Super College

Chapter 85 On the Eve of the Great War!

"You're welcome. We are in the same class now. We should help each other!" Yi Xuanning saw that it was not easy to say this thank you from Yang Lin, so he smiled and relieved his embarrassment.

"Eat this. Although it is not as effective as the elixir, it can also quickly restore your physical strength and adjust your state to the best!" Yang Lin didn't say anything more, but took out another medicine bottle from his arms, poured out an elixir from it, and handed it to Yi Xuanning.

"Thank you!" Yi Xuanning looked at the round and fragrant elixir in his hand. After a glance, he swallowed it into his mouth. In an eye, an energy melted into his body and all the negative effects left by the battle just now disappeared!

"This is my own elixir. Is the effect good?" Yang Lin looked at Yi Xuanning swallowing and recovered, and he was also very happy.

"Have you also learned alchemy?" Yi Xuanning really felt ashamed at this time. He also chose this system, but he didn't have time to practice. Now that Yang Lin has begun to enjoy the benefits brought by alchemy, Yi Xuanning made up his mind that he must learn this time!

He has now begun to practice, that is to say, his auxiliary system of martial arts has become the main system of cultivation. Now he has chosen all two main systems. Next, he can only practice these two, and the rest can no longer be learned, but the auxiliary system can still be learned!

Now he has so many points that he can use points to learn these things. When he goes back this time, Yi Xuanning will learn systematically, and he will definitely learn all of them!

In such a conversation, the relationship between the two was not close. Just now, Yi Xuanning risked his life to save Yang Lin, which also moved Yang Lin from the bottom of his heart. In fact, just now, after his unique move, Yang Lin was most afraid of Yi Xuanning to take advantage of the python when it was not dead. The system determined who killed the fierce beast, only It will be seen who touched the fierce beast for the last time!

If Yi Xuanning really touched it just now, he would have nothing. The big move was released to pave the way for Yi Xuanning, but Yi Xuanning did not, which made him very happy. If Yi Xuanning really took advantage of this, Yang Lin would definitely turn against him! But now it seems that Yi Xuanning is really a friend worth dating!

The next days are much more monotonous. The two have been walking in the original direction, and they have also met many fierce beasts along the way, powerful, not powerful, single, and gregarious. In short, in the next ten days, the two have come among the killing beasts, and in the following days, the two are like many years. Like good friends, they have an indescribable tacit understanding between each other! Similarly, in terms of killing monsters, you and me, everyone has a share. Of course, this refers to that kind of giant beast!

Similarly, other people also met together, some became friends, and some became enemies!

There are still ten days away from the last time of the mission, but Yi Xuanning and Yang Lin still haven't found the location of the Tianyuan beast! But neither of them is in a hurry. What he got now can be compared with getting a hair from Tianyuan Beast, although he can't enter the seven-level practice room!

"Bearby the way, Yang Lin, you have been talking about this seven-level practice room for the past two days, and I don't know much about it. Tell me!" At first, Yi Xuanning only cared about the 100,000 points and 10,000 experience, but after staying with Yang Lin for a period of time, he found that Yang Lin paid attention to the seven-level practice room!

And Yi Xuanning doesn't know anything about the seven-level practice room!

"In the college, there are nine-level practice rooms. In each level of practice rooms, there are different levels of aura and different levels of instructors. Level 7 practice rooms are already very advanced. Although you only stay in it for a few days, you will definitely gain a lot. You know, Li Zhihan is in the level 5 He has stayed once, once in the sixth level, and twice in the seventh level. Now his overall strength has reached a very high level, and according to my master, he is the most hopeful to win the championship in the next five-yuan meeting!" Yang Lin explained slowly, but the more he explained, the more troublesome it became. You know, now there is a new noun!

"What is the meeting of the Fifth House?" Yi Xuanning heard another new term and was very entangled. His understanding of the college was less than one-tenth of others, 1%! He doesn't know anything, which really makes him feel a little blushing!

However, Yang Lin did not dislike him, but felt that his master was a little too much. He didn't teach Yi Xuanning anything. These basic things were all given to him by his master!

"The meeting of the five courtyards is simply a fight, and there is nothing special, but the reward is more generous. Let your master tell you the specifics. According to the current situation, we are about to reach the territory of Tianyuan Beast. At that time, it will definitely be a big war. I have experienced a secret mission, in In the previous time, there was not much struggle. Basically, the strength is not too bad, and it will not die. When it comes to the final battle, it is a battle of life and death. Of course, there will be nothing between the students, but the fierce beast next to the old nest of Tianyuan Beast is not enough to solve it with quantity! We must act in a group at that time, so everything should be careful! Don't let others use guns!" Yang Lin is also an experienced person. He knows much more about this kind of thing than Yi Xuanning!

"Okay, let's go!" After hearing this, Yi Xuanning thought for a moment and understood what Yang Lin meant. Although Yi Xuanning had not experienced this kind of thing, he was a person for two generations after all! I still have a lot of experience in my previous life!

Then, the two continued to advance forward!

They worked so hard, and the others did not lag behind. Like them, all the living students moved towards the old nest of Tianyuan Beast. The fastest ones were Li Zhihan and Xiao Bing!

At this time, Li Zhihan is still a person. He is used to being alone, but he has already planned it. Once he arrives at the old nest of Tianyuan Beast, he has to work as a team. The fierce beast there can't be killed by himself, and he also needs help!

"When you arrive at the old nest of Tianyuan Beast, you can change to a new plan. Few of the people who come in this time are old faces, so the plan can still be implemented! At that time, I will still be the first!" Li Zhihan recalled the previous tasks and put a smile on his face. The success of the previous ones was not temporary luck. Every time he came up with new ways to let these people help him and use enough benefits to ** others. This is his way!

Such a method made him win the first four times, and this time, he also planned to do so!

In Li Zhihan's own world, he is already the supreme hegemony. Now what he has to do is to enter a higher space, but before entering, he must save enough capital and have a super college. Li Zhihan feels that it is not challenging to become the hegemon of his own world. What he wants to do is to become the hegemon of the college. Become the hegemon of the higher world!

For this goal, he gave up too many things, and he has become a lonely person for this goal! But he still hasn't given up! This is the goal he set for himself. For the super college, he also has the same doubts as Yi Xuanning and most students. Who built this college? Where on earth did this college come from? If he wants to dominate the whole college, he must solve this problem!

Similarly, Xiao Bing also has her own goal! He has entered the second time and space of his world, and he didn't know long ago that there was another layer on it! He wants to break this layer with the help of the strength of the college!

Xiao Bing knows very well that without the college, there would be no him today, and he also has a dream of reaching the top of the world! He also paid a lot for this dream. He and Li Zhihan are both the best in the college. No one will submit to each other. The two have been fighting for a long time!

And this time it's a positive contest between two people!

Finally, five days before the deadline of the mission, all the people had reached the periphery of the Tianyuan Beast's nest. At this time, all the students finally met!

At this time, Yi Xuanning finally realized the struggle in the college!

In the face of such a powerful opponent as the fierce beast, all the students chose to form a team before entering the old nest of Tianyuan Beast, and before entering, two people began to recruit teammates! These two are Li Zhihan and Xiao Bing!