Super College

Chapter 127 Five Courts Gather!

In an unknown space, there are several five continents, each of which has a city more than ten miles in diameter, and outside the city, it is desolate.

And these five continents are distributed in the form of east, west, north and south, and I don't know how high it is just above the central continent. There is a city floating in the air! The whole city emits golden light, like the sun, so that everyone can feel warm!

However, after walking into this city, you will feel that there is no warmth here. Here, you can't see the existence of a person, and the silence is terrible!

Suddenly, the whole city seemed to be burning. In an flash, it glowed and emitted a dazzling light, and even the sun on the high control far away dared not compete with it!

"In the east, west, north and south, return to position quickly!"

At this time, a loud and majestic voice came out of the city. The continuous spread of the city reached the five continents in his mouth, and five different colors of light flashed over the five continents in an instant and flew up to the city in the sky!

"President of the East Academy, Chen Feng!"

"President of the West Academy, Ziliang!"

"President of the Southern Academy, Xiang Yang!"

"President of the North Court, Jiang Wu!"

"President of the Intermediate People's Court, Wei General!"

After five rays of light flashed, five people appeared in front of the city in the sky! These five people are all men, and each of them looks like a middle-aged man! Although they only said six simple words, the momentum emitted is very amazing!

At this time, a voice came from the city, just one voice, which suppressed all the momentum of the five of them! The person who made this sound is the same person who just said that sentence!

"Come in!"

Before the words fell, the five people outside the city disappeared! In front of a hall in the city, five people appeared at the same time!

In front of the hall, an old man in black clothes was waiting for them, and he was not surprised at their appearance. He just glanced at them faintly and turned to the main entrance of the hall!

After gently pushing the door, the old man looked at them again and stood there. The five deans were not angry at all, but smiled at the old man and walked into the hall in turn. When the five people walked in, the old man also followed in and closed the door from inside!

" Sit down!" After entering the hall, the five people stood in the middle of the hall. None of them dared to speak. All of them looked down and did not dare to stand. After the people on the stage spoke, the five people sat on their respective positions.

The layout of this hall is like a palace, but it is more luxurious than the palace. If there are practitioners present at this time, they will definitely scream loudly!

Because in this hall, every item is made of treasures that they may not be able to see in their lifetime, all kinds of refiner materials! Moreover, even if he finds a nine scattered fairy here, he can't name all the treasures here! The pillars in the hall are made of Xuantian jade, and the floor of the hall is made of cave crystals!

The chair sitting by the five deans is made of Ling Tianmu! The bonsai in the hall are all kinds of precious fairy grass and fairy medicine! In a word, everything here shows the owner's luxury, Xuantian jade. If you add a little bit to it when building weapons, you can improve the essence of weapons by several levels, cave crystallization, but it is a good thing that can increase the attack power of a weapon several times. Ling Tianmu, which is only a finger wide in tens of thousands of years. Ancient God Tree•••••

And here, they are just used as decorations••••

After the five deans sat on their own chairs, they raised their heads slightly and looked at the man sitting on the stage.

No one can see this person's face clearly. Even if you see him sitting there, you can't see what his face looks like. Sitting there, he gives people a unique appearance in heaven and earth. His whole face seems to be wrapped in smoke, and no one can see it clearly!

The five people underground, as the deans of the five colleges, which one is not a powerful figure? But in front of this person, they are like seeing their parents after five children make mistakes, and they dare not breathe! And the person who picked them in has stood beside the man on the stage, and he looks very respectful!

"I summoned you this time to ask you that someone has gone out in the East Courtyard, do you know?" The whole hall was quiet for a long time, and the man on the stage finally spoke! And the person who called the five deans to come here is this mysterious figure on the stage!

"I don't know!" Each of the five people under the stage is at a loss. They really don't know that this person is putting too much pressure on him. One look can make them feel afraid from the bottom of their hearts, so at this time, everyone is particularly nervous. Even if the answer is only two words, they are well thought out. !

"Dean of the East Academy, do you know?" Suddenly named by this mysterious person, the president of the East Academy stood up at almost the same time. At the same time, he was also very confused. His mind kept flashing through what had happened in recent years, but he didn't think of anything that could make this person on the stage gather them all here!

"I don't know!" After thinking about it for about three seconds, the president of the East Academy finally opened his mouth!

" Sit down!" In a hurry, a word came from above again, and the president of the East Academy immediately sat down. Look nervously at the people on the stage.

"Recently, someone went out in the East Courtyard, do you know?" After the president of the East Academy sat down, the man on the stage continued to speak!

When I heard the people on the stage say this, the president of the Eastern Academy immediately understood! So he immediately said, "My subordinates know about this matter, and now those two have been imprisoned for 500 years."

The other deans are relieved. Each of them knows that it must be nothing good to be called by the people on the stage! Now that the people above are talking about the East Courtyard, their worries are much less.

Imprisonment? Did he make a mistake? After listening to what the president of the East Academy said, the people on the stage opened their mouth again, but their voice increased by a few decibels! This mention doesn't matter, but it makes the dean of the East Courtyard more nervous!

"The two of them left the college without permission, and their subordinates punished them according to the regulations of the college."

"Dean of the Eastern Academy, if you don't want people to know, you can't do it!" After hearing the explanation of the president of the East Academy, the people on the stage shook their heads gently. The people present could only see him shaking their heads, but they could not see a trace of disappointment on his face covered by smoke!

After listening to this sentence, the whole dean of the East Academy could no longer stand it. The bean beads of sweat couldn't help rolling down from his face, and the panic in his eyes had proved that he was now afraid and afraid!

He thought that only he knew about it, but he didn't expect that the people on the stage also knew about it! Although he and Wan Yan have no hatred, Wan Yan used to work for that person! Moreover, Tang Yu, his current subordinate, also has a grudge against Wan Yan. This time, it was completely Tang Yu's idea to detain Wan Yan!

At this time, Yi Xuanning is facing a major crisis in his life. The reason why his master Wan Yan did not allow him to enter the college to see him before Jindan is that he is now imprisoned!