Super College

Chapter 48 Revealed!

"Gee you one last chance to name the people behind you, otherwise, I will kill you one by one!" Yi Xuanning doesn't want to delay any more. The noise just now was a little loud. Who knows when it will provoke other people? So it's better to solve this kind of thing quickly!


"Am I the devil? OK, then I'll send you to death!" Yi Xuanning didn't plan to let these three people go back alive. He still can't do the stupid thing of letting the tiger back to the mountain! As soon as he finished his words, one of the middle-aged men in black began to dress up there, exactly the same as the one just now. Yi Xuanning showed no mercy and waved his hand with a knife!

"Do you choose to say? Or die?" After killing the man, Yi Xuanning began to ask another person. When the man's eyes flashed with hesitation, Yi Xuanning did not hesitate at all and sent the man to Huangquan with a knife.

"What about you?" After the second person died, there was only the boss left among the seven people in black. As soon as Yi Xuanning finished asking, the old man opened his mouth without any hesitation!

"It's madam! All this was done by our wife!" The only man in black left can't stand it at all. He is afraid that if he hesitates a little, he will die!

"Madam? Who is the lady?" Hearing the answer, Yi Xuanning knew that his goal had been achieved. The reason why he wanted to kill the two people in front of him just now was to defeat the boss's psychological defense line. Yi Xuanning also knew that the boss might commit suicide in order to keep the secret, but he still kept the boss to the end. The reason was This boss must know the most!

But good thing, this time, Yi Xuanning won the bet. No matter how loyal he is, he will be afraid of death! This boss did not give up his life because of loyalty!

However, when this answer came out of the boss's mouth, Yi Xuanning was puzzled. In his impression, their sister and brother, or himself, had never provoked any wife. Originally, Yi Xuanning thought that the old party would say uncle, but when he said his wife, Yi Xuanning's mind went blank.

"You don't know who your wife is? Do you know your own identity? Hearing Yi Xuanning's words, the boss was also puzzled and then said the words in his heart. The boss seems to have forgotten that he was a prisoner at this time!

"You seem to have forgotten your current identity! Answer my question, who is the lady? Of course, Yi Xuanning doesn't know his identity, but he can't be too obvious and can only quickly change the topic.

"Madam, is your father's current wife. It was because of this woman that your father abandoned your mother. At the beginning, the family had a little problem in the imperial dynasty, so it urgently needed a marriage to save the family, and the family that married the Yi family was the first-class family, the Zhang family, and the current wife is Zhang Yun! It was also the marriage that brought the family back to life, and the third master also married his wife because of this matter. The man in black was stared at by Yi Xuanning and immediately shivered. He already felt that there was a murderous atmosphere on Yi Xuanning, so he immediately began to answer Yi Xuanning's question.

"Tell me about this lady!" Yi Xuanning calmed down his excitement, and his life and his sister had been unlocked! Yijia! The two of them are from the Yi family. At the beginning, he and his sister thought about their identity, and they also thought that they might be the Yi family in the five first-class families in the capital, but they have never received accurate information, because when their mother left, they left no words!

"Zhang Yun is the youngest lady of the Zhang family. Although she is the youngest of the same age, she is deeply favored by Zhang Shengde, the head of the Zhang family. If it hadn't been for his wife's insistence on marrying the third master, I'm afraid that the Yi family would have been removed from history! And my wife is not a good stubble, and it is not too cruel. We have been with her for more than ten years, so we have also seen her poisonous methods! Your mother was also killed by your wife!" In order to survive, the boss didn't care about anything and told all the secrets he knew!

"My mother was killed by this lady's men? I hope you don't lie to me, or I will make your life worse than death!" Hearing the last sentence, Yi Xuanning finally couldn't calm down. This sentence deeply stuck in Yi Xuanning's heart. Although he didn't have the appearance of his mother in his memory or even have any impression, he knew from his sister that his mother was a very kind person and never provoked others, and also in the town. It left a very good impression, but this woman sent someone to kill her mother!

"I absolutely didn't lie, absolutely not! Every sentence is true! Moreover, the people who carried out this task in those years, like us, were my wife's subordinates!" At this time, the boss did not dare to tell a lie. Several of his brothers were dead. He didn't want to help her with his wife. He just wanted to find a place to live in seclusion and live the life he wanted to live. He had already had enough of this kind of big killing!

"Who is this person?" Yi Xuanning took everything back step by step. At this time, he didn't hate the father who abandoned them. His father did this for the family. Although his father hasn't come back for so many years, which is a little too much, Zhang Yun is the most hateful person! At this time, a seed of revenge has been planted in Yi Xuanning's heart. At this time, Yi Xuanning only wants to avenge his mother who has never met, whether for his sister, the dead Yi Xuanning, or for himself!

"I answered this question, would you like to let me go?" This boss Li Ang is not a stupid man. He knows that now he is not dead because he knows a lot of things and is also useful to Yi Xuanning, so he is not dead. But if he finishes speaking with the only chip, I'm afraid he will die!

"Do you think you are qualified to negotiate with me now?" Yi Xuanning can't give him a chance at all. Only by holding all the initiative in his own hands, then everything is true. Once this person takes the initiative away, I'm afraid he can't help but want to know something! And Yi Xuanning's original intention was to kill this person after finishing all the secrets!

"This man's name is Chen Yan! He is the first hitter under his wife! It is said that his strength has reached the highest level of innate. There are rumors that he has broken through the innate, but this is only a rumor and has not been confirmed!" Li Ang took a deep breath. After thinking for a moment, he still said what he knew, because a solution suddenly came to his mind. He believed that Yi Xuanning would promise to let him go!

"Where is he now?" Yi Xuanning was very satisfied with Li Ang's attitude. At the same time, he also decided that the first goal of revenge was this person named Chen Yan! It was this man who killed his mother with his own hands, so he must die!

"This person usually never leaves his wife unless there is a major task, but this person will often go to the Imperial College, because the wife's two sons are in it, including the eldest master and the young master of the second master's family, who also study there!" Li Ang spoke very fast, but he was not clear. Yi Xuanning understood as soon as he heard it!

"Let me ask you one last question. Did the Situ family participate in your activity?" Originally, Yi Xuanning didn't want to ask again, because he was afraid that his sister would wait too long, because it had been around for so long, and it was already noon. But it was because he remembered his sister that he remembered his grandfather and the uncle who made him suspicious!

"Yes, it was because the Situ family informed the wife that the husband sent us to kill your two sisters and brothers! The reason is that the old man of the Situ family wants to lean on the mountain of his wife. Only by leaning against the mountain of his wife can their Situ family get up so that they don't have to look up to the face of the Yun family!"

After listening to Li Ang's words, Yi Xuanning felt a stuffy chest. In addition, there was an original injury, and the blood in his body suddenly spewed out of his mouth, and a dark blood shot out of Yi Xuanning's mouth like an arrow!

In fact, he had only thought that this matter was related to the Situ family, but he did not expect that it was done by his grandfather. After so many days, his grandfather was good to him. He kept it in his heart all the time, but at this time, Li Ang's words of this certain news still made him a little unbearable!

"Okay, you can die!" After taking two deep breaths, Yi Xuanning said this cold sentence that made Li Ang's heart cold!

"Wait!" Just as Yi Xuanning waved the knife, Li Ang roared and made Yi Xuanning stop waving the knife in his hand.


It's another busy day, still two more, and the next one is around 11 o'clock!

Thank you to all the friends who have collected it!