Super College

Chapter 11 Surprise Discovery!

I don't know why, Xiaobai always has such an ominous feeling when he hears Yi Xuanning's words. With such a treacherous voice, he can't guess what strange questions Yi Xuanning has thought of, but Xiaobai has thought about it. If Yi Xuanning asks any questions that should not be answered, he will still answer him in three words. !

"Say it, what do you want to ask? As long as I know, I will tell you everything!" Xiaobai showed an image in Yi Xuanning's mind. A young boy, with a throne sitting under him, looked extremely generous when he spoke, as if he had responded to Yi Xuanning's request.

NND, as soon as you said this, I knew that you didn't have any good intentions!

Thinking about his previous experience, every time he wants to ask Xiaobai a question, as long as Xiaobai says this sentence, he must answer him the most three words. I don't know.

"I chose the refining system in the college. When can I start learning?" Yi Xuanning didn't want to get too many answers, as long as Xiaobai didn't perfunctory himself!

"Anytime, but you are addicted to martial arts every day, and no one can stop you!" Xiaobai looked at Yi Xuanning with a look of contempt and tried to kill this guy in seconds.

"Well, is it expensive to buy medicinal herbs in the college?" Yi Xuanning faced Xiaobai's eyes without any reaction. You should know that he was from a poor family in his previous life, and the unpleasant thing to say was that he was a beggar! Are there still few people despised? I've been used to that kind of look! Most importantly, he knew that Xiaobai was also playing with him, not really contemptuous or despised.

"Are you stupid? There are so many herbs in your world, why do you buy them in the college? Can't you have too many points?" After Xiaobai said this, he began to recall the past. It seems that he hasn't told him about it since the beginning. No wonder he doesn't know.

"Can I bring things from my world to the super college?" Yi Xuanning was even more excited when he heard the news. If so, he could save a lot of points! Originally, he was still thinking that if he tried to refine medicine by himself in the college, would the raw materials of medicinal materials be very expensive? In the college, everything depends on points. Without points, he can't do anything. Now he suddenly hears that the original materials can be brought in. How can he not be excited?

"Yes, I told you before!" When Xiaobai said this, he was obviously a little panicked. He dared to mention this matter. If he didn't say it, maybe Yi Xuanning might not be able to remember it!

"Are you sure you told me?" Yi Xuanning expressed doubts about this. He never remembered what Xiaobai said to himself. If he had really heard such a big thing, he could not be impressed at all!

"Okay, okay, I won't talk to you. You'd better stay in your world during the day and enter the college at night. I'll go first!" Xiaobai suddenly had another bad foreboding. After a sloppy eye, he immediately ran away!

"Well, I didn't say it, but you dared to slander me! Dead Xiaobai! So what am I doing now? Refining is definitely not something that can be learned at once, so there is no need to be so anxious about medicinal materials. By the way, go to the man named Ren Ning and compete with him for martial arts!" At this time, Yi Xuanning suddenly remembered that Ren Ning, who had come to find him that day, was his original good friend! Anyway, there is nothing to do now, so go to him to chat and compete!

Thinking of this, Yi Xuanning got up and went out and walked to Ren Ning's house according to a route her sister told him two days ago!

His sister once told him that Ren Ning was a civilian child like them, but he loved to learn martial arts very much. At the beginning, he became an acquired martial artist with him, but he was still in the early stage, while Yi Xuanning entered the middle of the day afterlife!

However, after arriving at Ren Ning's house, I found that there was no one in the family at all. Ren Ning didn't know where to go, and Yi Xuanning didn't think much about it. Ren Ning is also an adult and has the strength of an acquired martial artist. Anyway, it is impossible to lose it, right?

Since he came out but didn't find anyone, Yi Xuanning was not ready to wait. These days, he has felt the bottleneck in the late days after tomorrow. At the same time, he also found a problem, that is, the aura in the super college is much stronger than that of the outside world! One night of practice in the college is equivalent to three or four days outside!

"Let's go home and have a look at the moves! Master hasn't taught himself in the past two days, so let's learn by himself. Looking at this, I must have learned the original one on the moves. There should be books in this field at home. Go back and study it carefully, and it will definitely be used in future fights!"

If he wanted to learn moves, in fact, it was Yi Xuanning who remembered what happened that day. When he competed with his subordinate named Mu Tianxiang, he didn't use any moves at all. It's not that he didn't want to use it, but that he didn't use it at all! Therefore, Yi Xuanning wants to make up for this knowledge and use it in the future!

After returning home, Yi Xuanning began to look for what he wanted on the bookshelf, that is, some books about martial arts, but after searching on the bookshelf for a long time, he did not find a book about this.

"It's strange. How can it not?" Yi Xuanning was puzzled! Normally, although his current operation mode of internal power is a relatively simple way, it should also be assisted by secrets to learn it! Originally, after he entered the super college, he wanted to use points to buy a better secret book, that is, a higher-level internal power operation method, but the master said that this thing could not be changed. He had to wait until he entered the innate before changing the secret book, otherwise it would be of no good for him!

Therefore, Yi Xuanning can only continue to operate according to the original operation mode!

"What is that?" After searching on the bookshelf for a long time, Yi Xuanning did not find anything about internal power or moves, but when he lay on **, he suddenly found that there seemed to be something on the bookshelf!

With a gentle jump, Yi Xuanning's whole body went over the bookshelf, and at this moment, he saw clearly that there was a box on it! Wooden box, but there is a little dust on this wooden box, so that Yi Xuanning can't see what is written on it clearly!

With another jump, Yi Xuanning reached out and took down the wooden box!

After carefully cleaning the dust on it, Yi Xuanning found that there were no words on the box, but only a strange shape, which looked very exquisite!

"Notes?" After opening the wooden box, two large brush words were written on the cover of the top book. After Yi Xuanning took out the note, he carefully opened it.

Yi Xuanning kept looking at this notebook. On the first page of this notebook, it was written that the word Xuanning was interested in reading it! However, most of them record something about mood and so on!

However, Yi Xuanning still found something useful from it! And these things let him know that there was an impulse to kill!

27930, July 23rd!

Today, I finally gave the first exercise of the Sanyuan Secret Book given to me by Ren Ning, but he did not practice it himself. According to him, this is a skill handed down from his family, but my sister said that the things recorded in this book were wrong and changed it slightly for me, so that I could practice so fast!


March 28th, 17931!

Today, Ren Ning asked me to compete again. As a result, he lost again. When I told him that I was in the late stage of the entry, his whole body suddenly changed, a little different from Ren Ning I knew before. Looking at my eyes was a little incredible, and then I lost and left.


One update.