Super College

Chapter 94 Xuantian Holy Body

"Rely on me?" Wan Yan frowned, which meant that he couldn't figure out why Yi Xuanning said so!

"Yes, if I don't have the teleportation charm you gave me, I'm afraid I can't reach the current level!" Yi Xuanning is telling the truth. I'm afraid he can't survive without the teleportation charm given to Huang Li! It is even more impossible to enter the valley, meet the Tianyuan beast, and become the master of the Tianyuan beast!

"You mean the teleporter helped you?" The more you listen to Wan Yan, the more confused you become. The teleportation symbol is just used to escape for life. How can you help people improve their cultivation?

"At that time, I met a group of fierce beasts. When I was about to die, I used a teleportation symbol. Who knew that the teleportation symbol sent me directly to the old nest of the Tianyuan beast. Although the Tianyuan beast recognized me as the master, I remember that a drop of golden blood entered my body. I knew my body at that time I couldn't stand the drop of golden blood at all, and then I swallowed the death elixir, and then fainted. When I woke up, it was already the fusion period! I feel like a dream!" Yi Xuanning thought about his strength and really felt a little dreamy. From a martial artist to a real person, and he was not the lowest level!

"So that's it. I didn't expect you to take the Tianyuan Beast for yourself. This is also your blessing. This time, you spent a year in the secret land of Tianyuan. You have made great progress and are very happy to be a teacher, but next you are a real practitioner. You have to work harder!" Although Wan Yan listened and envied his apprentice's luck, he didn't say much. For Wan Yan now, his apprentice got benefits and was happier than his own!

"Master, I'm a true practice now. The college won't change my master, will it?" Yi Xuanning suddenly thought that the master Wan Yan seemed to be the master of his martial arts. If he wanted to change a master after his promotion, he really didn't want to change it!

"Originally, other colleges are basically like this. The master of the martial arts is the master of the martial arts, and the master of Xiuzhen is the master of Xiuzhen, but if you are different, it can also be said that I am different! In fact, I can also be regarded as a true person, so I am more than enough to teach you these things! So the system is not ready to change!" Wan Yan was a little relieved to hear that Yi Xuanning didn't want to replace himself!

"That's good. By the way, master, I've been inside for a year. How long has it been outside?" When Yi Xuanning heard that Wan Yan said that he would not leave, he was relieved and then asked the second question he was worried about!

"Don't worry, it's just a few hours!" Wan Yan said with a smile.

"Can I go back to my world now?" Yi Xuanning thought about it and went back now. Although it was only a few hours outside the college, Yi Xuanning had passed a year, and his miss for Yi Xuanfeng had reached a peak, as if he missed his lover!

Yi Xuanning didn't know why he had this idea, but he just couldn't control it. He knew that Yi Xuanfeng was his sister, but he couldn't help but fantasize about traveling around the world hand in hand with Yi Xuanfeng. He knew in his heart that this was impossible. Although he was a soul from other worlds, his body It's still Yi Xuanning's! There is still blood on the two people, which is doomed to be impossible!

"What are you in a hurry? It's just a few hours. I'll take you to meet your refining master first. He can't wait to see you!" Wan Yan can't care about Yi Xuanning's ideas. At this time, it's better to pull out his precious apprentice first!

It's right to think about it. He has chosen the refining department for a long time, but he didn't see his master. This is really ridiculous! So I didn't think much about it, so I followed Wan Yan.

He didn't know, because he followed Wan Yan to meet his pharmacist, but missed an opportunity to meet his sister again! If Yi Xuanning knew in advance that such a thing would happen, he would definitely meet the master of the refining department with Wan Yan! I will definitely go home first!

Tianlong Kingdom, the imperial city, within Yifu.

In the hall, the owner of the Yi family, also known as Yi Xuanning's grandfather, was sitting in the middle of the hall, while Yi Xuanning's father, Yi Xuanfeng, stood aside and did not even sit. Opposite the two sat a woman. Although the woman looked kind on her face, she brought Yi Xuanfeng and his father. The pressure is quite high! Because this woman's identity* is too strong!

The saint of the Qingguang School!

This identity is enough for Yi Changhong and his son Yi Xuanfeng to come out to receive both! This time, this woman's purpose is very simple, which is to take away Yi Xuanfeng!

At this time, Yi Xuanfeng also stood below. Even her father and grandfather didn't say anything. Now she doesn't even dare to be angry. These days, he is already energetic and haggard for his brother. Who would have thought that such a thing would happen again at this time!

The day before, his father Yi Xuanfeng asked his servants to take her to relax in the imperial city. Who knew that he went to a restaurant. When Yi Xuanfeng was about to have some food and then go back, the woman suddenly sat on her table. After observing herself for a long time, she finally said that she wanted to take her as an apprentice!

Yi Xuanfeng had no intention to worship her teacher at this time. Her thoughts were all on Yi Xuanning. These days, she found that if her brother didn't come back, she had no intention of doing anything. Several times she practiced martial arts and almost hurt herself! At this time, she suddenly found that her younger brother Yi Xuanning unconsciously occupied her whole heart! This idea also makes her very contradictory!

But the woman who suddenly appeared, after she left, unexpectedly found the Yi family the next day and came directly with the emperor's imperial edict to take people away!

So, there is today's picture!

"Master Shuiyun, the little girl is too young to go out now. Look at this..." Yi Xuanfeng and Yi Xuanfeng said that she didn't want to go, so now Yi Xuanfeng also wants to discuss with the woman in front of her. After all, this woman's identity is really too strong. Big!

"Do you know that Xuanfeng is a rare holy body for ten thousand years? It is a waste that she has not accepted orthodox cultivation in the past ten years. If it goes on like this, there will be one less master in the world. If you don't know the situation, don't talk nonsense. I tell you that I took her away through your emperor. That's right, so I don't want to talk to you. I must take this person away today!" At this time, Shuiyun did not have the demeanor of a master at all, just like a shrew scolding on the street!

"We will meet the emperor and ask him to take back his order!" Yi Changhong didn't want his granddaughter to be taken away like this. After knowing this, the old woman nagging with him for a long time, but not to mention how big this woman's * is, just saying that the woman has the imperial edict in her hand makes him unable to refuse! This time he also risked his life!

"Presumptuous! I'm saying that I must take people away today. Now you only have two choices, one is to let her go with me, and the other is to die!" Shuiyun is completely an unreasonable woman. She is an impatient person. Who knows that these two people have repeatedly talked, making her more irritable! As soon as the words fell, Yi Changhong's right arm, which was originally placed on the table, was already suspended!

And the table under his hand was completely turned into powder!

"Grandpa, father, stop talking, I'll go!" Yi Changhong and Yi Xuanfeng were stunned. They had never seen such a scene at all. Without any action, the table closest to them turned into powder. What kind of strength is this? Without waiting for the two people to say anything, Yi Xuanfeng agreed!