super modification

Chapter 42 Controlling the Life of Beasts No. 5 Below


Suddenly, three brilliant golden lights were shot from the 'ground' and roared like a wind. Then the golden light was projected on the nebula above, and then a fierce monster jumped out of the nebula.

Bu Jinglei saw the fierceness of the monster: its head was nine-horned, its body was golden, and there was a white cloud under its four feet. The monster trembled all over, spread its four legs and ran wildly in the virtual space. The four feet stepped on the clouds and flew up and down, as fast as lightning.

This monster can fly all over the world. It must not be an ordinary monster. According to the classification of the spirit beast, Bu Jinglei also knows from memory that the monster in front of him should reach the level of 'advanced spirit beast'.

However, the monster faintly exudes a strong atmosphere, but it is even more extraordinary, but when the monster was carefully observed, the three golden lights had dissipated, and the monster flew a few times, roared a few times, and then slowly landed, and then strange things happened.

The monster's body changed rapidly and finally turned into a shining coordinate map.

Bu Jinglei couldn't help laughing, "Interesting, this monster will change."

Consciousness paused slightly on the coordinate map, and three shining words appeared: the map of beasts.

At the same time, the same map of beasts appears next to several other black lines.

Picture of beasts!

"Oh, my God, is this picture of life No. 5 in charge of all beasts? This is amazing..."

Shocked for a while, Bu Jinglei rubbed his left and right hands with each other twice and decided to study the map of beasts.

"Please note that the system provides a classification of Life 5 by default, which is available for use."

After getting this information, Bu Jinglei saw a new vertical line on the map of all beasts. The intersection of the vertical line and the horizontal line flashed two words: beast knowledge.

In several other beast maps, the classification of 'beast knowledge' also appears at the same time.

Then I studied the beast map for a moment and knew what the lines of the beast map represented. This coordinate map is also divided into four parts, but there is no color on it, all of which are transparent. The horizontal line still represents the 'life point', but the vertical line represents not the spiritual point, but the 'spirit value'.

After some 'help', we learned that this spiritual value probably means a substance that can only be produced by animals and beasts. If people want to get this substance, they have to go through some methods, but the system does not provide this method.


The mouse's voice interrupted Bu Jinglei's thinking. Bu Jinglei was very angry and immediately attracted the spiritual power in the nebula and added it to the map of beasts to modify the mouse's animal knowledge.

The beast knowledge of mice, the values on the eight ten thousand beasts are almost the same, all in the range of 1-3.

Please note that the spiritual point cannot modify the spiritual value of the beast map. Please stop modifying immediately, otherwise the beast map will be damaged to varying degrees!"

Suddenly, a flickering message popped out.

Bu Lei couldn't help but be shocked. Seeing that the information flashed so fast, needless to say, it meant that it was very urgent. At present, he stopped adding the spiritual point, and the spiritual point automatically returned to the nebula.

The map of all beasts is normal. Will it be modified again?

Modify/Pause Modify again

Bu Jinglei felt speechless and didn't know how to modify it, so he chose 'pause'. Lying on ** and listening to the rat's chatticing, there is nothing you can do for a while. If you attack the mouse hole with a fire fist, I'm afraid it will attract the attention of the guards outside, so it won't work.

Thinking of the fire fist, Bu Jinglei thought of the fire winged bird elixir in the space ring. Anyway, I couldn't sleep. I couldn't help refining a few fire elixirs and accumulating more ** fire flow.

After eating a fire elixir, it was refined in a moment. There was a little more ** fire in the Dantian. After strong compression by spiritual force, ** fire shrank to the size of a thumb.

At this moment, the nebula in the virtual space suddenly rotated rapidly and became faster and faster. It seemed to receive some stimulation, but there was nothing unusual except rotation.

When Bu Jinglei was puzzled, a message that brought a huge surprise jumped out.

Please note that the spiritual point of the system has reached the full state at this stage and can be used at any time.

A selection: modify the beast map of the unnamed target.

"Oh? Refining fire elixir can bring spiritual points. That's great. It's an unexpected joy!"

A smile crossed the corners of his mouth, and Bu Jinglei immediately set his eyes on the mouse targets, "Damn mouse, you are going to be unlucky. I'm going to modify your animal knowledge!"

After just clicking 'help', I learned that the meaning of animal knowledge is probably equivalent to the meaning of 'consciousness'.

I don't know what effect will be if I modifying the mouse's consciousness, and I don't think much about it. I can see that there are only 200 spiritual points in the nebula, and I may not be able to modify many 'beast knowledge' spiritual points of mice.

Then he immediately decided to add 20 spiritual points to each beast map, and saw the ten thousand beast maps of eight mice, and the spiritual value of 'beast knowledge' was reduced by two points! Three have been reduced to negative values!

Suddenly, I listened, and the cell was quiet, and I couldn't hear a trace of mouse barking!

