Super College

Chapter 123 10

"Then tell me, what's the good news?" The cold fairy didn't look very curious and said coldly.

After looking at the cold fairy, he finally began to say, "At first, I observed that there was a space ring in his hand, and although I didn't see how this ring was made, I could feel a trace of space fluctuations, which was enough to prove that it was a space ring. ! This makes me believe that Yi Xuanning's master is a loose fairy. Although the space ring is above the disaster period, or the cultivation is slightly lower, people who are geniuses in refiners can refine it, but it is difficult to find some materials!

Moreover, it is not ruled out that Yi Xuanning had any chance to get this ring, so only 30% of me believe that Yi Xuanning's master is a scattered fairy!

Second, it is his skills! In the month when he became a teacher, I once guided him to practice, and it was that time that I found that the skills he practiced were completely unseen by me. I divided the absorbed aura into two parts. Although I had heard of dividing the aura into two parts of yin and yang before, this was the first time I saw it. ! Moreover, the skills he practiced seem to be more advanced, which has simplified the absorbed aura a lot! This made me add three layers to the original three-story foundation!

Of course, this does not rule out the possibility of luck. Maybe he happened to enter a very powerful ancient tomb and got these things, so when I found that his skills were special, it only increased the probability of believing that his master was a scattered immortal by 30%!

However, what finally made me confirm was the news that my eldest apprentice came back from heaven. In this newcomer's trial, I asked Yi Xuanning to go completely to see if he had a card. Sure enough, it was only the first day, and the news came back! Yi Xuanning has a bottom card, and it's a big one!

According to the news from Dengtian, after meeting a monster in the golden elixir period, Yi Xuanning first cut the monster with a treasure knife that he could not even see what material he used with spiritual knowledge, and then a golden ball came out of his hand!

And this little ball tore the space apart!

What kind of state can tear the space? What kind of baby can cause such damage? Obviously, Yi Xuanning did not use this treasure well and tore open many space cracks, but it only caused a skin trauma to the monster, but the powerful attraction of the space only needs to manually er The blood was almost absorbed. Although the monster has just given birth to a baby, it is a monster of the Golden Dan period after all!

This news made me add 30% again on the basis of the original 60%. I believe that Yi Xuanning's master is a master of the scattered immortal level!" The cold wind slowly said his words.

"Is there such a baby in the world? I haven't seen such a baby, but why has it been finished at three o'clock now, and it's only 90%? With your personality, I'm afraid you won't believe it, right?" Although the Hanyu immortals really want to see what kind of treasure this is, they don't have the kind of desire to take it for themselves at all. At this level, it is still impossible to say that there is no greed, but they can control themselves well! After all, they are already half immortals!

"Yes, even if there are 90%, I still have my own doubts, but before I came here, I suddenly thought of what my Shengtian disciple said to me!" Hanfeng said that he suddenly stopped here, but found that the two immortals did not show the expression he wanted to know the answer, and no one asked him what he said. He felt a little embarrassed and could only continue to talk. This can't be blamed for Hanfeng. He has been the leader for so many years, which made him often There will be that kind of impatient expression when you want to see others when you talk!

"Shengtian told me that Yi Xuanning's scattered immortal master once said that if there is any crisis in the Hanshan faction one day, he can take action once! That's this sentence, which makes me feel that ten people can believe it! From the news these days, it is not difficult to see that the world of cultivation is in chaos! It's really messed up! But that man can say this before Yi Xuanning joins the sect. That must not be a simple thing!" After Hanfeng Zhenren finished speaking, he was finally relieved. This and the other two news must be really good!

"We also have this ability similar to prediction, but we have never felt it so clearly. It is said that only the scattered immortals above the five disasters can feel it clearly, but how many scattered immortals above the five disasters on our Shengqi Star? What you said makes sense, so our team Yi Xuanning can only tween up and never let him feel any signs of us following him!" The cold fairy has only one idea, which is to attract!

As scattered immortals, they know too much about this aspect. Yi Xuanning's master can tell this matter before these things happen, which is enough to prove that Yi Xuanning's master is not simple!

"Well, I have passed the order now. No one will touch this Yi Xuanning. I can see that my child has some hostility to Yi Xuanning, but I will slowly correct it! Both of them are likely to be the pillars of our sect in the future, so I will never let them have conflicts!" Hanfeng Zhenren spoke at this time, as if he were reading a letter of guarantee, which was rigid and eye-catching!

"Okay, don't worry about this Yi Xuanning. Since his master has promised us this, he should be able to do it! Our urgent task now is to find out what the Motian Sect and the Ancient Immortals want to do!" After saying this, the cold fairy closed his eyes, so that the cold wind did not know what he was thinking now!

"Take a rest first, and I'll go first!" To be honest, Han Feng doesn't really want to come here, but he is not sure when he encounters this kind of thing, so he can only ask the two scattered immortals in the door to decide!

After the cold wind retreated, the eyes of the closed cold fairy slowly opened!

"Han Yu, what do you think we should do? Now all the places are in chaos, and I don't know where to go! Moreover, our sect is still the lowest among the seven sects. There are only two old guys! What else can we do now?"

"Forget, let's not think about this matter first, let's go to the plain to see what the ancient immortals are doing!" Han Yu didn't know what to say. As soon as the innocent man finished speaking, the two immediately opened a half-person-high space. Why don't we have rights? After a while, the whole Dongfu fell into silence!

At this time, Yi Xuanning and others have gone to the place where the monster lived, that is, the cave mentioned earlier by Yan Dong!

Yongdong can only be guaranteed with a human head at this time. He is very sure that this cave is the cave where he almost died after suffering a loss just now!