The boss cried with joy. Finally, did anyone come to save him? Then, he looked at Tang Zheng and was furious: "Haha, little rabbit, our people are here, ah... You're dead today, you're dead!!"

Tang Zheng picked up an abalone and ate it slowly. After taking a sip of wine, he looked at the old man and said with a smile, "Do you think I will die?"

"Of course you are dead." Tong Lao sneered and said, "If you dare to come here, then you will naturally die."

"I don't believe it." Tang Zheng smiled and said, "I'm so powerful. How can I die? Instead, it's you, but... I'm really interested and want to know who you are. Well, anyway, we have plenty of time. Why don't we have a meal and have a drink?"

"The food you cooked is good." Mr. Tong sneered.

Tang Zheng nodded and said, "Yes, the people who stayed with me said that I was good at cooking. Look, both of them are drooling."


The two people lying on the ground are resentful. How can they be greedy? That's painful, but the fragrance... is really fragrant and makes people want to eat.

"I have never smelled such a good smell." Tong Lao came over. I don't know if he didn't see Tang Zheng's strength or was really sure. He slowly came over, sat down in front of Tang Zheng, and smiled, "Young man, you are timid. Are you really sure of victory? Do you want to invite me to dinner?"

"Of course." Tang Zheng nodded, "Otherwise, I wouldn't have waited here and caught you all."

"Haha." Tong Lao laughed and said, "Okay, today's young people think they have some strength and are proud. They don't know how thick the sky is. Today, I will let you know how high the sky is and how thick the earth is."

"I already knew it." Tang Zheng didn't pay attention to him, because he was holding the lobster in the pot. "Look, how delicious this lobster is. You really can't eat it outside. Why don't we eat one before the war?"

"Eat it. It's good to be a full ghost before you die, and it's not in vain for me to give you a chance." Mr. Tong sneered.

"Little rabbit, you're dead." The boss shouted.

"Noise." Tang Zheng mentioned these two people.


"What are you, you are just a defeated general. There are still a few days left to live. Take a good breath of air, or you won't enjoy it in the future." Tang Zheng laughed.

"What?" The boss's face changed greatly.

What did this person do to himself?

Are you really going to die?

"Tong Lao, save us..."

Tong Lao looked at them coldly and said, "Two useless wastes who can no longer practice? It's a waste of food and air to live."


The eldest looks ferocious, and the second brother's eyes are as cold as a knife.

Is it given up like this?

Although they have known this result for a long time, they still feel a chill and cold from the old people at this moment.

Because Dantian has been destroyed and can't be cultivated anymore, what's the use?

Tang Zheng said, "You are really cruel."

Tong Lao was stunned and then laughed: "It's a little interesting."

"It's not interesting at all." Tang Zheng said, "Do you think I want to kill them? No, I don't want to do them at all, but they have done too many evil things. I can't let them go of them when I encounter them, so they only blame me for meeting them."

"Yes, maybe this is the disaster of their lives." Tong Lao said, "Young man, you are very good, really good. You have such strength and chivalrous and righteous at such a young age. In fact, when I was young, I also had this idea, because no one wants to be a hero."

"Why not in the end?" Tang Zheng asked.

"It's not that I don't want to, but that I can't do it. That's fate." Tong Lao sighed, "There is something that you can't do if you don't want to do it. If someone threatens you with your life, then you have to do it."

"What a pity."

Tang Zheng shook his head and said, "For the sake of your life, I'll treat you to a meal so that you can be a starving ghost."

"Well, I'll just eat a little. After all, the last invitation of a dead person can never be refused." Tong Lao smiled, picked up the chopsticks, picked up a little meat, put it in his mouth, took a bite, and said, "Well, it tastes really good. I really don't want to kill you. Well, it's under my door. It happens that these two wastes have no value. How about leaving it up to you?"

"I'm not interested." Tang Zheng shook his head.

"That's a pity, because it tastes really good." Tong Lao smiled kindly, but deep in his eyes, there was a chill and gloomy.

Such a young man has such strength at such an age. If he can't be subdued by the door, it is a disaster and must be killed.

And it's not that he hasn't killed anyone.

Perhaps, few people who have stepped on the road of practice have never killed anyone.

After eating the meat, he picked up another piece. After eating, he picked up a big lobster and ate it very happily. He smiled and said, "It tastes really good."

Tang Zheng has already put down his chopsticks.

Because he doesn't want to eat this person's saliva.

He respects the old man, so he just wants to make the old man a full ghost.

After the old man stepped into here, his fate was doomed.

Perhaps in the old man's opinion, Tang Zheng's fate has also been doomed.


Finally, Tong Laohe finished eating all the food in the pot and looked at Tang Zheng and said with a smile, "Young man, your cooking skills are really good. How about it? Have you thought about it? As long as you follow me and are willing to do things for me, you don't have to die, and you can eat so many delicious food in the future."

"I can really know." Tang Zheng nodded, "But you can't eat it anymore. Why, do you want some wine to take you on the road?"

"Young people are really arrogant."

Old Tong smiled and said, "For the sake of treating me to a meal, I will leave you with a whole body later."

"For the sake of talking to me, I will also leave you with a whole body." Tang Zheng laughed.


Tong Lao laughed and said, "Well, you really make me look at it with new eyes, but do you think your strength can defeat me and send you on the road?"

After saying that, he kicked out, and the table in front of him flew up and hit Tang Zheng.

The two fought together.


"It's a little powerful, but it's not enough..."

"'re dead!"

"...Do you think this will be fine? Go to hell!"

But in the end, the old man's words became less and less, and his eyes became more and more gloomy.

Because Tang Zheng was invincible under his move and had not been killed.


Finally, a trace of fear appeared in the child's eyes and expression.

Why is this young man... so powerful... can't he die?

Tang Zheng smiled and said, "It's too cold. I moved my body. Well, now my body is warm. I'll take you on your way."

Cut out with one palm.

Luo Xia Zhan.

The glow overflowed, and it was like dusk.


The old man shouted, and he was frightened to see that his body came out of it. It was a glow that came out of his eyes, ears, mouth and skin.

It can't be covered up.

He was extremely frightened.

How is that possible?

Yes, how can it be?