Super College

Chapter 137 If you can't get through the disaster, it's all over!

"Sure enough, human beings are indeed very interested in other people's secrets, but I can tell you that this is not a big deal. Are you confused when you look at my person, and this is also the reason why I won't let you go!" The alchemist looked at the expressions on the faces of several people who wanted to hear it continue to talk, and was very happy! This expression is what he expects!

If a person tells stories to others, he wants others to continue listening and wants to see the expected expression on other people's faces, and monsters are no exception!

(Damn it, I didn't expect that monsters have learned to sell their customs now!)

Yi Xuanning looked at this guy for a long time, but he didn't see this guy continue to talk. He was really uncomfortable, but he didn't dare to say anything. After all, now is in other people's territory, and it's time for him to make a decision!

"I just like to see your expressions! OK, then I'll continue to tell you! Do you want to know how I became a human figure? Tell you, take it away!" After laughing a few times, he slowly told the truth, but this also shocked several people!

Although several people didn't say anything, their hearts were turned upside down!

take it away! Several people are familiar with this word. That can be done by people in the Yuanying period. When the master of the Yuanying period is destroyed, Yuanying can be allowed to escape, and then find a well-qualified body to be reborn!

But the object of giving up is going to be lost! Yi Xuanning finally understood that this guy wanted to leave himself, but he seemed to want to take it away! But he already has a human form, why do he still does this?

For his child!

Yi Xuanning's thoughts suddenly turned into the child of the refining beast, and all this suddenly cleared up. This refining beast wanted to find an object for his own child to give up!

But another problem appeared! Since it is a seizure, it means that the original body has been destroyed or not needed, but as soon as this refining beast appeared, it appeared as a beast body. What's going on?

When I thought of this question, except for Yi Xuanning, several other people also thought of it, but Liao Binyu, who never showed that he was smart and didn't talk often!

"You are lying. After taking away, you can only be a human body. Why do you still have a beast? You should have appeared as a beast when you appeared just now, right? And now although you are humanoid, you still haven't been transformed successfully. You are just a semi-human figure. You still have that corner on your head, which is enough to explain the problem!" After saying these words, Liao Binyu stared at the refining beast tightly to see if there could be a flaw on his face!

But after listening to these words, the refining beast actually began to laugh. After laughing, he said, "It seems that you are really not simple, but what you see are superficial phenomena, and they are all flaws that I deliberately leaked. You still can't think of the actual things!

Let me tell you, this is our talent for air refining beasts! We are the darling of heaven. We have two talents that you don't know. One is the control of space. To tell you the truth, I just practiced until the early stage of Yuanying, but my ability to control space is not comparable to that of you human beings!

If you human beings want to compare the control of space with me, I'm afraid you can only do it before and after the disaster period! And another talent is to give up! The refining beast can only take away once in his life, but there is another advantage of taking away, that is, the original beast does not need to be discarded, and the body after taking away, like our split, can help us fight!" The refining beast finally told his secret!

Yi Xuanning and several people were completely shocked! Is this still a monster? These talents are really amazing! Imagine, if all monsters have such strength, is it still possible for humans to slaughter them as they do now?

Moreover, even if only the refining beast has such ability, as long as the refining beast has reached a high level, it is invincible! Imagine that a human figure can help attack, while a beast can control space. Such a combination is really unbelievable!

"You must be thinking about how anti-sky beasts are, right?" After seeing the expressions of several people, the refining beast smiled again, but this smile was a little sad, which made Yi Xuanning difficult to see through!

"To tell you the truth, God is fair. Since he has given us a very extraordinary talent, he will take back some of us! For example, the ability to reproduce!

Although our air refining beasts have anti-sky talent, our reproductive ability is very low, almost all of which are single-line transmission, and some of them don't even have offspring! This is the price!

We can control the space, but it is difficult to cultivate to a high level! When we cross the disaster, it is ten times or even 20 times more difficult than human beings. Have you ever thought about such a difficulty? Can you imagine that failure is direct death? If you human beings fail to overcome the disaster, you can become scattered immortals, but we can't! We can't! We only have one way to die!" Speaking of this, the whole person seems to be crazy.

After listening to this, Yi Xuanning and others are no longer surprised. If one day God is willing to give them such ability, but wants to take back their ability to reproduce and increase their difficulty of crossing the disaster by ten times or 20 times, they will never change it!

Maybe the refining beast can be beautiful for a while, but it is a difficult for them to survive the disaster!

If you can't get through the disaster, everything will be empty!

"Okay, that's all the nonsense. Now I'll take you on the road!" The face of the refining beast suddenly changed, and there was no sad look at all, but turned into a very ferocious look!

"Wait! I can stay, but you have to let them go!" When Yi Xuanning saw the refining beast that wanted to kill, he immediately stopped it!

"Rid you let them go? Do you think it's possible? After hearing Yi Xuanning's words, the air refining beast began to laugh directly as if he heard a joke!

"You... I know you want to take my house, but I tell you, if you don't let them go, I can't let you take it away at ease!" Yi Xuanning suddenly understood that this guy was going to release several people except Yi Xuanning just now, but after listening to his secret, will he still release it? Impossible! Since they have heard the secret of the alchemy beast, it is impossible for this guy to let him go!

Yi Xuanning can only bet that this refining beast wants Yi Xuanning to live!

"Oh? You are really smart. I can see that I want you to live, but I tell you, in my space, as long as I don't let you die, you don't want to die!" The air refining beast is not afraid of Yi Xuanning's problem at all! All his secrets have been told, so it is impossible to let other people go!

Is that right? In fact, I didn't die? Because I know it's you who died!" At this time, a strange smile suddenly appeared on Yi Xuanning's face, and then his whole body began to slowly fall from the air, and his body could also move!

"Impossible! You can get rid of my space bondage!" When the alchemy beast saw this scene, his eyes suddenly widened! This really makes him unbelievable! No one has ever escaped from his space! Then, the air refining beast raised its right hand and pushed it towards Yi Xuanning!

Only then did I find that this was really true, and Yi Xuanning really escaped! It's really out of his control!