"I went there and changed my animal knowledge, and the mouse didn't bark anymore!"

After that, I felt that my ears were clean. Compared with the rat noise just now, it is much more comfortable now.

Sud of a sudden, three of the eight mouse targets in the virtual space broke and split apart in the blink of an eye and quickly disappeared.

"What's going on?" When I was puzzled, I saw three information windows.

After the mouse target - the black line and the beast map disappeared, a message jumped out of the original place: "Please note that this target is dead and the system will automatically cancel it.

"Dead? Haha, damn mouse, it's good to die." Bu Jinglei muttered in a low voice, and then smiled gently. He felt that this picture of ten thousand beasts was indeed a good thing. Killing mice was invisible! ......

Smiling, sleepiness hit him, and then fell asleep. ......

"Ah... I fought with you!"

The next day, Bu Jinglei had a strange nightmare. In the dream, someone chased Ke'er with a knife. In the dream, his whole body was full of blood, but when he saw Ke'er being chased and killed, Bu Jinglei clenched his teeth and rushed up and cut the enemy's head with a knife.

With a loud roar, Bu Lei woke up. When he opened his eyes and saw that his cellmates had been up for a long time, he was shocked by his roar and came over to ask, "Brother, what's wrong with you? Have you had a nightmare?"

Xue Wuhai's whole body was sweaty when he saw the thunder, so he quickly brought a towel. Thunder, what did you dream about? It would be better to say it."

"I dreamed that Ke'er was hunted down. This nightmare is really horrible."

Bu Jinglei took a towel and wiped a handful of sweat, and then found that his whole body was sweaty. Thinking about the scene in his dream, he couldn't help but be a little worried and said to Xue Wuhai, "I don't care. Why did you get up so early?"

Bu Jinglei was very grateful for the concern of these cell friends, but he didn't say anything. In recent days, he also knew more about these cell friends. In fact, these people didn't commit much crime. Several of them just didn't kill the werewolves when they were knights, so they were arrested by Nalong Shaoming according to family law.

"Brother, it's almost time for lunch. You've been sleeping all morning." A thin, blue-haired man's cellmate said kindly.

Bu Jinglei knew that this thin man's nickname was 'Heizi'. He was only 21 years old, but he had been a knight in Long's family for two years. His family was relatively poor. In the past, the family relied on him to be a knight to earn money. Now, his family has fallen into an extremely difficult period. Two younger brothers and one sister have stopped studying and said goodbye every day. People can't earn a few gold coins even if they work hard for a year.

Bu Jinglei was moved by the arrival of his heart. After thinking about it, he said, "Heizi, write me your address. I'll go to your house when I have time."

Heizi was stunned, "What are you going to my house for?"

Bu Jinglei smiled and said, "Look at your hurry, do you treat me as a thief?"

"No, no, I don't think so."

At this time, a basin of hot water came out of Xue Wuhai and smiled, "Heizi, be careful. This young master is interested in your sister. You have to guard against him."

"Haha, impossible, impossible. The young master is so beautiful. Kuroko also laughed.

Bu Jinglei stared at Xue Wuhai fiercely, "As for your nonsense, I haven't seen Heizi's sister yet. How do you know that I'm interested in her? - Heizi, write down the address and I'll go today."

"Go today? What the hell are you going to do?" Kuroko was shocked.

Bu Jinglei said, "What did your mother-in-law do? Write it down, write it quickly!" I have to go to see Ke'er. I'm really worried about her in this nightmare.

While talking, Heizi quickly took the paper and wrote an address.

Bu Jinglei washed his face, "Wai, will you go or not? I told the captain that he would definitely take us out.

Xue Wuhai is going to pour water and said, "I won't go. I'm not interested in his sister."

"You guys talk nonsense and don't pull it down."

Bu Jinglei kicked Xue Wuhai and couldn't help laughing. Then he greeted his cell friends and asked the outside bodyguard to open the door.

The bodyguard had already had Lu Hu's order. Hearing the young master's call, he ran over and opened the door.

Bu Jinglei came out and looked around and looked very carefully. Because he had a nightmare, he felt that something unexpected might really happen, so he was very concerned about everything. However, the cell courtyard was very normal, and there were still only more than 20 bodyguards, standing upright, no different from the past.

At this time, the Luhu came in and came directly this way from afar. Looking at his look, his face was calm and he didn't have a good face. Bu Jinglei was a little alert, and there was a smile on the corners of his mouth. Captain, I have to go out and see my two attendants.

As usual, Bu Jinglei only needs to say hello to the captain if he wants to go out. Except that the time cannot be too long, the captain has no requirements, but this time is an exception.

"Wait." The Lu Hu came close and said.

At this time, Bu Jinglei's eyes quickly moved away from the captain's face and threw it outside. There were a large number of Longjia knights there and ran this way in an orderly manner.