Super College

Chapter 66 Bachelor!

When Yi Xuanning's body flew up, King Kong felt something was wrong!

A sense of crisis, yes, it's a sense of crisis! With his IQ, he can't guess what Yi Xuanning wants to do, but the cold light on Yi Xuanning's knife exudes a strong murderous atmosphere!

King Kong wanted to block Yi Xuanning's knife with his most solid arm, but there was nothing he could do, because his own speed was very slow, otherwise he would not have been able to catch Yi Xuanning for such a long time, but Yi Xuanning's knife had already cut at him. At this time, he had no time to dodge!

At this time, King Kong finally realized that Yi Xuanning was going to attack his eyes. He also knew that his eyes were his weakness, but there was nothing he could do. He had no time to stop this blow! In an emergency, King Kong could only close his eyes, hoping that his eyelids could hurt himself less!

King Kong thought of it, but it was too late, and he ignored the power of Yi Xuanning's knife. Yuantong knife method itself is a skill that focuses on attack, and now, Yi Xuanning's attack is still the weakest place of King Kong. How can he only bring a little damage to King Kong?

In an instant, the knife entered King Kong's eye!

With this knife, Yi Xuanning gambled on his life! At such a close distance, if Yi Xuanning's knife did not pierce King Kong's eyes, it would be King Kong's anger to greet him! And I'm afraid he will also face death! Fortunately, he succeeded. The Fu brand knife penetrated deeply into King Kong's eyes, and the tip of the knife came out of the back of King Kong's head!

After King Kong was stabbed, his whole body began to tremble violently, and his whole body was almost crazy! Yi Xuanning grabbed the knife in one hand, but he couldn't control it at all, and the knife seemed to be stuck in it. No matter how Yi Xuanning pulled it out, Yi Xuanning was dizzy by the crazy King Kong at this time!

can only let go! In desperation, Yi Xuanning finally let go of the handle of the knife! The whole person was thrown out again, and this time it was more powerful than the last time King Kong dumped him! However, Yi Xuanning was ready. At the moment he was thrown out, Yi Xuanning held into a group. After falling to the ground, he rolled a few times in the cracks between many big trees and landed safely!

And that King Kong is still struggling! And all the trees around King Kong were beaten up under his fury. There is no complete tree around King Kong!

At this time, Yi Xuanning can only hide aside and look at the dynamics of King Kong. Now the only way is to wait for blood to keep flowing out of the place where King Kong was stabbed. Yi Xuanning believes that it won't be long before the blood of King Kong will be finished!

At this time, King Kong suddenly grabbed Yi Xuanning's rune knife with his claws. After roaring, he suddenly pulled it out. When the rune knife was pulled out from the position of King Kong's eyes, the blood gushed out faster! And the severe pain made King Kong even more crazy!

At this time, Yi Xuanning's knife had become his weapon. Under the continuous wave, a wider range of trees were destroyed, and Yi Xuanning saw that King Kong was about to cut this side, and hurriedly retreated back more than ten meters again!

"Boom•••" just as Yi Xuanning turned around and ran back, there was a loud noise behind him. When Yi Xuanning's face turned around, his whole face suddenly changed color!

"Damn, how can I take it out?" It turned out that King Kong inserted the Fu brand knife into the huge stone next to the cave in anger! The whole knife was inserted, leaving only one handle!

It's really hard for Yi Xuanning to imagine that King Kong inserted the Fu brand-named knife in in anger. How can he take it out! At this time, Yi Xuanning only wanted King Kong to die quickly. He really wanted to go there quickly and pull out the knife. What if the master sent the blade was rolled up?

King Kong tossed for a while, and his blood also flowed a lot. Under Yi Xuanning's amazement, this King Kong, which almost left Yi Xuanning's life, finally fell to the ground.

At this time, Yi Xuanning was still looking from afar. He knew that it was not the past, and he did not know the life and death of King Kong. In case he was attacked in the past, it would be a big loss! At this time, Yi Xuanning can't practice, and he can't go in the past. He can only look at it from afar here!

He dares not practice, because he is afraid that in case a King Kong appears again, then he may really explain it here today, let alone in the past!

Time passes by minute by minute, and Yi Xuanning has a feeling that he can't wait!

"It's been almost an hour. This King Kong should be dead, right?" After asking himself, Yi Xuanning finally began to slowly walk in the direction of King Kong's fall.

Just when Yi Xuanning was about to walk to King Kong, an unexpected thing happened!

King Kong, who Yi Xuanning thought was dead, suddenly turned over and suddenly rushed to Yi Xuanning!

Yi Xuanning immediately changed his direction, his legs suddenly, and his body was as sensitive as a monkey. He got up, grabbed the tree trunk, turned over, jumped, and finally jumped safely to a tree in the distance.

At this time, he has begun to sweat coldly. If he hadn't been smart just now, I'm afraid he would have been hit by King Kong!

"How can this beast have such a high IQ!" Yi Xuanning cursed in his heart and looked at King Kong, and after jumping, King Kong fell down again.

[System prompts, in the secret realm of Tianyuan, the giant ape was captured! The strength is comparable to the integration period, with 5000 reward points and 1000 experience. I hope all students will continue to work hard!]

Just when Yi Xuanning wanted to wait and see again, the cold voice of the system echoed in Yi Xuanning's mind.

"It turns out that this guy is back to the light!" After listening to the sound of the system, Yi Xuanning breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't know that the system would give a hint, but now as soon as the system prompted, it means that the King Kong is dead!

"Dear students?" After a sigh of relief, Yi Xuanning recalled the last sentence of the system prompt just now. According to such a tone, I'm afraid that this sound is transmitted to all those who come in, that is to say, everyone can hear it! However, to Yi Xuanning's fortunately, the system did not publish his name. If it is announced, he may become the object of everyone's attention!

Just as Yi Xuanning wanted to go and clean up King Kong's body, a system message stopped him.

[System prompt, apprentice Yi Xuanning upgraded to a bachelor, please continue to work hard!]

"Have you been upgraded to a bachelor?" Hearing this news, Yi Xuanning immediately thought of the title in the college, which requires experience to upgrade, and after he killed King Kong just now, he seemed to have gained 1000 experience!

Just after Yi Xuanning figured it out and wanted to collect the body for King Kong, he didn't know that even if the system did not report his name, it caused a lot of speculation!

On the vast prairie, outside the wind blowing the grass, everything was completely normal, but just after the system released the news, there was a trace of abnormal movement in a very ordinary place!

After a moment, a person's head stretched out of the grass, with a suspicious look in his eyes, and then dived into the grass again.

If Yi Xuanning was present at this time, he would definitely be recognized by the strange costume of this person. This person is Li Zhihan, who has won the championship four times in a row!

"I didn't expect that someone would hunt food earlier than me this time! It seems that it's impossible to kill too much! The first one this time is still mine. Don't think about it!" Li Zhihan has gone into the eyes of the grass, flashing a cold look, like a poisonous snake staring at his food.

A moment later, a huge monster rushed out of another piece of grass!


Today, I'm still on the new book list, but this is better. Now it's the sixth. Please help me and top five!

There will be a big outbreak this Saturday!

Are you looking forward to it?