Super College

Chapter 59 The Ninth Secret Land!

Yi Xuanning followed Master Wan Yan without saying a word, but quietly followed, constantly looking at the things around him. In a blink of an eye, the two of them came to a street. There is no one on this nearly five-meter-wide street, which makes Yi Xuanning look a little uncomfortable!

"Does it feel strange? Why can't anyone see such a big street? Wan Yan seemed to see through Yi Xuanning's thoughts at this time and turned his head and asked.

"Yes, why are there more than 100,000 students in the college? Why is there no one? Does it mean that our college has the smallest number of people in the five colleges? After hearing what the master asked, Yi Xuanning said what was from his heart.

"This has nothing to do with the five colleges. In fact, the number of people in each college is similar, but the total is not more than 100,000. Although the connectors of some colleges have been sent out, they have not been predestined. You know, why do super colleges use super? This college is very big, but you didn't find it!" As Wan Yan said and walked, the two of them had arrived at the door of a room.

[Mercenary Academy]

The three big words hovered directly above the gate without any support. Yi Xuanning could only feel that these three words brought him some kind of pressure, as if there was no.

"Let's go in!" Wan Yan also looked at the three big words above, smiled and said to Yi Xuanning, then walked in, and Yi Xuanning quickly followed.

"Oh? So many people today?" As soon as Yi Xuanning, who followed Wan Yan, entered the door, he heard the master say this in front of him in a surprised tone!

You know, if so many people appear together, something will happen! If you come normally, I guess one or two people will be good!

When Wan Yan and Yi Xuanning came in, everyone's eyes in the room focused on the two people.

"Oh, who do I think I am? It turned out to be Brother Wan!" Wan Yan was just about to walk in the direction of the counter when a sharp voice came from the side, which made Yi Xuanning very uncomfortable to listen. Just by listening to this tone, you can feel that this person and the master may have a little grudge!

"Wanyan, you're here!" Wan Yan ignored the man and continued to walk to the counter, and Yi Xuanning also followed him. When Wan Yan walked to the side of the counter, a middle-aged uncle in the counter greeted him.

"Brother Hong! What has happened recently? After seeing the people in the counter, Wan Yan immediately put a smile on his face and said his doubts.

"You don't know? The secret world of Tianyuan is about to open!" The man called Hong Ge by Wan Yan, named Hong Lei, is the head of the mercenary court. When he heard Wan Yan's question, he laughed.

"Tianyuan Secret Land?" Wan Yan's mouth was wide open. Obviously, this incident surprised him too much! Yi Xuanning on the side had an ignorant expression. He had never heard of this secret place of Tianyuan.

"Yes, if not, do you think these people will come?" Although Hong Lei's face was smiling, it had a sarcastic charm, which seemed to be laughing at these people.

"How long will it take to start?" Wan Yan's face showed a trace of tension, and obviously valued this secret place of Tianyuan!

"There are only two hours left! Then go to the Central College to concentrate! They will send people in! Fortunately, you came in time, otherwise your disciples would have missed this opportunity!" Hong Lei pinched his fingers, and the beginning time of Tianyuan's secret land appeared in his heart.

"Xuanning, let's go back first and come back in two hours! Brother Hong, let's go first!" After listening to this time, Wan Yan hurriedly pulled Yi Xuanning out of the mercenary courtyard.

Yi Xuanning has not understood everything yet. He just understood a little bit, as if it was the secret place of Tianyuan. Yi Xuanning was very curious, but at this time, Wan Yan did not give him a chance to speak at all. He directly pulled him and ran back to the practice field!

"Master, what's going on?" After the two stopped, Yi Xuanning grabbed the gap and asked in a low voice.

"There is not much time, so I will give you a brief introduction! Sit down first. If there is any problem on the way, you must wait until I finish speaking! Don't interrupt me in the middle!" After Wan Yan finished speaking, he sat underground, and Yi Xuanning also sat next to him.

"In the college, there are nine secret secrets! And Tianyuan Secret Land is one of them, ranking nine! The opening time of each secret place is not fixed! But random, when the secret world is about to start, the portal at Central College will open! And this period is only two hours!

That is to say, from someone knowing that the secret land will open to the secret land closing, it is only two hours. This time we are lucky, otherwise we may not be able to catch up!

There are all kinds of treasures, medicinal herbs, all kinds of ores, and weapons that I don't know who left there. Of course, compared with the weapons there, the chopping knife I gave you can only be regarded as medium-low! And these babies are a condition that attracts everyone to go!

Of course, opportunities are accompanied by crises! With so many treasures in Tianyuan's secret land, of course, there is no danger! There are all kinds of fierce beasts in it! Remember, it's a fierce beast. This kind of fierce beast is different from a monster. If the monster has some of its own thoughts, then these fierce beasts are a weapon! There is only one idea in their consciousness! That's killing! Once they find out, there are only two things to do, one is that you kill him and the other is that he kills you!

You must remember in the secret place and be ready at all times! After entering, you will stay inside for a year, but you don't have to worry. All this secret places have time to change. If you stay inside for a year, it will probably be just a moment outside! So you don't have to worry about this aspect! Well, what's the problem now? You can ask!"

Wan Yan said a lot in a row, and there was no chance to interrupt Yi Xuanning in the middle.

"Master, is there no level limit for people who enter the secret land?" Yi Xuanning also knew that there was not much time at this time, and the master was already hurrying up, and he would not talk nonsense again. Even if he singled out the most important question and asked it, this question was very important to Yi Xuanning!

"You asked this question very well. You are right. There is no level limit!" Wan Yan looked at Yi Xuanning with approval. It can be praised for asking such a question in such a short time!

"How powerful are the fierce beasts there? If the level is too high, wouldn't it be miserable for us to have such a low level? The first thing Yi Xuanning thought of was that if all people could go in, would he be a little too miserable? If the level was so low, in case he met a fierce beast, wouldn't it be finished, but those masters were fine!

"You don't have to worry about this. The college has thought of it for a long time!" Wan Yan said with a smile, "The college has considered this problem for a long time! If you are in a secret world, if you are alone, whether you can meet a powerful beast depends on your luck! If you are lucky, maybe you will encounter fierce beasts lower than you in this year. If you are unlucky, you will encounter fierce beasts higher than you, but don't have to worry. Such a task in the college is nothing more than to want you to experience, so you can meet at most than yourself. Two levels of fierce beasts!

And that situation is still when you are unlucky, so I also want to remind you not to team up with too many people at your level. In that case, you may be cannon fodder!"

"One more thing to remember is that in the secret world, you may die again! If you die in the secret world, then you are completely dead!"


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