Super College

Chapter 27 Breakthrough! A brand-marked knife!

Just as the two sisters and brothers hit a state of peace of mind and an anxious protection, the news of their existence spread to the ears of another family.

"Grandpa, the two wild species in Miss's house have arrived, and now they are staying in Hongfu Inn! Do you want us..." In the room, two men stood together, one in a black dress, and the other in light yellow clothes. The biggest difference between the two is that one wears noble clothes and the other is a servant's clothes.

It was the man in black who spoke.

"No, tomorrow is the owner's birthday banquet. Let them come here first. Also, the killer organization is so unreliable that it was killed by these two little beasts. You can warn them. After the banquet, I will give them another chance. If it still doesn't succeed, let them refund the money! Hundreds of thousands of gold is also a large amount for me! If the owner knows about this, even if I am his son, it won't work!" The tone of the middle-aged man in light yellow clothes can make the man in black feel a murderous intention.

"Yes, the little one will do it!" After the man in black answered quickly, he withdrew from the man in yellow's room as quickly as possible!

"Yi Xuanning, Yi Xuanfeng! You two are very happy, but you will never make you feel better next time. Sister, you think well that you have arranged for your son and daughter to come and rob my property before you die! But don't worry, our Situ Jian will never let your plan succeed!" This man in yellow is the uncle of Yi Xuanning's two siblings!

At this time, the two did not know that they sent a killer to kill themselves. It turned out to be this uncle who had never met!

At this time, seven hours have passed, and Yi Xuanning still has to leave the college, but the impact work is still not completed, but he is unconscious of the impact.

Time passed minute by. At this time, Yi Xuanning's master Wan Yan was sitting next to him and kept watching his change. His face was not worried. He had also sat here for seven hours and had been here since Yi Xuanning closed his eyes!

"How could this happen? Fifty times the gathering array is not enough at all? A few minutes later, Wan Yan finally found something wrong with Yi Xuanning! Originally, it was very simple for people at the level of Yi Xuanning to want to impact the future success, and there would not be much aura needed. The reason why Wanyan asked him to exchange a 50-fold gathering array was that the super college did not choose casually when selecting students.

In human beings, when some people are born, their mental energy is greater than others, and people whose mental energy is larger than ordinary people will be larger than others while absorbing energy. In addition, Yi Xuanning constantly cultivates his body under the guidance of Wan Yan, making the body with a large capacity become more Add crazy!

"Forget it, who made you my apprentice! Let's change a hundred-fold gathering array for you!" After Wan Yan figured it out, he was also happy for his apprentice, because he knew that the more he absorbed it, the better it would be for Yi Xuanning's future. Although it would be very troublesome every time he hit the realm, the benefits outweighed the disadvantages!

After talking to himself, with a wave of his hand, the gathering array under Yi Xuanning began to change. After several simple positions were transformed, the aura in the whole gathering array immediately became stronger, while Yi Xuanning was like a long-arid field that met the water source and began Crazy absorption, this speed makes Wan Yan feel shocked!

This state lasted for more than ten minutes. After more than ten minutes, Yi Xuanning's body finally reached a saturated state. At this time, he also successfully broke through the later stage of the day after tomorrow and reached the great perfection of the day after tomorrow, only one step away from the congenital period! At this time, the internal force in his body is more than five times higher than that of ordinary acquired warriors!

That is to say, he can basically compete with five acquired warriors alone!

"Master!" After everything was completed, Yi Xuanning opened his eyes and saw Wan Yan at first glance. At this time, Wan Yan was looking at Yi Xuanning with a smile.

"Yeah, good job. Although I didn't reach the congenital stage this time, there were also unexpected surprises. Generally speaking, this practice was quite successful." Wan Yan is quite satisfied with his apprentice. Whether in terms of talent or perseverance, Yi Xuanning's performance makes him very satisfied. Although Yi Xuanning's qualifications are not the best, he is the kind of person who is willing to work hard and work hard. In addition, his luck is very good and can get super Wan Yan really valued this apprentice in such an anti-sky thing as a college!

"Master, it's getting late. I'll go back first!" Yi Xuanning adapted to the new realm and almost felt it, then said.

"Wait a minute, how many points do you have?" Wan Yan did not let Yi Xuanning go back, but asked a question.

Points? There are 299 more! But now it seems to have increased again. When I woke up just now, I heard the voice of the system saying that I had upgraded my level and rewarded 1,000 points. That is to say, I have 1299 points now! What's the matter, master?" After Yi Xuanning got the reward points, he calculated that he didn't seem to have suffered any losses. Although the points were less, his strength has become much stronger now!

"The boxing you showed me last time is only suitable for attacks, so I suggest you exchange points for a defense secret now, so that you won't be in any danger outside!" Wan Yan told Yi Xuanning his thoughts with a smile.

"Bear by the way, master, my boxing can't be used for the time being, so I also want to change an offensive secret book, and I don't have that weapon! You said you were my master, right? Aren't these things prepared by the master for his apprentice?" At this time, Yi Xuanning suddenly remembered that after worshipping the master, it seemed that the master did not give secret weapons or anything, so now he wanted to cheat ten thousand words!


An unspeakable expression appeared on Wan Yan's face. Embarrassment, regret, sadness, and various situations appeared on his face at the same time. Yi Xuanning was entangled in his heart, not just for something! As for showing such a bitter face?

After listening to Yi Xuanning's words, Wan Yan hit his forehead fiercely with his hand. Who can be blamed? I can only blame myself for being the worst! If you didn't mention it just now, nothing would happen! Poor Wanyan, I just spent 1,000 points to exchange Yi Xuanning for a 100-fold gathering array, and now he has been asked by this guy for secrets and weapons! You know, Yi Xuanning only used 1 point to find this master!

"Okay, I'll give it to you, but this is the first and last time. You don't want to get anything else from me! Here, this is a knife. This is a treasure. I used it at the beginning! You must be careful. Now your strength can't give full play to 1% of its strength. If you dare to lose him, don't come to see me!" With that, a big knife more than one meter long appeared in Wan Yan's hand out of thin air. There were many irregular patterns painted on the knife, but Yi Xuanning looked so symmetrical, and the defense of these patterns was deliberately made.

"Master, don't worry, since you have used it, I will be more careful and promise that I won't lose your reputation, but... I don't agree with what you just said!" It's not a dream to give yourself such a thing! Yi Xuanning heard from Xiaobai that the master is a landlord, who often uses points to enjoy various benefits of the college, and drinks at least 2,000 points a bottle of wine!


Once the update arrives, there is no collection! One second of things! Thank you!