Super Chivalrous Doctor

Chapter 314 Help people on the road!

Liu Qianqian's hometown is located in Dacang Mountain, almost 700 miles away from Jiangcheng, a long distance. If you drive, it will be about a day.

However, the heating is on the car, and it is not cold, and it is also very happy to walk all the way.

Of course, people bought a lot of things and brought a lot of food and drink, so they will not be lonely along the way.

Everyone sat in their seats, talking and laughing, and Liu Qianqian said excitedly, "If my hometown knew that you had gone, they would be very happy and happy."

"Yes, and I have bought so many things, and it must have cost a lot of money." Liu Laosan also sighed.

He saw a lot of things behind him, but although he bought it, and according to his daughter, it was also a problem how to transport them in.

Of course, Tang Zheng and others naturally considered this aspect. There are so many people, and they are all martial artists. Unlike ordinary people, they can naturally carry a lot of things, so Liu Laosan doesn't need this concern at all.

"Brother Wang, turn on the TV quickly. We're going to watch a movie."

Zhou Shanshan stuck out her tongue and said.

"Okay, I'll open it."

Wang Qiang nodded.

There is a car TV on the car. Soon, there is an action movie, played by Jackie Chan, which is very funny and great. Of course, many people like such a character.

After all, most people grow up watching his movies.

At this moment, Zhou Shanshan asked, "Do you think Uncle Jackie Chan is the same as us?"

Because Liu Qianqian and others are here, she didn't talk about martial arts.

When others heard her words, they thought about it. Wang Qiang, who was driving, shook his head first and only heard him say, "It's impossible. I admire this movie star very much. In every movie, he appeared in person and encountered life-and-death crises many times. Alas, if he were, he might have acted as electricity. It's much easier."

"Yes, I think so too, so brother-in-law, if possible, let's go to him and let him become one of us. After all, I really like him, and Jet Li and others, hee hee, a lot..." Zhou Shanshan said with a smile.

Suddenly, she raised her little fist and smiled, "Well, that's it, brother-in-law, you must help me in the future."

Tang Zheng is speechless.

How can he have time to meet those stars now? Moreover, whether those stars don't see him is two different things, but to be honest, if they can meet them, it is also a good thing to become martial artists. After all, Tang Zheng really wants them to act in more movies. After all, they are at this age. Old.

When the topic came here, it was suddenly released. After all, living in this society, there are few martial arts stars who like, but most of them are just those seniors.

If they really become warriors, I'm afraid it's really interesting.

Thinking of this, Tang Zheng thought of a person... water and smoke.

After all, she is also a big star and is very famous all over the country. I think she must know those people. Well, if there is a chance, let's visit!

Thinking about this, Tang Zheng also smiled.

However, although everyone talked very vigorously, Liu Qianqian, Lin Yao and Liu Laosan are in the clouds. I don't know what they are talking about. There is indeed a "generation gap"!

Zhou Shan was very talkative and told the secret all of a sudden.

A warrior?

My God, what is that?


Tang Zheng surrendered. Anyway, these two little girls will be tied to their chariots in the future. Tang Zheng doesn't mind saying that they have become martial arts. As for Liu Qianqian's father, Liu Laosan, Tang Zheng is also very good. This person is not bad, and he also ate a lot of bacon sent by others!

This... Really, one person gets the way, and the chicken and dog ascends to heaven!

However, Tang Zheng is such a person. Since they want to become martial artists, why not do they?

After all, it is better to have fun alone!

Well, Liu Qianqian and Lin Yao have been moved.

"Wrather, Brother Tang, can we also become a warrior?"

Although I don't know the specific strength of the warrior, I think it should also be very powerful.

Zhou Shanshan interrupted and said, "Of course it's okay. With my brother-in-law here, anything is fine." Now the little girl admires this brother-in-law very much.

However, the two girls still looked at Tang Zheng.

Tang Zheng also nodded.

The two girls' breathing became short in an instant.

Liu Laosan's eyes widened.

Who are these in front of you, warrior, my dong!

He is very short of breath.

"Are you really warriors?" Liu Laosan asked in a trembling voice.

Tang Zheng nodded.

"Oh, my God, warriors really exist." Liu Laosan exclaimed.

Note: There are two words true in his words, that is to say, this middle-aged uncle knows that martial arts exist.

He is a little boss of a restaurant. How does he know martial arts?

When Liu Laosan saw that everyone's eyes fell on him, he nodded: "Actually, the ancestors of Dacang Mountain are martial arts, but by the previous generations, they have cut off the inheritance. I didn't expect that you are martial arts..."

He is very excited.

After all, this information was handed down from ancestors. In the past, it was just a story, but I didn't expect that there were really martial artists in this world.

How not to be excited?

