Super College

Chapter 73 Mysterious Man!

Although three people have entered the third-level map, and the remaining students who have not entered are still working hard, no one complains, because these people have seen too many such scenes. They have good talent and strong strength. It is right to enter, because the college will not cheat!

Although the three people entered in a row, which brought them a little blow, they were not discouraged. Everyone understood that everything depends on opportunity and strength, and they believe that hard work will succeed!

The fact that three people entered the third-level map made other students excited. All the colleges that did not enter began to work hard towards the third-level map!

His eyes slowly opened, and Yi Xuanning only felt that his body would bring severe pain every time he moved! And there seems to be no internal force in my body!

"Where is this place?" Yi Xuanning ninja was in pain and shook his head left and right, hoping to see what kind of place it was, but there was darkness around, and there was nothing else!

"Xiao Bai, do you know where this is? Xiaobai!" At this time, Yi Xuanning had no one to talk to Xiaobai, but Xiaobai did not reply this time. Yi Xuanning did not know why. Normally, as long as he called himself, Xiaobai would have replied, but this time, no matter how much he called, Xiaobai did not reply!

"What the hell is this place!" Yi Xuanning whispered, but there was no actual action. He wanted to stand up, but there was nothing he could do. He had no strength all over his body and lost his internal strength. When he wanted to absorb some aura to recover his internal strength, he found that there was no aura in this darkness!

"You're awake!" Just as Yi Xuanning closed his eyes and thought, an old voice suddenly came from his side, which scared him into a cold sweat. But at this time, he did not open his eyes, because he felt that there was a dazzling light outside. If he opened his eyes at this time, I'm afraid his eyes would hurt!

After getting used to it a little, Yi Xuanning finally opened his eyes. At this time, he found that a door seemed to be opened not far away from him! There was a dazzling light outside, and a man stood at the door. Because of the light problem, he couldn't see the man's face clearly.

"Who are you?" Yi Xuanning still can't move, so she can only look at the man and ask.

"Who am I? I don't know who I am. I've been here for too long and I've forgotten! You shouldn't be able to move now, but I can help you!" After two wry smiles, the figure seemed to wave his hand, and then felt the energy! Yes, it's energy!

This energy is so pure, and it also emits a faint golden light. After entering Yi Xuanning's body, he began to repair some shabby body crazily.

Yi Xuanning felt only two words at this time, which was comfortable! The whole body seems to be wrapped in sunshine, and all the pain and all the negative effects have disappeared!

"Get up, your body should be almost recovered. Come out and chat with me!" The man seemed to be a little impatient. After saying that, he left the door.

"Who the hell is this person? According to the door, if you press the black button, you will die, but you can feel the pain. Isn't it a sign that you are still alive? Also, what is this place? Why can't I wash Xiaobai first? Also, what kind of energy does that person use? Why do I feel that that energy is equivalent to the sum of all the internal forces in my body? Yi Xuanning had too many questions in his heart, but he didn't know where to find the answer. Now his body has almost recovered, so after hearing the man's voice, he got up and walked out.

When he walked out of the door, he found that the one who made such an old voice just now turned out to be a young man who looked about his age! At this time, the young man was sitting next to a table with a wine bottle and two wine glasses on the table. The man ignored Yi Xuanning, but was drinking alone.

"Excuse me, what is this place?" As Yi Xuanning asked, he looked at this place and looked from the place where Yi Xuanning stood. This place looks only a few hundred square meters, but there is everything, such as sunshine, trees, flowers and plants, springs. Yi Xuanning doesn't know where the light here came from and where the spring comes from. When he turned around and looked at the dark room behind him, there was nothing left!

"Here? It sounds good. It's a paradise on earth. It's a prison!" It's still the old voice, but it sounds a little helpless.

"Prison? Can't you get out of here?" Yi Xuanning slowly walked to the young man and couldn't believe this person's words, but this person's words seemed to be real, and it seemed that this person had been here for a long time!

"Since I got here, I have never wanted to go out, and I can't go out! Here, I eat and drink every day, and I am carefree. Apart from being a little lonely, I can no longer find anything wrong here. I have been here for too long, and I don't even know how long!" The teenager looked at Yi Xuanning, motioned him to sit down, and then poured another glass full of wine and put it in front of Yi Xuanning.

"Why are you locked up here?" Yi Xuanning was a little flustered and couldn't get out? Do you want to be locked up here? Now he doesn't know how he pressed the black button with a knife. He only knew that he came over after being shrouded in black light! After saying that, Yi Xuanning picked up the glass and put it on his mouth and drank it gently. After the last time he was drunk, Yi Xuanning had a little fear of the wine! But when he took a small sip, there was only one feeling in his mouth, as if he was drinking water, but there was enough aura in the water!

"Don't look at it. This is water, which is the spring there. I haven't drunk wine for a long time. I have forgotten the taste of wine for a long time!" The young man's eyes showed yearning, which made Yi Xuanning only feel that this person was so pitiful. Then he thought of a few jars of wine in his ring that he had not had time to give to the master Wanyan!

"I have it!" With that, Yi Xuanning took out a jar of wine from his ring and put it on the table. When he took the wine, he checked it out that there were probably more than a dozen jars in the ring!

"Is this really wine?" The young man suddenly stood up, hugged the wine taken out by Yi Xuanning, and put it in front of him!


The fourth update, don't say anything, give tickets if you have tickets, and collect them if you don't have a collection!

Go on to write! Please support me, thank you, brothers!