Super College

Chapter 71 Congenited Perfection!

Now, everything is ready and only owes the east wind!

Yi Xuanning knows that you only need to absorb more aura to break through and enter the innate perfection! The only thing now is to absorb more Reiki!

"Xiaobai, change me a hundred times the gathering array. It doesn't matter how many points you use! Hurry up!" At this time, Yi Xuanning also risked his life. He knew that he could definitely break through in a few days of his practice, but he couldn't wait. Now he couldn't wait. Although he didn't know what the other people were doing now, he could think that I'm afraid these people were trying to enter the third-level map. And work hard!

He himself is a little worse than others, so at this time, it is not the time to feel distressed about the points. As long as he works harder, he can break through at the fastest speed and be the first to enter the third-level map and get the rewards of the system!

"I understand!" Xiaobai also knew that this was not the time to joke, so after saying two words neatly, he began to exchange the spiritual array!

"Okay!" A moment later, Xiaobai's voice sounded in Yi Xuanning's mind, and then Yi Xuanning felt that the aura around him began to be abundant! And there is a continuous trend of gathering!

Yi Xuanning knows that Xiaobai has used the gathering array! Then, Yi Xuanning ignored Xiaobai and began to absorb the aura in the air, let his internal strength continue to increase, and make the final preparations for the breakthrough!

As time went by, Yi Xuanning gradually felt that the internal force in his body had reached a peak that could be stored! And part of these internal forces also began to change. Yi Xuanning didn't know how to express this change in words, as if it were a change in density!

Thinking of this, Yi Xuanning immediately stopped absorbing the aura of the outside world and stopped all the absorption. Now all he has to do is compress!

Yes, it's compression!

The internal force in your body is enough, and it is useless to absorb the aura! And it is imperative to make changes to these internal forces themselves!

After taking a deep breath, Yi Xuanning began to mobilize all the internal forces to Dantian according to what he thought. What he had to do was to squeeze, compress, and finally make changes in Dantian!

Now, a very small part of his internal force has changed. These things are easy to find. If the internal force that has not changed is a piece of white paper, the changed internal force is ink. When a little ink drops on the white paper, it can be seen at a glance!

Yi Xuanning keeps squeezing the internal force into Dantian in order to make all the internal force be compressed like that!

Feeling that the internal force in his body is constantly being squeezed and compressed. At this time, Yi Xuanning also suffered some pain. Dantian had a feeling of swelling, as if he was about to be broken, but Yi Xuanning still gritted his teeth and endured it. At this time, no one could help him. Only he persisted. He Only then can we succeed!

Huang Tian lived up to his heart. With Yi Xuanning's continuous efforts, he finally began to be unable to stand internal forces. These internal forces were like cells, starting to be two-in-one. With the first one to accept this kind of extrusion, everything else is nothing, and they all began to merge one after another!

Although the transformation of internal forces began to reduce Yi Xuanning some of the burden, Yi Xuanning found that after a squeeze fusion of internal forces, it was completely different from the initial part that had been integrated, as if it still lacked a little heat!

After more than three hours of the first comprehensive integration, Yi Xuanning immediately launched the second squeeze and fusion! But the second time is more difficult than expected!

Just now, Yi Xuanning just squeezed, and the internal force began to merge, but this time, when Yi Xuanning wanted them to integrate a second time, it was much more difficult than the first time!

This time, it has been seven hours!

When the second fusion was completed, the internal forces in Yi Xuanning's body had been fully integrated, but at this time, he still did not break through to the congenital perfection!

"Reabsorb!" Yi Xuanning didn't know whether he was wrong at the beginning or whether the internal strength in his body was not enough. After thinking for a moment, Yi Xuanning decided to absorb it all the time. He didn't believe that he didn't break through!

This time, after the aura around his body enters the body, it is directly transformed into the more advanced energy in his body than the internal force! This also made Yi Xuanning breathe a sigh of relief. If his resorption of aura still needs him to compress and convert, he will really cry to death!

"Finally, it's going to break through!" More than an hour passed, and Yi Xuanning finally felt that the latest energy in his body had reached a peak. It seemed that the breakthrough was not far away!

At this time, the aura around Yi Xuanning's body seemed to be subject to some kind of interference and began to inject into Yi Xuanning's body. This time, it was completely injected, and it was not what Yi Xuanning wanted to absorb at all! His body also seemed to be crazy. He began to transform and absorb constantly. Originally, Yi Xuanning thought that he could no longer absorb it, but at this time he sent a letter that he was wrong!

"Breakthrough!" When most of the aura around Yi Xuanning entered his body, the long-lost breakthrough finally arrived! It feels like a thin film has been ribbed in the body! At the same time, he felt that his strength had increased greatly!

"Is this the realm of innate perfection?" Yi Xuanning stood up, clenched his fist, and felt the surging energy in his body. He was really excited and happy!

After a short rest, Yi Xuanning still turned around and looked into the small lake in front of him. After being aggrieved for so long, what he had to do now was to see what the one at the bottom of the lake was and whether it was the gate to the third-level map! Without thinking much, Yi Xuanning jumped down!

At the same time, students from other places in the secret world are also constantly working hard, one of which is Li Zhihan, and the other is Xiao Bing, who talked to Yi Xuanning!

At this time, Li Zhihan only had a pair of shorts left all over his body, and the sweat on his body kept flowing down like rain. The road under his feet has been wet with sweat!

Looking at the stone gate less than three meters in front of him and feeling the invisible gravity, Li Zhihan's eyes gradually blurred. At this time, he was completely relying on perseverance to move forward, and it took a lot of effort to move forward every centimeter! After so many days of practice, Li Zhihan came here again and has walked 97 meters. With only three meters, he can succeed!

At this time, he doesn't want to give up. Once he gives up, he doesn't know how long he will have to practice, so he has been sticking here. Every time he moves a little, he will rest for a long time and move forward after he gets used to it!


The second update has arrived, and the third chapter has been written, probably after three o'clock, and now I will continue to write the fourth chapter!

I'm going to write about exhaustion today!

Please collect and collect!

Thank you!