Super College

Chapter 145 Soul Attachment

At night, Yi Xuanning's family gathered in the restaurant of the villa, young and old, with a total of 15 people, sitting together happily.

At this time, Yi Xuanning's eldest son, Yi Yang, suddenly stood up with a serious expression.

"Father, in fact, when we came back this time, we didn't just want to eat, but wanted to discuss something with you!" After winbling at his younger brother and sister, Yi Yang finally said something.

"Oh? What's the matter?" Yi Xuanning actually guessed what his eldest son wanted to say, but he didn't point it out. He wanted to see how his eldest son would open his mouth. Just after meeting the old man today, Yi Xuanning suddenly thought, since the story in this fantasy has developed to the present, why not let him have an ending?

So, he thought, his family property is so big that will his children compete? Sure enough, at night, this fantasy centered on Yi Xuanning realized his wish!

"Father, I'll tell you directly. We came here today to ask you to sign the will, so that we won't keep thinking about it. What do you think?" The eldest son Yi Yang's words really shocked Yi Xuanning. Yi Xuanning didn't expect his children to be so straightforward!,

"Okay, I agree. I can sign it. My property will be divided into five points in total. In addition to the four of you, and your mother, each of you will be one!" As soon as Yi Xuanning agreed, the eldest son took out a will from his arms. After Yi Xuanning finished speaking, he had to put it away again.

His will only contains four parts of the property, not five parts, so this one is going to be invalidated! After a while, Yi Yang finally made another copy. After Yi Xuanning read it three times, he was sure that the content was correct. After thinking about it, he wrote his name on it!

"Since this is a will, I guess I can't just write my name, right? Do I still need to do it myself?" Yi Xuanning still had a smile on his face and had no pressure at all. These people were his children, but they were just an illusion. He could fully feel that these four unfilial children wanted to kill him!

This is the great sadness of the family. He is only 60 or 70 years old, and he will be killed by his children. Yi Xuanning is glad that this is just an illusion. If real life is really like this, he may not be able to accept it!

"You don't need to do it yourself. Let's help you!" At this time, Yi Xuanning's youngest daughter Yi Yin actually came up directly with a knife, and several other people directly pulled Liu Yulin to prevent him from approaching Yi Xuanning. After Yi Xuanning's chest was stabbed, blood suddenly spewed out!

Yi Yin, Yi Xuanning's favorite little daughter in this fantasy life, but at this moment, she actually gave herself a knife!

However, Yi Xuanning doesn't care now. When the knife scratched Yi Xuanning's abdomen, Yi Xuanning seemed to have a new understanding of all this. Life and death, life and death, life and death!

He spent more than 50 years in this fantasy, just like a person's life. From birth to death, everything is a thing that should be experienced in life and must be experienced. Now, Yi Xuanning has experienced it, and Yi Xuanning has experienced it! Life is a miracle, and death is the end of this miracle!

At the moment when Yi Xuanning fell, he really realized that life and death were determined by heaven, and he could not resist at all. In the fantasy, he was the protagonist. Even when he died and what kind of big things happened were determined by himself, which was easier. Let him feel these things!

It is undeniable that there was a time when Yi Xuanning was lost and really lost in this fantasy. He felt that everything was real in the fantasy. Everything was true. Time has really passed 50 years, but outside, in the eyes of Chen Zhenlong and Tianyuan Beast, time has only passed for more than two days. It's almost three days!

And this is the most powerful point of the refining beast. Everyone has a weakness in his heart. Reasonable, this weakness should come from family affection, friendship, or love, but Yi Xuanning is the kind of strange price comparison, that is, there is no concept of family affection in his mind, that is, even if In his childhood memory, there was no news about his relatives, which also reduced the power of the air beast a lot!

Life and death are really simple. Life is like a multiple choice question. When you choose the right one, you must be born, but when you choose the wrong one, you may fail or die!

At the last moment he realized these things, Yi Xuanning clearly saw that these people in front of him were constantly disappearing and dispersing like fog. What son, daughter, wife, everything is floating clouds, and even his beard and wrinkles began to slowly dissipate!

"Is it broken?" Yi Xuanning felt the changes in his body and only felt that he had become stronger, but he still didn't know exactly. In fact, he didn't know that he only exists in the way of a soul now. Now the most important thing is that he needs to return to his body!

"Break it, Yi Xuanning break it! Sure enough, it didn't disappoint me! Xuanning, you don't have to think about anything now. Your soul is very powerful now, so you have to slowly integrate into your body. Try it and see if you can do it!" Chen Zhenlong felt the change of Yi Xuanning, and could even see with his naked eye that black smoke was constantly coming out of Yi Xuanning's body, and Yi Xuanning's body began to change!

Although Yi Xuanning heard Chen Zhenlong's voice, he could not express what he wanted to say. His soul was still trapped together. The black energy gradually dissipated, and Yi Xuanning gradually took back the initiative! When he heard Chen Zhenlong's words, he began to try to integrate his soul into the body. He thought it was very simple, but in fact, it was very difficult!

He can feel that his soul is very powerful, but his body seems to be a little worse. Now with a little force on his soul, his body seems to break! So he is more careful than ever. If something goes wrong at this time, he will really go crazy!

"Conservative Yuanyi, return to the truth, return the soul, and reshape the real body!" Chen Zhenlong saw that Yi Xuanning's soul was constantly struggling. In the end, he couldn't stand it and could only help him. Otherwise, Yi Xuanning's body would have been damaged by himself!

As soon as he finished reading the formula in Chen Zhenlong's mouth, Yi Xuanning reacted. What he lacked now was someone to mention it. As long as I mentioned it, he immediately reacted it!

Yi Xuanning's soul continued to expand in his body, and finally returned to a state as big as Yi Xuanning's body. At this time, Yi Xuanning finally recovered! Finally got the control of my body!