"D. Tang, can I... also become a warrior?" Liu Laosan can't calm down anyway.

Tang Zheng nodded.

At this moment, he simply wanted to jump from his seat and make a 360-degree rotation in the car to express his excitement at this moment.

And Tang Zheng, after hearing his words, had other ideas.

Maybe there will be unexpected gains in this trip to Cangshan!

This is how he feels.

Therefore, the corners of his mouth grinned.

Other people also thought of this, but they were a little curious about what Cangshan would look like?



In the cold wind, at the intersection.

A man and a woman and a baby are waiting for the car in the wind and snow.

"Wenjuan, it's so cold. Why don't we take a taxi back?" The man said sadly that he was almost 30 years old, with eyes and polite. His name was Liu Yifan, and the one next to him was his wife, Song Wenjuan.

Song Wenjuan was holding the child and heard her words and said, "My family is more than 300 miles away from here. If you take a taxi, there is not so much money. Moreover, your brother got married today and said that we would have to rush back, otherwise I, as a sister-in-law, will not be cruel to others. Say it."

"However, it's so cold that the child is still sick. Why don't I call back and say I'll be back for a while."

"No." Song Wenjuan immediately refused, "I don't want others to gossip. Yifan, don't worry, it's okay."

"It's okay. The child is like this, and you still say it's okay!" Liu Yifan roared.

"Why are you yelling? That's your own brother. Now you are getting married. You are the eldest brother. If you don't go back, what are you talking about? Moreover, the children are like this. We have gone to so many hospitals, but we can't cure them. When we arrive at your hometown and go to a small clinic, maybe there is really hope!" Song Wenjuan is also a little angry. After all, she is all for your own good. Why are you yelling at me?

Liu Yifan sighed.

I took a look at my son held by Song Wenjuan, and he grabbed a few hairs.

He is 30 years old this year, and he has such a son who is a few months old. But a few months ago, his son fell ill and went to many hospitals. They all said that it was not a big problem, but it could not be cured, so the two of them were very anxious.

It happens that today, my younger brother is getting married. Song Wenjuan, as a sister-in-law, is going back to have a look. Maybe there may be some folk prescriptions in that countryside.

She is really in a hurry and there is nothing she can do.

At this moment, a car drove over in the distance.

However, why is it a tourist car?

The two sighed.

Naturally, they went to the station, but the car to their hometown had left after nine o'clock in the morning. There was only one car lying down every day, and other cars could not pass. After all, it was not caused by the children in their arms. Otherwise, how could they be delayed?

"Yifan, stop and see where this car is going?" Song Wenjuan said to her husband.

Liu Yifan said, "Don't stop. This is a tourist car, not a passenger car. It won't stop."

"Forget it!" Song Wenjuan makes sense to think about it.

But at this moment, Wei Qianqian in the car spoke, because he saw the two people in front of him and said, "Wang Qiang, stop in front to see where they are going?" Why don't you take it with you on the way?"

The old man also watched the child in his arms. In this cold weather, he has been staying outside. How can he do it? What should he do if it freezes?

When the old army commander spoke, Wang Qiang naturally had no room for resistance.

Then, the car stopped in front of Liu Yifan and Song Wenjuan.

The two were stunned. They didn't stop the car.

Wang Qiang poked his head and said, "Hey, where are you going?"

Liu Yifan quickly said the address.

on the way.

Wang Qiang did not hesitate and said, "We happen to be on our way. Why don't you come up?"


Thank God!

Liu Yifan and Song Wenjuan are simply overjoyed.

"Yifan, take something quickly, let's get in the car. Master, thank you!" Song Wenjuan said in surprise.

"It's okay, come on!"

The two didn't bring much. After getting in the car, Tang Zheng also hurried to help.

When the two sat down and looked at the many seats in the car and the dozen people in front of them, they thought to themselves, is this a family that chartered a car to travel? After all, there are old and young here, isn't it a family?

"Thank you so much!" Song Wenjuan said gratefully.

The outside and the inside are simply two worlds.

Tang Zheng poured two cups of hot tea and handed it to the two.

"Thank you, thank you!" Liu Yifan quickly took it and quickly thanked him. He was very moved. These are all good people!

He twitched his nose. He didn't sleep well last night and froze outside for a long time. This cup of hot tea was held in the palm of his hand, which really warmed his heart.

"Young people nowadays just don't care about children. Can they freeze outside in such a cold day?" At this moment, Wei spoke to the front.

Song Wenjuan opened her mouth and didn't know what to say. Can she not feel sorry for the child? However, there are some things that must be done!

Of course, the old military commander also felt it.

He really loves this child.

"Old man, there is also an emergency at home, and the car back to our hometown has also left. If we can't stop the car again, we are ready to take a taxi!" Liu Yifan said slowly after drinking a hot tea.